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Help / WLanguage / Managing databases / HFSQL / HFSQL functions
  • Deletion and modification rule
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Stored procedures
Returns the list of a data file links (Merise type) present.:
  • in the current analysis,
  • in ongoing analyses (case of projects with multiple analyses).
  • in a specific analysis.
// Récupérer les liaisons du fichier de données Client de l'analyse en cours
ListeLiaison is string
ListeLiaison = HListLink(Client, hLstDetail)
// Ajoute la liste des liaisons dans le champ COMBO_MaCombo
ListAdd(COMBO_MaCombo, ListeLiaison)
// Récupérer les liaisons d'une base de données HFSQL Client/Serveur
// indépendamment de l'analyse en cours
CnxHFSQL is Connection
CnxHFSQL.Provider = hAccessHFClientServer
CnxHFSQL.Utilisateur = "admin"
CnxHFSQL.MotDePasse = ""
CnxHFSQL.Serveur = "HFSQLServeur:4900"
CnxHFSQL.BaseDeDonnées = "CRM"
ListeLaison is string = HListLink("*", CnxHFSQL)
// Ajoute la liste des liaisons dans le champ COMBO_COMBO1
ListAdd(COMBO_COMBO1, ListeLiaison)

Listing the links in an analysis Hide the details

<Result> = HListLink([<Data file> [, <Path of the WDD file> [, <Password of the WDD file>]]] [, <Options>])
<Result>: Character string
List of links.
Projects with multiple analyses: If several analyses are in progress, all links of all analyses in progress are listed (without duplicates).
The different link descriptions are separated by CR characters (Carriage Return). The result is more or less detailed depending on the constant used:
hLstDetail is not specified<Name link1> + TAB + <Name file1.1> + TAB + <Name item1.1> + TAB + <Cardinality 1.1> + TAB + <Name file1.2> + TAB + <Name item1.2> + TAB + <Cardinality 1.2> + CR +...
hLstDetail is specified<Name link1> + TAB + <Name file1.1> + TAB + <Name item1.1> + TAB + <Cardinality 1.1> + TAB + <Name file1.2> + TAB + <Name item1.2> + TAB + <Cardinality 1.2> + TAB + <Modification rule> + TAB + <Deletion rule> + CR +...

  • <Name link X>: link name.
  • <Name file x.1>:: Name of the data file related to the primary key.
  • <Name item x.1>: Name of the item related to the primary key or name of the specified data file.
  • <Cardinality x.1>: Cardinality of the link related to the primary key in the following format: "<Min cardinality>, <Max cardinality>" ("0, N" or "1, N" for example).
  • <Name file x.2>: Name of the data file related to the foreign key.
  • <Name item x.2>: Name of the item related to the foreign key.
  • <Cardinality x.2>: Cardinality of the link related to the foreign key in the following format: "<Min cardinality>, <Max cardinality>" ("0, N" or "1, N" for example).
  • <Modification rule>: Rule to apply if the primary key is modified.
  • <Deletion rule>: Rule to apply if the primary key is deleted.
HFSQL Client/Server The name of data files corresponds to the name of the database + '\' + the relative physical name of these data files.
OLE DBNative Connectors (Native Accesses) If one of the listed links is performed in a composite key, the <Name item 1.2> parameter returned will correspond to the name of the different key components. The names will be separated by a comma.
<Data file>: Optional character string
Name of the data file whose links must be listed. The links originating from this file or ending at this file are listed.
If this parameter corresponds to "*", HListLink lists the links defined for all the data files in the analysis.
<Path of the WDD file>: Optional character string
Full path of the analysis file (.WDD file).
If this parameter is not specified or is equal to an empty string (""), links are searched for:
  • in the current analysis.
  • in all current analyses (case of projects with multiple analyses).
<Password of the WDD file>: Optional character string
Password defined for the analysis. If no password is defined, this parameter must be equal to an empty string ("").
<Options>: Optional integer constant
Type of list to perform:
hLstDetailLists the detailed information about the links.
(default value)
Lists the links.
Hyper File 5.5 This parameter is ignored.
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Listing the links of a data file accessible via Native Connector or OLE DB, or via an HFSQL Client/Server connection Hide the details

<Result> = HListLink([<Data file> [, <Connection>]] [, <Options>])
<Result>: Character string
List of links. The different link descriptions are separated by CR characters (Carriage Return). The result is more or less detailed depending on the constant used:
hLstDetail is not specified<Name link1> + TAB + <Name file1.1> + TAB + <Name item1.1> + TAB + <Cardinality 1.1> + TAB + <Name file1.2> + TAB + <Name item1.2> + TAB + <Cardinality 1.2> + CR +...
hLstDetail is specified<Name link1> + TAB + <Name file1.1> + TAB + <Name item1.1> + TAB + <Cardinality 1.1> + TAB + <Name file1.2> + TAB + <Name item1.2> + TAB + <Cardinality 1.2> + TAB + <Modification rule> + TAB + <Deletion rule> + CR +...

  • <Name link X>: link name.
  • <Name file x.1>:: Name of the data file related to the primary key.
  • <Name item x.1>: Name of the item related to the primary key or name of the specified data file.
  • <Cardinality x.1>: Cardinality of the link related to the primary key in the following format: "<Min cardinality>, <Max cardinality>" ("0, N" or "1, N" for example).
  • <Name file x.2>: Name of the data file related to the foreign key.
  • <Name item x.2>: Name of the item related to the foreign key.
  • <Cardinality x.2>: Cardinality of the link related to the foreign key in the following format: "<Min cardinality>, <Max cardinality>" ("0, N" or "1, N" for example).
  • <Modification rule>: Rule to apply if the primary key is modified (see Remarks).
  • <Deletion rule>: Rule to apply if the primary key is deleted (see Remarks).
HFSQL Client/Server The name of data files corresponds to the name of the database + '\' + the relative physical name of these data files.
OLE DBNative Connectors (Native Accesses) If one of the listed links is performed in a composite key, the <Name item 1.2> parameter returned will correspond to the name of the different key components. The names will be separated by a comma.
<Data file>: Optional character string
Name of the data file whose links must be listed. The links originating from this file or ending at this file are listed.
If this parameter corresponds to "*", HListLink lists the links defined for all the data files in the analysis.
This parameter can correspond to a name unknown to the HFSQL engine, only existing on the database server.
The name of the data file found in first position corresponds to the data file related to the primary key.
<Connection>: Optional character string or Connection variable
Connection to use. This connection corresponds to:
<Options>: Optional integer constant
Type of list to perform:
hLstDetailLists the detailed information about the links.
(default value)
Lists the links.
Hyper File 5.5 This parameter is ignored.

Deletion and modification rule

The modification and deletion rules returned by HListLink can correspond to the following constants:
hIntegrityCascadeManage the cascading modification and deletion.
hIntegrityDefaultValueDuring the deletion, a default value is assigned to the linked records.
hIntegrityForbiddenStrict respect of integrity.
hIntegrityNoneNo integrity constraint.
Component: wd300hf.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/05/2024

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