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Stored procedures
HFSQL constants
Display only constants used by prefix syntaxes
The following constants are used to manipulate HFSQL data files:
eltSetOfProceduresThe listed element is a set of proceduresHListStoredElement
eltProcedureThe listed element is a stored procedureHListStoredElement
eltQueryThe listed element is a query.HListStoredElement
h3GType of network to simulate: 3GHSimulateNetwork
h4GType of network to simulate: 4GHSimulateNetwork
h5GType of network to simulate: 5GHSimulateNetwork
hAcceptOpenedFileAllows you to read the source file that will be added to the memo if this source file is opened in write mode somewhere else.HLinkMemo
hAccessHF7Pseudo-connection to HFSQL Classic database.HConnect, HDeclareExternal,
HDescribeConnection, HListFile,
Provider property, CtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hAccessHFClientServerProvider that will be used for the connection: Native Connector to an HFSQL Client/Server databaseHConnect, HDeclareExternal,
HDescribeConnection, HListFile,
Provider property, CtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hAccessJDBCMySQLAccess to a MySQL database via a JDBC driverHDescribeConnection,
hAccessJDBCSQLServerAccess to an SQL Server database via a JDBC driverHDescribeConnection,
hNativeAccessAS400Provider that will be used for the connection: Native AS/400 Connector (optional module of WINDEV)HConnect, HDeclareExternal,
HDescribeConnection, HListFile,
Provider property, CtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessDB2OLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: Native DB2 Connector (optional module of WINDEV)HConnect, HDeclareExternal,
HDescribeConnection, HListFile,
Provider property, CtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessInformixOLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: Native Informix Connector (optional module of WINDEV)HConnect, HDeclareExternal,
HDescribeConnection, HListFile,
Provider property, CtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessMariaDBOLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: Native MariaDB Connector (optional module of WINDEV/WEBDEV)HConnect, HDeclareExternal,
HDescribeConnection, HListFile,
Provider property, CtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessMySQLOLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: Native MySQL ConnectorHConnect, HDeclareExternal,
HDescribeConnection, HListFile,
Provider property, CtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessOracleOLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: Native Oracle Connector (optional module of WINDEV)HConnect, HDeclareExternal,
HDescribeConnection, HListFile,
Provider property, CtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessOracleLiteProvider that will be used for the connection: Native Oracle Connector (optional module of WINDEV Mobile)HConnect, HDeclareExternal,
HDescribeConnection, HListFile,
Provider property, CtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessPostgreSQLOLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: Native PostgreSQL ConnectorHConnect, HDeclareExternal,
HDescribeConnection, HListFile,
Provider property, CtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessProgressOLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: Native Progress Connector (optional module of WINDEV)HConnect, HDeclareExternal,
HDescribeConnection, HListFile,
Provider property, CtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessSQLAzureOLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: Native SQL Azure ConnectorHConnect, HDeclareExternal,
HDescribeConnection, HListFile,
Provider property, CtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessSQLiteOLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: Native Connector to an SQLite databaseHConnect, HDeclareExternal,
HDescribeConnection, HListFile,
Provider property, CtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessSQLServerOLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: Native SQL Server Connector (optional module of WINDEV)HConnect, HDeclareExternal,
HDescribeConnection, HListFile,
Provider property, CtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessSQLServerMobileProvider that will be used for the connection: Native SQL Server Mobile Connector (optional module of WINDEV Mobile)HConnect, HDeclareExternal,
HDescribeConnection, HListFile,
Provider property, CtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessSybaseOLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: Native Sybase Connector (optional module of WINDEV)HConnect, HDeclareExternal,
HDescribeConnection, HListFile,
Provider property, CtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessXBaseOLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: Native xBase ConnectorHConnect, HDeclareExternal,
HDescribeConnection, HListFile,
Provider property, CtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessXMLProvider that will be used for the connection: Native XML Connector (provided with WINDEV/WEBDEV)HConnect, HDeclareExternal,
HDescribeConnection, HListFile,
Provider property, CtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hActiveDirectoryEnable the authentication via Active Directory. HSetServer
hADSLType of network to simulate: ADSLHSimulateNetwork
hAffectBrowseAddition affecting the current browseHAdd, HModify
hApplicationProperty of a database found on an HFSQL server: Name of the application from which the database was created.HInfoDatabaseProperty, HInfoFileProperty
hStoppedServer stoppedHServerStatus
hNoneUsed to disable the simulation of a specific network.HSimulateNetwork
hAllowedThe relevant rights are granted to the user or group.HModifyDatabaseRights,
hWithFilterThe query result corresponds to a selection of filter records if the HFSQL engine allows it. Otherwise, the query result corresponds to an HFSQL view.HExecuteQuery, HExecuteSQLQuery
hWithTransactionThe query is run in a transaction. HExecuteQuery, HExecuteSQLQuery
hLockWriteType of lock: Lock in write modeHAdd, HForward, HLockFile, HLockRecNum, HLast, HWrite, HRead, HReadLast, HReadPrevious, HReadFirst, HReadSeekLast, HReadSeekFirst, HReadNext, HModify, HPrevious, HFirst, HCross, HSeek, HSeekLast, HSeekFirst, HBackward, HNext
hLockReadWriteType of lock: Lock in read/write modeHAdd, HForward, HLockFile, HLockRecNum, HLast, HWrite, HRead, HReadLast, HReadPrevious, HReadFirst, HReadSeekLast, HReadSeekFirst, HReadNext, HModify, HPrevious, HFirst, HCross, HSeek, HSeekLast, HSeekFirst, HBackward, HNext
