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Stored procedures
Allows you to specify the behavior of some Automatic Application Features (AAF). For example, you can set the export to Excel option used by the automatic menu of the tables.
Remark: this function is equivalent to AAFConfigure.
// Paramètre le mode d'exportation du contenu du champ Table vers Excel
ConfigureAAF(aafTableToExcel, taWithLayout)

// Avec combinaison d'options :
ConfigureAAF(aafTableToExcel, taColumnsTitles + taColumnDisplayedOrder + taWithLayout)
<Result> = ConfigureAAF(<Relevant AAF> , <Parameter>)
<Result>: Variant
Former value of AAF setting.
<Relevant AAF>: Integer constant or combination of Integer constants
Constant corresponding to the AAF to configure:
aafToastDurationRestoreFilterConfigures the display duration for the toast indicating the restoring of filters stored by the user on a Table control.
Reminder: The user can store the filters defined on a column of Table control via "Store the filter" in the context menu.
Applies to: Table control
aafPrintReportOnTableConfigures the print of report on Table control. The formatting of cells (colors, ...) defined in the Table control is stored when using TablePrint.
Applies to: Table control
aafFindSets the search window style used when searching within a window..
Applies to: Window
aafInternetSearchConfigures the engine used to perform the search on Internet. The search engine used by default is Google.
Applies to:
  • Edit control
  • Table control, TreeView Table control, Spreadsheet control and Pivot Table control
aafDirectoryTableExportConfigures the default directory where the export file will be created.
aafColumnSelectionSelection of visible columns via the context menu of Table control.
Applies to: Table control
aafTableToExcelExports the content of Table control or the selection performed in the control to Excel.
Applies to: Table control
aafTableToWordExports the content of Table control or the selection performed in the control to Word.
Applies to: Table control
aafTableToXMLExports the content of Table control or the selection performed in the control to XML.
Applies to: Table control
<Parameter>: Character string or Integer constant
Setting of AAF.
  • To configure the export to Excel, Word or XML, use the following constants:
    taWithInvisibleColumnsAlso exports the invisible columns of Table control.
    taWithLayoutExports the color and font of Table control.
    taColumnDisplayedOrderExports the columns according to the order of columns currently displayed in the Table control (and not according to the order of columns defined in the editor).
    taMergeOnly if the XLS file already exists.
    Merges the existing content with the new content:
    • The formulas, the formatting, ... of existing cells are stored.
    • The existing data is not stored. Only the data of columns found as well in the existing XLS file is stored.
    taSelectedLinesExports the selected rows only (all the rows are exported by default). Does not export the totals.
    taNoTitleOnly the data is copied into the export file.
    taNoTotalDoes not export rows with totals, average or automatic count (these rows are exported by default).
    taColumnsTitlesThe title of columns is inserted into the export file.
  • To configure the selection of visible columns, <Parameter> is an integer indicating the number of columns in the Table control from which the context menu remains displayed after a user selection. This parameter is set to 4 by default.
  • To configure the export directory, <Parameter> is a string corresponding to the directory path.
  • To configure the search engine used for the Internet search, <Parameter> is a string corresponding to the command line of search engine. For example:
    • Google: ""
    • Bing: ""
    • Yahoo: ""
    If <Parameter> = "" (empty string), the default engine will be used (Google).
  • To set up the search window, the following constants can be used:
    aafFindBarAppearanceThe window is searched using a minibar (Default mode for applications compiled from version 2024)..
    aafFindDialogAppearanceThe window search is performed via an Dialog( mode window by Default for applications compiled with a version prior to 2024.).
  • To configure the report print (especially how the formatting of cells is stored), <Parameter> is an integer set to 1.
  • To define how long a temporary message is displayed (filters in Table controls), <Parameter> indicates the display time expressed in hundredths of a second. This duration is set to 7 seconds by default. This parameter can be:
    • an integer corresponding to the number of hundredths of a second,
    • a Duration variable,
    • the duration in a readable format (e.g., '1 s' or '10 cs').
    • -1 to use the default duration.
Component: wd300obj.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 11
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Last update: 01/05/2024

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