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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Communication / Managing emails
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Stored procedures
Sends an email:
  • using the SMTP protocol: the email is sent directly to the server. The email is actually sent when disconnecting from the SMTP server (i.e. when the session is closed).
Attention: Before sending the email, it is necessary to:
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPad In this version, the emails can be sent via the SMTP protocol only.
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPad Sending a message by SMTP
// Ouverture d'une session SMTP
MaSession is emailSMTPSession
MaSession.ServerAddress = ""
// Construction d'un email
MonMessage is Email
MonMessage.Sender = ""
Add(MonMessage.Recipient, "")
MonMessage.Subject = SAI_SujetEmail
MonMessage.Message = SAI_TexteEmail
// Envoi du message
EmailSendMessage(MaSession, MonMessage)

Sending an email using SMTP Hide the details

<Result> = EmailSendMessage(<Session> [, <Email> [, <Advanced options>]])
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the message was sent to the SMTP server,
  • False otherwise. To get more details on the error, use ErrorInfo with the errMessage constant.
<Session>: Character string or emailSMTPSession variable
Identifies the user session. Corresponds to:
<Email>: Optional Email variable
Name of the Email variable corresponding to the email to be sent. If this parameter is not specified, the information contained in the Email structure is used.
<Advanced options>: Optional Integer constant
Combination of following constants:
emailOptionEncodeHeaderEncodes the message headers in Quoted-Printable if necessary.
The headers of messages are not encoded by default. This constant prevents the reception of email with wrongly decoded accented characters.
emailOptionMessageIDTakes the Email.MessageID variable into account to generate the email. This option is ignored if this variable is not specified.
This option is an advanced option.
emailOptionReferenceTakes the Email.Reference variable into account to generate the email. This option is ignored if this variable is not specified.
This option is an advanced option.
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPad

Progress Bar

To follow the sending progress, use EmailProgressBar.
Related Examples:
Sending an email in HTML format Unit examples (WINDEV): Sending an email in HTML format
[ + ] Using the WLanguage "EmailImportHTML" function.
This function is used to import an HTML file into the email structure. This allows you to easily add images into the emails.
Sending emails Unit examples (WINDEV): Sending emails
[ + ] Sending emails with WINDEV.
WD Mailshot Training (WINDEV): WD Mailshot
[ + ] This example explains how to send a mailshot with WINDEV.

This example is used to type the subject of the message, its content and its attachments.
Then, the user must select the customers to which the message will be sent.
The WLanguge EmailSendMessage() function is used to send the message to each selected customer.
Technical implementation:
An email server compatible with POP3/SMTP must necessarily be accessible from the computer on which the application is run.
WD JavaMail Training (WINDEV): WD JavaMail
[ + ] This example is a Java example used to read and send emails.
WW_CMS Complete examples (WEBDEV): WW_CMS
[ + ] This example is an example of CMS (Content Management System).
This is a site for content management, typically a site for displaying some articles.

This example is divided into 2 parts:
- An AWP part for the part that must be referenced
- A WEBDEV part for the management part

In order for some features of the example to operate (sending emails for example), the parameters must be modified in order to adapt them to your configuration.
These parameters are stored as constants defined in the code of the project.
Component: wd300com.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/24/2024

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