hLockNoType of lock: No lockHAdd, HForward, HLockFile, HLockRecNum, HLast, HWrite, HRead, HReadLast, HReadPrevious, HReadFirst, HReadSeekLast, HReadSeekFirst, HReadNext, HModify, HPrevious, HFirst, HCross, HSeek, HSeekLast, HSeekFirst, HBackward, HNext
hCacheNbUnusedFilesMaximum number of unused HFSQL tables that are stored in cache (which means opened) on the server. HSetServer
hAutoStatisticalCalcEnable the automatic calculation of statistics for the data files (optimization of indexes).HSetServer
hCardinalityIntegrity constraints: Check the link cardinalities.HSetIntegrity
hInfiniteCardinalityMaximum cardinality ("N")MaxLinkedCardinality property, MaxSourceCardinality property
hChangeCharsetThe character set defined by ChangeCharset will be taken into account in the new data file. Sorts, searches, ... on string keys (strings, characters, date and time) will be performed according to this character set.HCreation,
hDatabasePathPath of directory containing all databasesHSetServer
hJNLPathPath of the directory containing all the logs of the different HFSQL Client/Server applicationsHSetServer
hJNLBackupPathPath of the directory containing the backups of the logsHSetServer
hLogPathPath of the directory containing the log filesHSetServer
hBackupPathPath of the directory containing the backups. HSetServer
hActivityStatisticsPathPath of the directory containing the activity statisticsHSetServer
hDuplicateKeyCharacteristics of an item: Key with duplicatesKeyType property
hPrimaryKeyCharacteristics of an item: Primary keyKeyType property
hUniqueKeyCharacteristics of an item: Unique keyKeyType property
hCloudType of network to simulate: CloudHSimulateNetwork
hSQLCodeRequested information: SQL code of the materialized viewHInfoView
hCompatibleThe structures of the data files (defined in the analysis and found in the physical file) must be compatible.HCheckStructure
hPackNoCompression mode: No compressionMmoPackMethod property
hPackZLWCompression mode: Compression based on the Ziw-Lempel algorithm, Welch implementation.MmoPackMethod property
hKeepTRSStores the transaction files during the deletionHDeleteDatabase,
hCopyAutoIDCopies the automatic identifier while keeping its valueHCopyRecord, HImportHF55,
New in version SaaS
hCopyIndexCopies the index of the data fileHCopyFile
hCopyIfNotFoundCopies the data file only if it does not exist at the specified location on the destination computer.HCopyFile
hCorrespondenceGives the correspondence between the numbers of the log functions and the names of the WLanguage functionsHInfoLog
hCreatorProperty of a database found on an HFSQL server: Name of database owner.HInfoDatabaseProperty, HInfoFileProperty
hCreateIndexThe index of the data file is not copied. It is automatically recreated on the destination by re-indexing.HCopyFile
hIncreasingSort performed in ascending orderSortType property
hEncryptionAES128The file or connection is encrypted only if the file is password-protected. In this case, the file is encrypted using a 128-bit AES algorithm with Output feedback (OFB).Encryption property
FicEncryption property,
MmoEncryption property,
NdxEncryption property
hEncryptionAES128The file or connection is encrypted only if the file is password-protected. In this case, the file is encrypted using a 192-bit AES algorithm with Output feedback (OFB).Encryption property
FicEncryption property,
MmoEncryption property,
NdxEncryption property
hEncryptionAES256The file or connection is encrypted only if the file is password-protected. In this case, the file is encrypted using a 256-bit AES algorithm with Output feedback (OFB).Encryption property
FicEncryption property,
MmoEncryption property,
NdxEncryption property
hEncryptionAutoThe file is encrypted only if it is password-protected. In this case, the data file is encrypted according to an optimized encryption algorithm (RC5 16 rounds on 128 bits).FicEncryption property, MmoEncryption property, NdxEncryption property
hEncryptionNOThe file or connection is not encrypted.Encryption property
FicEncryption property,
MmoEncryption property,
NdxEncryption property
hEncryptionRC5_12The file is encrypted using an optimized 12-round RC5 algorithm with a 128-bit key.FicEncryption property, MmoEncryption property, NdxEncryption property
hEncryptionRC5_16The file or connection is encrypted using an optimized 16-round RC5 algorithm with a 128-bit key.Encryption property
FicEncryption property,
MmoEncryption property,
NdxEncryption property
hEncryptionStandardThe file or connection is encrypted using an optimized 128-bit algorithm.Encryption property
FicEncryption property,
MmoEncryption property,
NdxEncryption property
hClientCursorCursor managed by MDAC. Generally, it offers more features than a server-side cursor. A client-side cursor is always staticHDescribeConnection,
hDynamicCursorThis cursor offers many features, but consumes a lot of memory. This cursor supports all types of scrolling. You can access all insert, update and delete operations made by other users.HDescribeConnection,
hForwardOnlyCursorThis cursor is fast and consumes little memory. The cursor can only move forward and be scrolled from the first to the last record. Changes made by other users are not visible.HDescribeConnection,
hReadOnlyCursorThe record set manipulated cannot be modified.HDescribeConnection,
hOpenKeysetCursorThis cursor handles a fixed set of records. Only the key of each record is stored and not the actual record (consumes less memory). Deleted records cannot be accessed. Changes made by other users are visible (but added records are not).HDescribeConnection,
hOptimisticCursorThe record is locked when it is updatedHDescribeConnection,
hPessimisticCursorThe record is locked as soon as it is edited.HDescribeConnection,
hServerCursorCursor managed by the database. This cursor can easily reflect changes made to data by other users.HDescribeConnection,
hStaticCursorMakes a copy of all query records in memory (high memory consumption). All types of scrolling are supported.HDescribeConnection,
hDaemonUserUsername that will be used by the server (Linux only)HSetServer
hDateProperty of a database found on an HFSQL server: Creation date of the database.HInfoDatabaseProperty, HInfoFileProperty
hDateLastRefreshRequested information: Date of the last successful refresh for the materialized view.HInfoView
hDBASCIISort according to ASCII orderHDBSortType
hDisconnectionConfigures the disconnection messageHOnServerCall
hDBLexicographicSort according to the lexicographic orderHDBSortType
hDecreasingSort performed in descending orderSortType property
hDefaultThe rights returned do not take the inherited rights into account (rights granted to the groups to which the user belongs).
