- Binary Memo item that uses HFSQL thumbnails
- Managing memos in SQLite
- Previous versions
HExtractMemo (Function) In french: HExtraitMémo
Not available with this kind of connection
Extracts the content of a binary memo item from an HFSQL data file, from a query or from an HFSQL view into a physical file (on disk).
Extracting a memo Hide the details
<Result> = HExtractMemo(<Data file> , <Memo item> [, <Destination file>])
<Result>: Boolean - True if the operation was performed,
- False if a problem occurs. HError is used to identify the error.
<Data file>: Character string Name of data file (query of view) used. If this name is not specified, HExtractMemo will use the last data file used by the last HFSQL function (function starting with "H"). <Memo item>: Character string Name of the item containing the binary memo to extract. <Destination file>: Optional character string Path and full name of the file where the content of the item must be saved. If this parameter is not specified, the binary memo is saved in its initial path and file. The creation date and the date of last modification of this file are restored.
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