- Exchange table
- Redefining currencies
- Initializing the reference currency
- New currencies
eInitCurrency (Function) In french: eInitDevise Adds or changes the characteristics of a currency in the currency exchange table. // Modify the caption of the French Franc eInitCurrency(eFRF, "Franc", eExchangeRate(eFRF))
// Modify a user currency // Use the CFA Franc eInitCurrency(17, "CFA Franc", 655.96)
eInitCurrency(<Currency> , <Currency caption> , <Exchange rate>)
<Currency>: Integer or constant Currency number or constant associated with the currency (see the exchange table). <Currency caption>: Character string Caption of the currency (returned by eCurrencyName). <Exchange rate>: Currency Value of one Euro expressed in the relevant currency (value included between 0 and 2147). The exchange rate of a currency is returned by eExchangeRate. Remarks An exchange table is stored in memory. Each currency is associated with: - A currency number used to identify the currency by programming.
- A constant used to identify the currency by programming.
- A caption (up to 7 characters): this caption is displayed in the "Currency + Euro" control if the input mask allows it (the $ sign is indicated).
- An exchange rate. This exchange rate corresponds to the exchange rate of the currency in relation to the Euro.
This exchange table is as follows: | | | | | Currency number | Constant | Country | Exchange rate | Default caption |
0 | eEUR | Euro zone | 1 | EURO | 1 | eFRF | France | 6.55957 | F | 2 | eITL | Italy | 1936.27 | ITL | 3 | eBEF | Belgium | 40.3399 | BEF | 4 | eLUF | Luxembourg | 40.3399 | LUF | 5 | eDEM | Germany | 1.95583 | DEM | 6 | eATS | Austria | 13.7603 | ATS | 8 | eESP | Spain | 166.386 | ESP | 9 | eIEP | Ireland | 0.787564 | IEP | 10 | eNLG | Netherlands | 2.20371 | NLG | 11 | ePTE | Portugal | 200.482 | PTE | 14 | eGRD | Greece | 340.750 | GRD | 15 | eFIM | Finland | 5.94573 | FIM | Currencies not taking part in the Euro | | | | | | 7 | eDKK | Denmark | 0 | DKK | 12 | eGBP | Great Britain | 0 | GBP | 13 | eSEK | Sweden | 0 | SEK | 16 - 25 | - | | 0 | Free1 to Free10 | 26 | eCYP | Cyprus | 0 | CYP | 27 | eCZK | Czech Republic | 0 | CZK | 28 | eEEK | Estonia | 0 | EEK | 29 | eHUF | Hungary | 0 | HUF | 30 | eLTL | Lithuania | 0 | LTL | 31 | eLVL | Latvia | 0 | LVL | 32 | eMTL | Malta | 0 | MTL | 33 | ePLN | Poland | 0 | SCH | 34 | eSIT | Slovenia | 0 | SIT | 35 | eSKK | Slovakia | 0 | SKK |
The first currency (whose identifier is set to 0) is the currency used as reference for the conversions. Caution: The currencies whose exchange rate is set to 0 will not be displayed in the popup menu of the "Currency + Euro" control. When redefining currencies, we recommend that you keep the order of currencies defined in the exchange table. Indeed, the lists of currencies defined in the different editors are based on this order. Therefore, if currency #3 (corresponding to the Belgium Franc) is redefined through programming to correspond to the Peseta, the window/page editor will still display the Belgium Franc in third position for currencies. However, at run time, the third currency will be the Peseta. Initializing the reference currency eInitCurrency cannot be used to initialize the reference currency (whose identifier is set to 0). If new currencies are participating in the Euro, eInitCurrency allows you to take these new currencies into account in your applications via the "User-defined currencies" (numbered from 16 to 25). The use of these "User-defined currencies" enables you to access new currencies in the window editor and in the page editor (in "Display Currency" and "Stored Currency").
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