If no rights were defined, the value will be set to hInherit.
<Result> contains the values of the requested rights (in the same order).
hStartedServer startedHServerStatus
hDetailsThe rights returned do not take the inherited rights into account (rights granted to the groups to which the user belongs).
If no rights were defined, the value will be set to hInherit.
<Result> contains the rights and there value.
hDestroyLinkDeletes all links related to the deleted data file.HDeleteFile
hDiskSearch mode for the data files or the analyses: The files are sought on the disk only. This is the most common caseHChangeLocation,
hDistinctManages duplicates during the iteration: Only one record is read if duplicates are found when looping through a key itemHForward, HReadPrevious,
HReadNext, HPrevious,
HBackward, HNext
hDataConfigure the file management: All the operations stored in the log file are applied to the existing fileHRegenerateFile
hRightsInsertRights to add new records into a data file.HInfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsStopServerRights to stop a server (HStopServer)HInfoServerRights,
hRightsLockRights to lock the data files or the records of a data file.HInfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsChangeRightsRights to change rights.HInfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsChangeLinkRights to modify the integrity rules on a data file.HInfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsChangePasswordRights to change the password of a user on the server (the user can change his own password and the administrator can change the password of each user).HInfoServerRights,
hRightsChangeOwnerRights to change the owner of an elementHInfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsConnectionRights to connect to a server (encrypted or unencrypted connection)HInfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsEncryptedConnectionRights to connect to a server (encrypted connection only)HInfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsCreateDBRights to create a databaseHInfoServerRights,
hRightsCreateFileRights to create a data file (with HCreation)HInfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsCreateViewRights to create a SQL view or a materialized view.HInfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsDebugRights to debug the stored procedures.HInfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsDisconnectClientRights to disconnect the client computers.HInfoServerRights,
hRightsUnmaskRights to unmask a data file item.HInfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsSendMessageToClientRights to send messages to the client computers.HInfoServerRights,
hRightsRunProcedureRights to run the stored procedures.HInfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsManageDuplicateRights to enable and disable the management of duplicates.HInfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsManageIntegrityRights to enable and disable the management of integrity.HInfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsManageTaskRights to manage the scheduled tasks.HInfoServerRights,
hRightsManageProcedureRights to add, modify and delete the stored procedures.HInfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsManageServerRights to use HSetServerHInfoServerRights,
hRightsManageTriggerRights to manage the server triggers (addition, activation, deletion)HInfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsManageUserRights to delete and add users or groupsHInfoServerRights,
hRightsNoDatabaseAccessRights to prevent access to a database (HNoDatabaseAccess and HEndNoDatabaseAccess)HInfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsReadRights to read the records of a data fileHInfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsReadLogStatRights to see the activity statistics and the server logs.HInfoServerRights,
hRightsMaintenanceRights to start a re-index operation or to perform statistical calculations on a data fileHInfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsAutoModifRights to run automatic data modification on a fileHInfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsUpdateRights to modify the records of a data fileHInfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsPriorityRights to modify the priority of a client applicationHInfoServerRights,
hRightsServerReplicationRights to define and perform a replication between two HFSQL servers.HInfoServerRights,
hRightsBackupRights to save the data filesHInfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsDeleteRights to delete the records from a data fileHInfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsDeleteDBRights to delete a databaseHInfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsDeleteFileRights to delete a data file (HDeleteFile)HInfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsDeleteViewRights to delete a SQL view or a materialized view.HInfoViewRights, HModifyViewRights
hRightsAllList of all the rightsHInfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsSeeUserRights to view the characteristics of a group or user.HInfoServerRights,
hlbDiskAccessValue modifying the coefficient applied to the counter for the number of disk accesses.HSetServer
hlbActiveEnable or disable the load balancingHSetServer
hlbClientCallsValue modifying the coefficient applied to the counter for client callsHSetServer
hlbMaxTimeoutValue modifying the maximum timeout for a server requestHSetServer
hlbDiskValue modifying the coefficient applied to the counter for the bytes read or written on disk by the serverHSetServer
hlbSentValue modifying the coefficient applied to the counter for the bytes sent by the serverHSetServer
hlbReceivedValue modifying the coefficient applied to the counter for the bytes received by the serverHSetServer
hWriteDefaultAddition not affecting the current browse/Identifier re-used or calculated for the recordHAdd, HWrite, HModify
hEffectiveThe rights returned correspond to the rights that will be actually granted to the user or to the group on the database. Inherited rights are taken into account (for example, rights granted to the groups to which the user belongs).HInfoDatabaseRights,
hOnUpdateIntegrity rule applied during a modificationHSetIntegrity
hRecFileRecord to read: Value of the item currently saved in the data fileHErrorModification, HErrorStatusModification
hRecReadRecord to read: Value of the item for the source recordHErrorModification, HErrorStatusModification
hRecUserRecord to read: Value of the item for the current record when performing the modificationHErrorModification, HErrorStatusModification
hOnDeleteIntegrity rule applied during a deletionHSetIntegrity
heqaCanceledProcedure for the end of the execution of the query: The procedure executed for each record returned False. The query and the different procedures were canceled.HExecuteQueryAsynchronous
heqaErrorProcedure for the end of the execution of the query: The query and/or the procedure called for each record encountered an error.HExecuteQueryAsynchronous
heqaOKProcedure for the end of the execution of the query: The query and the procedure were correctly executed for each record.HExecuteQueryAsynchronous
hErrDatabaseAccessConfigure the access errors to an HFSQL Client/Server database.HOnError
hErrADOType of information about the error to return: Error code returned by ADO. The corresponding message is returned by the hErrADOMessage constant.HErrorInfo
hErrBaseType of information about the error to return: Error code returned by the database. The corresponding message is returned by the hErrBaseMessage constantHErrorInfo
hErrLockDefines how to handle lock errorsHOnError
hErrCodeType of information about the error to return: Number of the last error raised by the HFSQL engine.HErrorInfo
hErrSystemCodeType of information about the error to return: Number of the associated system errorHErrorInfo
hErrFullDetailsType of information about the error to return: Full error details (error line, current process, etc.)
