- Reinitializing positions
- Miscellaneous
- Repositioning principle for Native Connectors (also called Native Access)
HRestorePosition (Function) In french: HRetourPosition
Not available with this kind of connection
Restores the previously saved context of a data file (function HSavePosition): current record, filter, read pointers. HRestorePosition is used to restore: - the number of the record used,
- the different pointers in the index (the position in the index is saved for each key),
- the current filter (only if the hRPFilter constant is specified).
This function can be used with the data files, HFSQL views or queries.
HReadSeekFirst(Customer, Name, Name)
WHILE HFound(Customer) = True
nPos = HSavePosition(Customer, Name)
HReadSeek(Customer, Name, Name2)
IF HFound() = True THEN Counter = Counter + 1
HReadNext(Customer, Name)
Restoring the specified position Hide the details
<Result> = HRestorePosition(<Position> [, <Option>])
<Result>: Boolean - True if the specified position was restored,
- False otherwise. HError returns more details about the problem.
<Position>: entier Position to restore. Value returned by HSavePosition. <Option>: Optional constant (or combination of constants) Used to configure the restore operation: | | hRPDefault (default value) | The position is freed. The stored position is restored. | hRPFilter | Restores the filter implemented during the call to HSavePosition. | hRPHF5 | If the stored position was deleted or modified, this position is still restored. If the hRPHF5 constant is not specified and if the backup was performed on several items, the positioning is performed according to the current record number during the call to HSavePosition.
| hRPKeep | The position is not freed (other calls to HRestorePosition can be performed on this position). |
Restoring a data file Hide the details
<Result> = HRestorePosition([<Data file>])
<Result>: Boolean - True if the context has been restored,
- False otherwise. HError returns more details about the problem.
<Data file>: Optional character string Name of the data file whose context is to be restored. If this name is not specified, HRestorePosition will use the last data file used by the last HFSQL function (function starting with "H"). Remarks Reinitializing positions Please note: all functions which open or close a data file reset the context numbers (e.g. HCreation, HClose, ...). If the record saved by HSavePosition was deleted, HRestorePosition keeps the current context but it will position on the record following the deleted record.
Business / UI classification: Business Logic
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