ControlInOutReason (Function) In french: ChampCauseEntréeSortie Indicates the origin of the entry in the control. Caution: This function must only be used in the entry code or in the exit code of the control. // -- Entry code of EDT_EDIT1 control // If entry in the control via the keyboard IF ControlInOutReason() = reasonKeyboard THEN // The control is cleared MySelf = "" END
<Result> = ControlInOutReason()
<Result>: Integer constant Origin of the entry in the control currently in edit: | | reasonClick | Entry in the control via a mouse click. | reasonCode | Entry in the current control via SetFocusAndReturnToUserInput (or equivalent function). | reasonKeyboard | Entry in the control via the TAB key, a keyboard shortcut or by navigating through a Table control with the arrow keys. | reasonOpening | Entry in the current control after window opening. |
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