Remark: Returns the same information as the one retrieved via the "Copy" button in the WLanguage error window.
hErrDuplicatesDefines how to handle duplicate errorsHOnError
hErrCurrentType of information about the error to return: Number of the current errorHError
hErrorLastRefreshRequested information: Last error while refreshing the materialized view.HInfoView
hErrFICType of information about the error to return: Full name of the data file associated with the errorHErrorInfo
hErrFileType of information about the error to return: Logical name of data file associated with the errorHErrorInfo
hErrLockInfoType of information about the error to return: Information about the lockHErrorInfo
hErrClientInfoInformation about the client library used by the Native Connector that returned the error.HErrorInfo
hErrDebugInfoType of information about the error to return: Specific information for debugging the problem that occurred. HErrorInfo
hErrServerInfoInformation about the server used by the Native Connector that returned the error.HErrorInfo
hErrIntegrityDefines how to handle integrity errorsHOnError
hErrLinkType of information about the error to return: Name of the link associated with the errorHErrorInfo
hErrFicListType of information about the error to return: List of HFSQL files with errors.HErrorInfo
hErrMessageType of information about the error to return: Message associated with the errorHErrorInfo
hErrADOMessageType of information about the error to return: Message corresponding to the error returned by ADO (hErrADO)HErrorInfo
hErrBaseMessageType of information about the error to return: Message corresponding to the error returned by the database (hErrBase)HErrorInfo
hErrNativeMessageType of information about the error to return: Message corresponding to the error returned by the provider of the Native Connector.HErrorInfo
hErrOLEDBMessageType of information about the error to return: Message corresponding to the error returned by the system during an OLE DB connection (hErrOLEDB)HErrorInfo
hErrSystemMessageType of information about the error to return: Message of associated system errorHErrorInfo
hErrMMOType of information about the error to return: Full name of the memo file associated with the errorHErrorInfo
hErrModifyDefines how to handle modification conflictsHOnError
hErrPasswordDefines how to handle password errorsHOnError
hErrNativeType of information about the error to return: Error code returned by the Native Connector or the OLE DB provider usedHErrorInfo
hErrNDXType of information about the error to return: Full name of the index file associated with the errorHErrorInfo
hErrRecNumType of information about the error to return: Number of the record associated with the errorHErrorInfo
hErrOLEDBType of information about the error to return: Error code returned by the system during an access via an OLE DB connection.HErrorInfo
hErrConnectionLossDefines how to handle errors caused by a loss of connection with the server.HOnError
hErrPositionSQLErrorType of information about the error to return: Position of the SQL error in the SQL code of the query run by HExecuteSQLQuery.HErrorInfo
hErrMainType of information about the error to return: Number of the main errorHError
hErrIndexDefines how to handle reindexing errors (reindexing in progress when accessing the data file)HOnError
hErrItemType of information about the error to return: Name of the item associated with the errorHErrorInfo
hErrServerType of information about the error to return: Name of the HFSQL Client/Server server that triggers the errorHErrorInfo
hErrAllDefines how to handle all errorsHOnError
hErrNeedValueDefines how to handle errors caused by a required value that has not been specified (OLE DB only).HOnError
hErrWDDType of information about the error to return: Full name of the analysis file associated with the errorHErrorInfo
hStateActiveStatus of the record/Type of record taken into account: Active recordHState, hNbRec, HErrorStatusModification
hStateInvalidRecord status not found (error)HState, HErrorStatusModification
hStateCrossedStatus of the record/Type of record taken into account: Crossed recordHState, hNbRec, HErrorStatusModification
hStateDelStatus of the record/Type of record taken into account: Deleted recordHState, hNbRec, HErrorStatusModification
hStateAllType of record: Total number of records in the data filehNbRec
hExistingType of search: Only the assignments for which a file actually existsHListREP
hExpCreationMode for creating the export file: The file is overwritten if it already exists.HExportXML
hExpBreakableMode for creating the export file: The export can be interrupted by pressing Esc.
If the export is interrupted, the export file is valid and it only contains the records exported before the interruption.
hExpNormalMode for creating the export file: Standard operating modeHExportXML
hExpNoLineItemNameMode for creating the CSV/XLSX file: The first line of the generated file will not contain the names of the items.HExportCSV
hExpWithoutXSLThe style sheet (".XSL" file) is not createdHExportXML
hFalsifyTimestampManagement of Timestamp items: By default, a Timestamp item contains the date and time the record was created/modified. This date/time is automatically calculated.
This constant prevents the Timestamp item from being updated: the last value in the record will be kept.
