| |
Age | Returns the age according to the date of birth. |
BankHoliday | Indicates whether a day is a public holiday or not. |
BankHolidayAdd | Indicates that a day (or a list of days) is a public holiday. |
BankHolidayDeleteAll | Clears the list of all public holidays. |
BankHolidayList | Returns the list of the public holidays defined by BankHolidayAdd. |
ChronoEnd | Stops a stopwatch and returns the time elapsed (in milliseconds) since the start of timing (call to ChronoStart). |
ChronoPause | Pauses a stopwatch in order to measure the time spent on a process. |
ChronoReset | Stops and resets a running stopwatch. |
ChronoResume | Restarts a stopwatch that was stopped by ChronoEnd or ChronoPause. |
ChronoStart | Starts a stopwatch to measure the duration of a process (in milliseconds) and resets a running stopwatch. |
ChronoValue | Indicates the time elapsed (in milliseconds) since the call to ChronoStart. |
CurrentDay | Returns the number of the current day in the current month. |
CurrentMonth | Returns the number of the current month. |
CurrentYear | Returns the current year in integer format. |
DateDifference | Calculates the number of days between two dates. |
DatePicker | Opens the system date picker. |
DateSys | Returns or modifies the system date (current date defined on the current computer). |
DateTimeByDefault | Used to define the default value of Date, Time and DateTime variables. |
DateTimeDifference | Calculates the difference between two dates and times. |
DateTimeLocalToTimeZone | Converts a local date and time to the date and time in a particular time zone. |
DateTimeLocalToUTC | Converts a local date and time (time zone, summer time, winter time) to UTC. |
DateTimeTimeZoneToLocal | Converts a date and time from a particular time zone to a local date and time. |
DateTimeToEpoch | Converts a local datetime to Epoch format (number of time units since 01/01/1970 at 00h00 UTC). |
DateTimeToReal | Converts a date and time to an 8-byte real. |
DateTimeToString | Converts a DateTime to string in the specified format. |
DateTimeUTCToLocal | Converts a UTC date and time to local time (time zone, summer time, winter time). |
DateTimeValid | Checks the validity of a date/time between January 01, 0001 at 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds 0 hundredths of a second and December 31, 9999 at 23 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds 99 hundredths of a second. |
DateToDay | Returns the day corresponding to a given date. |
DateToDayInAlpha | Returns the name of the day corresponding to a specified date. |
DateToDayOfWeek | Returns the day of the week that corresponds to a given date. |
DateToDayOfYear | Returns the day of the year corresponding to a given date. |
DateToInteger | Converts a date to an integer. |
DateToMonthInAlpha | Returns the name of the month that corresponds to a specified date. |
DateToString | Converts: - a date to a string in the specified format.
- a date time to a string in the specified format.
DateToWeekNumber | Returns the week number within the year that corresponds to the specified date. |
DateValid | Checks the validity of a date between January 01 0001 and December 31 9999. |
DayNumberInAlpha | Returns the name of the day of the week according to its number. |
| Takes the number of a day in the year and returns the corresponding date in "YYYYMMDD" format. |
DurationToString | Converts a duration to a character string in the specified format. |
Easter | Returns the date of Easter for the specified year according to the western Christian calendar. |
EpochToDateTime | Converts a date and a time in Epoch format (number of time units since 01/01/1970 at 00h00 UTC) to a local datetime. |
FirstDayOfMonth | Returns the first day of the month. |
FirstDayOfWeek | Returns the date of first day of the week (i.e., Monday). |
FirstDayOfYear | Returns the date of the first day of the year. |
IntegerToDate | Converts an integer into a date in YYYYMMDD format. |
IntegerToDay | Returns the day of the week corresponding to the specified date (this date is an integer). |
IntegerToDayInAlpha | Returns the name of the day corresponding to a specified date (this date is an integer). |
IntegerToMonthInAlpha | Returns the name of the month that corresponds to the specified date (this date is an integer). |
IntegerToTime | Converts an integer into a time in HHMMSSCC format. |
IntegerToWeekNumber | Returns the week number within the year that corresponds to the specified date (this date is an integer). |
LastDayOfMonth | Returns the date of the last day for the specified month. |
LastDayOfWeek | Returns the date of the last day of the week corresponding to a given date. |
LastDayOfYear | Returns the date of the last day of the year. |
LeapYear | Indicates whether the specified year is a leap year or not. |
MonthNumberInAlpha | Returns the name of the month according to its number. |
Now | Returns or modifies the system time (current time defined for the current computer). |
RealToDateTime | Converts an 8-byte real to a date and time. |
StringToDate | Converts a date in character string format to a date in YYYYMMDD format. |
StringToDuration | Converts a duration in character string format to a duration that can be used by a Duration variable. |
StringToTime | Converts a time in character string format to a time in HHMMSSCC format that can be used by a Time variable. |
SysDateTime | Returns or modifies the system date (current date and time defined on the current computer). |
TimeDifference | Calculates the difference between two times in hundredths of a second. |
TimePicker | Opens the system time picker. |
TimeSys | Returns or modifies the system time (current time defined for the current computer). |
TimeToInteger | Converts a time to an integer. |
TimeToString | Converts a time to a string in the specified format. |
TimeValid | Checks the time validity. |
Today | Returns or modifies the system date (current date defined on the current computer). |
Tomorrow | Returns the date of the day following the current day or a given date. |
WeekNumber | Returns the week number within the year that corresponds to the specified date (this date is a character string). |
WeekToDate | Returns the date of the Monday for the specified week and year. |
Yesterday | Returns the date of the day preceding the current day or a given date. |