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Help / WLanguage / Managing databases / HFSQL / Managing statistics
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Stored procedures
Returns the date of the last update for the index statistics. These statistics have been calculated with HStatCalculate or HIndex.
// Réalisation de statistiques sur la clé NomCli du fichier de données Client
HStatCalculate(Client, NomCli)

// Connaître la date de réalisation de ces statistiques
ResDate = HStatDate()
Info("Les statistiques effectuées sur la rubrique NomCli ont été réalisées le: " + ...
			DateToString(ResDate, maskDateSystem))
<Result> = HStatDate([<Data file> [, <Key item>]])
<Result>: Character string
  • Date of the last update performed on the statistics, in YYYYMMDD format (YYYY corresponds to the year, MM to the month and DD the day). The date is returned in UTC format (Universal Time Coordinated).
  • Empty string ("") if the statistics have not been calculated.
<Data file>: Optional character string
Name of the data file used. If this name is not specified, HStatDate uses the last data file used by the last HFSQL management function (function starting with "H").
<Key item>: Optional character string
Name of the key item on which the statistics have been calculated. If this name is not specified, HStatDate will use the last key item used by the last HFSQL management function (function starting with "H").
In HFSQL data files, statistics can be calculated on key items only.
Component: wd300hf.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/24/2024

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