HAdd, HModify
hFileAS400Type of file: AS400 fileType property
hFileOtherType of file: Other type of fileType property
hFileClientServerType of file: HFSQL Client/Server fileType property
hFileHF5Type of file: Hyper File 5 fileType property
hFileMySQLType of file: MySQL fileType property
hFileNormalType of file: Standard file (HFSQL Classic)Type property
hFileOLEDBType of file: OLEDB fileType property
hFileOracleType of file: ORACLE fileType property
hFileOracleLiteType of file: ORACLE Lite fileType property
hFilePostgreSQLType of file: PostgreSQL fileType property
hFileProgressType of file: Progress fileType property
hFileQueryType of file: QueryType property
hFileQueryAS400Type of file: Query on an AS/400 databaseType property
hFileQueryClientServerType of file: Query on an HFSQL Client/Server databaseType property
hFileQueryMySQLType of file: Query on a MySQL databaseType property
hFileQueryOLEDBType of file: Query on a database accessed via an OLE DB providerType property
hFileQueryOracleType of file: Query on an Oracle databaseType property
hFileQueryOracleLiteType of file: Query on an Oracle Lite databaseType property
hFileQueryPostgreSQLType of file: Query on a PostgreSQL databaseType property
hFileQueryProgressType of file: Query on a Progress databaseType property
hFileQuerySQLAzureType of file: Query on an SQL Azure databaseType property
hFileQuerySQLServerType of file: Query on an SQL Server databaseType property
hFileQuerySQLServerMobileType of file: Query on an SQL Server Mobile databaseType property
hFileQuerySybaseType of file: Query on a Sybase databaseType property
hFileQueryXMLType of file: Query on an XML databaseType property
hFileSQLType of file: SQL fileType property
hFileSQLAzureType of file: SQL Azure fileType property
hFileSQLiteType of file: SQLite fileType property
hFileSQLServerType of file: SQL Server fileType property
hFileSQLServerMobileType of file: SQL Server Mobile fileType property
hFileSybaseType of file: Sybase fileType property
hFileTemporaryType of file: Temporary fileType property
hFileViewType of file: HFSQL viewType property
hFileXBaseType of file: xBase fileType property
hFileXMLType of file: XML fileType property
hSetIDAutoMode for calculating the automatic identifier: Identifier value equals to the one stored during the additionHAdd, HWrite, HModify
hSetIDAutoMode for calculating the automatic identifier: Identifier value equals to the one stored during the write operationHAdd, HWrite, HModify
hANSIFormatData format: Ansi format (used by Windows)Format property
hUNICODEFormatData format: UNICODE formatFormat property
hForwardOnlyNative Connectors only:
Allows looping through records faster.
hftPunctuationSimpleFull-text Index item described programmatically: Taking into account the simple punctuation characters (non Unicode).Option property of FullTextIndex Description variables.
hftPunctuationUnicodeFull-text Index item described programmatically: Taking into account the Unicode punctuation characters.Option property of FullTextIndex Description variables.
hFTXReindex full-text indexesHIndex
HGenericType of search: Generic searchHReadSeekLast,
hHCreationIfNotFoundType of test to run to check the connection: Checks the connection by opening or creating a file (if the file does not exist). This operation can be performed in hOReadWrite mode only.HConnect
hInheritThe user will inherit the right granted to the group to which they belongHModifyDatabaseRights,
hHOpenType of test to run to check the connection: Checks the connection by opening a file. This value is used by default when accessing to an hORead database.HConnect
hIdenticalThe structures of files (read in the analysis and in the physical file) must be strictly identical.HReadSeek, HSeek, HCheckStructure
hIgnoreDuplicatesDoes not check for duplicates for this action, even if the automatic duplicate check is enabled (HSetDuplicates)HAdd
hIgnoreIntegrityIgnores the integrity check for this operation, even if the automatic integrity check is enabled (HSetIntegrity)HAdd, HModify, HDelete, HCross
hImpConversionType of import: The associated items do not have the same type or the same size: the data checked out from the imported file is automatically converted or truncated.HImportHF55
hImpCreationType of import: If the (HFSQL Classic) import file exists, it is overwritten.HImportHF55,
New in version SaaS
hImpIgnoreInvalidLineType of import: The lines whose structure are invalid are not imported: the import continues on the following lines. The structure is invalid if data is missing for one or more items, or if string separators are missing.
New in version SaaS
hImpIgnoreFirstLineType of import: The first row of the imported file is ignored.
New in version SaaS
hImpIgnoreItemType of import:
  • The items found in the import file (HFSQL Classic) without associated items in the imported file (Hyper File 5.5) are filled with their default value.
  • The items of imported file (Hyper File 5.5) with no match in the import file are ignored.
hImpIgnoreEmptyItemIf one or more items are not filled in the text file, the corresponding lines are still imported.
The missing items contain:
  • the default value of items if the hDefaultVal constant is specified.
  • the value of items in the current record before the call to HImportText.
New in version SaaS
hImpBreakableThe import can be interrupted by pressing ESC.HImportHF55,
New in version SaaS
hImpNormalType of import: The import is not performed and an error occurs in the following cases:
  • items found in the Hyper File 5.5 file with no match in the HFSQL Classic file.
  • associated items in the two files but with a different size and/or format.
New in version SaaS
hImpOEM2ANSIType of import: Convert the imported strings from OEM to ANSI. This constant is available for backward compatibility.
New in version SaaS
hImpNoDelimiterType of import: The string separators (if they exist) are part of the item
New in version SaaS
hImpNoSpaceType of import: The space characters found at the end of string are automatically deleted during the importHImportHF55
hImpTestDuplicatesType of import: Checks the duplicates during the importHImportHF55,
New in version SaaS
hImpTestIntegrityType of import: Checks the integrity during the importHImportHF55,
New in version SaaS
hInaccessibleUndefined server statusHServerStatus
hInfoClusterInformation about the HFSQL cluster.HInfoServer
hInfoDateDate and time of server on 8 bytes in UTC format (universal time)HInfoServer
hInfoFreeDiskSpaceAvailable space on the server disk, expressed in MB.HInfoServer
hInfoTotalDiskSpaceTotal capacity of server disk, expressed in MB.HInfoServer
hInfoHardwareInformation about the hardware used.HInfoServer
hInfoNameName of server (DNS)HInfoServer
hInfoLogicalNameName of server given in HFConf.ini or specified during the setup. HInfoServer
hInfoPlatformInformation about the server platform.HInfoServer
hInfoSizeCacheNdxUsedSize of index cache that is actually used on the server, expressed in MB.HInfoServer
hInfoAllFull server details.HInfoServer
hInfoVersionInformation about the version of programs required for the server to operate.HInfoServer
hInfoVersionDetailsDetailed information about the version of the programs required to operate the server.HInfoServer
hInfoVIVersion number of Manta.exe or Manta in LinuxHInfoServer
hIntegrityNoneModification/Deletion rule: No integrity managementModificationRule property, DeletionRule property
hIntegrityCascadeModification/Deletion rule: Cascading modification/deletionModificationRule property, DeletionRule property
hIntegrityForbiddenModification/Deletion rule: Modification/Deletion not allowedModificationRule property, DeletionRule property
hIntegrityDefaultValueModification/Deletion rule: Default modification/deletionModificationRule property, DeletionRule property
hForbiddenThe relevant rights are not granted to the user or groupHModifyDatabaseRights,
hLogJNLFileConfigures the file to recreate: Only <File name>JNL.FIC is recreated.HLogRecreate
hLogIdentificationConfigures the file to recreate: Re-creates the "JournalIdentification.fic" file.HLogRecreate
hLogWritingFormat of log process: Log the write operations performed in the fileLogMethod property
hLogReadingWritingFormat of log process: Log the read and write operations performed in the fileLogMethod property
hLogNoFormat of log process: No logLogMethod
hLogOperationConfigures the file to recreate: Re-creates the "JournalOperation.fic" file.HLogRecreate
hLogUserConfigures the file to recreate: Recreates the log of users ("UserLog.fic").
This file exists in HFSQL Client/Server only. This file contains the information (login, computer, ...) about the users who perform the logged actions.
hkaIntervalMaximum time (in seconds) after which, if no communication is established between the server and the client, the server will check the presence of client. HSetServer
hkaTimeoutMaximum timeout (in seconds) for the server when checking the presence of client. If the client is not found at the end of this timeout, the client is automatically disconnected. HSetServer
hLanguageCreationUsed to find out whether the language used to perform the comparisons and the sort corresponds to "Defined at creation".Language property, LanguageDescribed property
hServerLanguageLanguage of the HFSQL server. HSetServer
hLanguageBinarySortThe sort will be performed by comparing the binary value of the bytes. This type of sort is very fast. Language property, LanguageDescribed property, H.LanguageCreationUnicode property
hLanguageFastSortThe sort will be performed by comparing the characters one by one according to a generic sort.Language property, LanguageDescribed property, H.LanguageCreationUnicode property
hLimitParsingLimits the file browse: The browse will stop as soon as the last sought value is found.HReadSeek, HReadSeekLast, HReadSeekFirst, HSeek, HSeekLast, HSeekFirst
hlpCalcStatType of operation performed on the server: statistical calculation.hServerOperation type
hlpKeyDetectionType of operation performed on the server: detection of keys.hServerOperation type
hlpOptimizationType of scheduling to list: Tasks for optimizing files (re-indexing, statistical calculation).
hlpReplicationType of operation performed on the server: server replication.hServerOperation type
hlpBackupType of scheduling to list: Scheduling of backups.
hlpTaskType of scheduling to list: Scheduled tasks that run a stored procedure.
hlpMaterializedViewType of scheduling to list: Tasks for refreshing the materialized views.
hLstKeyLists the key itemsHListKey, HListItem
hLstCompositeKeyLists the composite key items onlyHListKey, HListItem
hLstSetLists the sets of procedures found on a serverHListStoredElement
hLstDetailLists the detailed informationHListKey, HListFile,
HListLink, HListItem, HListConnection,
hLstDetailPlusFor the numeric items or keys, adds to the detailed information the number of digits found in the integer part and in the decimal part.HListKey, HListItem
hLstFileLists the databases and their files for the server defined by the connectionHListDatabase
hLstMemoLists the memo itemsHListItem
hLstNormalLists all keys/List not sorted, not detailed, without the files described dynamically/List of links/Lists the items (except for composite key items)/List of connections, not sorted, not detailed, without the connections described dynamically.HListKey, HListFile, HListItem, HListConnection
hLstLogicalOrderLists the items or the keys according to the logical order of itemsHListKey, HListItem
hLstOpenedStores the opened connections onlyHListConnection
hLstStoredProcedureLists the stored procedures of a connection via Native Connectors or OLE DBHListFile,
  • Lists the queries found on a server
  • Lists the queries that have been run.
hLstItemLists the non-key and non-memo itemsHListItem
hLstOriginalItemUsed on a log file (xxxJNL.fic), lists the items of the source file (that was logged). For example, on CustomerLOG.Fic, lists the items of CUSTOMER file.HListKey, HListItem
hLstTableList of user tables for a connection via Native Connectors or OLE DBHListFile
hLstSystemTableList of system tables for a connection via Native Connectors or OLE DBHListFile
hLstDatabaseSizeList of connection databases as well as their size. HListDatabase
hLstAllLists all the keys, all the files, all the items or all the connectionsHListKey, HListFile, HListItem, HListConnection,
hLstSortedSorts the list of keys, files, items or connection in ascending orderHListKey, HListFile, HListItem, HListConnection
  • List the views of a connection via Native Connectors or OLE DB.
  • List the SQL views on an HFSQL server.
hLstMaterializedViewLists the materialized views found on an HFSQL server.HListFile
hComputerProperty of a database found on an HFSQL server: Name of the computer from which the element was created.HInfoDatabaseProperty, HInfoFileProperty
hMemoAutoThe memos are read during the access to the itemHSetMemo
hMemoBinType of file used for the memo: Any binary fileHLinkMemo
hMemoImgType of file used for the memo: Image fileHLinkMemo
hMemoNoNo management of memosHSetMemo
hMemoOleType of file used for the memo: OLE fileHLinkMemo
hMemoYesThe text memos are read whenever the record is read.
Read the binary memos when accessing the item.
hMemoWavType of file used for the memo: sound fileHLinkMemo
hMessageConfigures the information messageHOnServerCall
hMode2GBIndicates whether system files support more than 2 GBHSetServer
hMmoCompactCompression and defragmentation of "Mmo" files.HIndex
hModeDirectPriority implementation of locksHMode
hModeMonoSingle-user lock modeHMode
hModeMultiMulti-user lock modeHMode
hModeReservationNon-priority implementation of locksHMode
hModifyFileWhen modifying the query result, these modifications will be applied to the files belonging to the query.
If this option is not specified, only the query result is modified.
HExecuteQuery, HExecuteSQLQuery
hmsNormalStandard operating mode of the automatic data modification.HModifyStructure
hmsNoCheckThe automatic data modification is performed even if the file description is more recent than the analysis description.HModifyStructure
hmsBackgroundTaskA hot automatic modification is performed (available for the HFSQL Client/Server data files only).HModifyStructure
hNdxCompactReindexing with compressionHIndex
hNdxMinimalReindex and ignore corrupted keysHIndex
hNdxSilentConfigures the reindex operation: No display during the reindex operationHIndex
hNdxNormalStandard reindexingHIndex
hNdxNoStatReindex without calculating statisticsHIndex
hNdxDeleteReindex and delete damaged recordsHIndex
hLogLevelDefines the elements that must be in the log fileHSetServer
hMaxNumberConnectionMaximum number of connections allowed per application. HSetServer
hNonBlockingNumber of records retrieved in the view or query without waiting for the view or query to be entirely filled. hNbRec
hNotAKeyCharacteristics of an item: Non-key itemKeyType property
hNotReplicatedReplication mode: The data file is not configured for replication. To implement the replication, check "Replication" in the characteristics of the file in the data model editor.Replication property
hNotSortedSort direction: Item not sortedSortType property
hNotesProperty of a database found on an HFSQL server: Database description or any other information associated with the database by HModifyDatabaseProperty.HInfoDatabaseProperty, HInfoFileProperty, HInfoServerProperty, HModifyDatabaseProperty, HModifyFileProperty, HModifyServerProperty
hNotifWarningThe notifications will be sent from the warning level (for the warning, critical and error problems).HNotifAddCCRecipient, HNotifAddEmailRecipient
hNotifCCClassicThe notifications are sent by the Control Centers in HFSQL Classic mode.HNotifConfigure
hNotifCCCSThe notifications are sent by the Control Centers in Client/Server mode.HNotifConfigure
hNotifCriticalThe notifications will be sent from the critical level (for the critical and error problems).HNotifAddCCRecipient, HNotifAddEmailRecipient
hNotifEmailThe notifications are sent by email.HNotifConfigure
hNotifErrorThe notifications will be sent for the error problems only.HNotifAddCCRecipient, HNotifAddEmailRecipient
hNotifInformationThe notifications will be sent from the information level (for the information, warning, critical and error problems)HNotifAddCCRecipient, HNotifAddEmailRecipient
hCurrentRecNumNumber of the current record.HFSQL functions
hInvalidRecNumConstant returned if there is no current record or if the specified file corresponds to a multi-file query.HRecNum
  • Used to track all records found in a data file.
  • Used to check all unaltered records
hODBCOLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: OLE DB provider for ODBC. Allows you to access an ODBC source declared in the ODBC data sources of WindowsCtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property,
HConnect, HDeclareExternal, HListFile, HOpenConnection, SQLConnect
hOReadFile accessible in read-onlyCtAccess property, CtDescribedAccess property,
HConnect, HOpen
hOReadWriteFile accessible in read/writeCtAccess property, CtDescribedAccess property,
HConnect, HOpen
hOledbAccess97OLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: OLE DB provider for Access 97CtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property,
HConnect, HDeclareExternal, HListFile, HOpenConnection, SQLConnect
hOledbAccess2000OLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: OLE DB provider for Access 2000CtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property,
HConnect, HDeclareExternal, HListFile, HOpenConnection, SQLConnect
hOledbAccess2007OLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: OLE DB provider for Access 2007CtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property,
HConnect, HDeclareExternal, HListFile, HOpenConnection, SQLConnect
hOledbAccess2010OLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: OLE DB provider for Access 2010CtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property,
HConnect, HDeclareExternal, HListFile, HOpenConnection, SQLConnect
hOledbDBase5OLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: OLE DB provider for dBase 5CtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property,
HConnect, HDeclareExternal, HListFile, HOpenConnection, SQLConnect
hOledbExcel2000OLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: OLE DB provider for Excel 2000CtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property,
HConnect, HDeclareExternal, HListFile, HOpenConnection, SQLConnect
hOledbExcel2007OLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: OLE DB provider for Excel 2007CtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property,
HConnect, HDeclareExternal, HListFile, HOpenConnection, SQLConnect
hOledbExcel97OLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: OLE DB provider for Excel 97CtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property,
HConnect, HDeclareExternal, HListFile, HOpenConnection, SQLConnect
hOledbLotus4OLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: OLE DB provider for Lotus 4CtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property,
HConnect, HDeclareExternal, HListFile, HOpenConnection, SQLConnect
hOledbOracleOLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: OLE DB provider for OracleCtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property,
HConnect, HDeclareExternal, HListFile, HOpenConnection, SQLConnect
hOledbSQLServerOLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: OLE DB provider for SQL ServerCtOLEDBProvider property, CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property,
HConnect, HDeclareExternal, HListFile, HOpenConnection, SQLConnect
hOptIndexOptimization options: Provokes the re-indexing operation on the data files. A hot re-indexing operation is performed on the indexes and on the full-text indexes.hFileParameter variable
hOptStatOptimization options: Provokes the recalculation of statistics on the data files.hFileParameter variable
hDelayedOpeningOptimize the opening of existing files: If the file already exists, it will be opened during the first access to the file. The file is created if it does not exist.HCreationIfNotFound
hBrowsableNonBlockingNumber of records in the view or query that can currently be read (no record locking). HNbRec
hActivityStatisticsPeriodIndicates the period (in second) between each backup of values for the different activity counters.HSetServer
hDebuggingPortPort used to debug the stored procedures and the server triggers.HSetServer
hServerPortNetwork port usedHSetServer
hPrecisionHighPosition with high precisionHGetCurrentPosition, HSetPosition
hPrecisionLowPosition with low precisionHGetCurrentPosition, HSetPosition
hPrecisionMediumPosition with medium precisionHGetCurrentPosition, HSetPosition
hOwnerProperty of a database found on an HFSQL server: Owner of database.HInfoDatabaseProperty, HInfoFileProperty, HModifyDatabaseProperty, HModifyFileProperty
hRefreshInProgressRequested information: Is the materialized view currently refreshed?HInfoView
hReadCommittedIsolation level of transaction: other users can only view completed transactions.HTransactionIsolation
hReadUncommittedIsolation level of transaction: other users can view incomplete transactions.HTransactionIsolation
hRecalculateIDAutoMode for calculating the automatic identifier: Automatic identifier re-calculated during the write operationHWrite, HModify, HSave
hFindKeyEnable the search for keys on the HFSQL server. HSetServer
hRepeatableReadIsolation level of transaction: the application in transaction sees a snapshot of the database when the transaction starts.HTransactionIsolation
hSubscriberReplicaReplication mode: The data file is a subscriber replica (HCreateSubscriberReplica was used to create the subscriber replica)Replication property
hMasterReplicaReplication mode: The data file is a master replica (HCreateMasterReplica was used to create the master replica)Replication property
hReplicatedReplication mode: The data file is configured to be replicated.Replication property
hQueryDefaultThe query is initialized without interruptionHExecuteQuery, HExecuteSQLQuery
hQueryBreakableThe query initialization can be interrupted with the ESC keyHExecuteQuery, HExecuteSQLQuery
hQueryWithoutCorrectionNative Connector or OLE DB only:
No check is performed by the HFSQL engine. This option must be used if the query contains commands specific to a connection type (Oracle, SQL Server, etc.)
HExecuteQuery, HExecuteSQLQuery
hQueryWithoutHFCorrectionHFSQL only
The file format (filled with space characters or not) is not checked by the HFSQL engine. To be used if the query handles both HFSQL files in a format that fills items with space characters and HFSQL files in a format that does not fill items with space characters.
HExecuteQuery, HExecuteSQLQuery
hTempDirectoryPath of temporary directory. This directory is used to create the temporary files if necessary (temporary files created when re-indexing large data files for example).HSetServer
hKeepFilterThe filter set by HFilter will be taken into account, even if the search key is not optimized for the filter.
Reminder: HFilter returns the search key optimized for the filter.
Caution: in this case, performance problems may occur on large files.
HChangeKey, HLast, HReadLast, HReadFirst, HReadSeekLast, HReadSeekFirst, HReadSeek, HFirst, HSeek, HSeekLast, HSeekFirst
hRPKeepConfigure the restore operation: Position not freedHRestorePosition
hRPDefaultConfigure the restore operation: Position freed. The stored position is restoredHRestorePosition
hRPFilterConfigure the restore operation: Restore the filter set when HSavePosition is calledHRestorePosition
hRPHF5Configure the restore operation: If the stored position was deleted or modified, this position is restoredHRestorePosition
hrsCopyConfigure the replication between servers: Enables the initial copy of replicated elements from the connection server (master server) to the other server (subscriber server, defined in the hRSConfig variable). This copy is locking. HRSAddConfig
hrsCopyBackgroundTaskConfigure the replication between servers: Enables the initial copy of replicated elements from the connection server (master server) to the other server (subscriber server, defined in the hRSConfig variable). This copy is performed in background task and it is not locking. HRSAddConfig
hrsNoCopyConfigure the replication between servers: No copy is performed.HRSAddConfig
hItemBinaryItem type: BinaryType property
hItemBooleanItem type: BooleanType property
hItemCharacterItem type: CharacterType property
hItemCombinationItem type: CombinationType property
hItemDate6Item type: DateType property
hItemDate8Item type: DateType property
hItemDateTimeItem type: Date/TimeType property
hItemTimeLengthItem type: DurationType property
hItemInteger1Item type: 1-byte integerType property
hItemInteger2Item type: 2-byte integerType property
hItemInteger4Item type: 4-byte integerType property
hItemInteger8Item type: 8-byte integerType property
hItemUnsignedInteger1Item type: Unsigned 1-byte integerType property
hItemUnsignedInteger2Item type: Unsigned 2-byte integerType property
hItemUnsignedInteger4Item type: Unsigned 4-byte integerType property
hItemUnsignedInteger8Item type: Unsigned 4-byte integerType property
hItemEnumerationItem type: EnumerationType property
hItemHourItem type: TimeType property
hItemIDAutoItem type: Automatic identifier (8 bytes)Type property
hItemIDAuto4Item type: Automatic identifier (4 bytes)Type property
hItemPictureItem type: ImageType property
hItemInvalidInvalid type of itemType property
hItemJSONItem type: JSONType property
hItemBinaryMemoItem type: Binary memoType property
hItemBinaryMemo4Item type: Binary memo (4 bytes)Type property
hItemTextMemoItem type: Text memoType property
hItemUnicodeMemoItem type: Unicode text memoType property
hItemCurrencyItem type: CurrencyType property
hItemSecurePasswordItem type: PasswordType property
hItemNumRecItem type: Record numberType property
hItemNumericItem type: High-precision numericType property
hItemReal4Item type: 4-byte realType property
hItemReal8Item type: 8-byte realType property
hItemRealTurboItem type: Turbo realType property
hItemTextItem type: TextType property
hItemUnicodeTextItem type: Unicode textType property
hItemUUID128Item type: UUID 128Type property
hItemUUID128AutoItem type: UUID 128 automatic identifierType property
hItemUUID256Item type: UUID 256Type property
hItemUUID256AutoItem type: UUID 256 automatic identifierType property
hsAddMonitors the operations for adding records. HWatch
hsModificationMonitors the operations for modifying records. HWatch
hsCrossMonitors the operations for crossing records. HWatch
hsDeletionMonitors the operations for deleting records. HWatch
NoWaitThe refresh of materialized view is not a locking operation: it is performed in background task. HInfoView returns the information of the materialized view after being refreshed.HRefreshView
hNoBindRun a query without enabling the bindHExecuteQuery, HExecuteSQLQuery,
hNoCheckNo check is performed, the analysis description may differ from the description of physical file.HCheckStructure
hNoIndexThe file index is not copiedHCopyFile
hNoLinkManagement of integrity: The links are not updated on the server (creation, modification or deletion).
Reminder: by default, the links are updated on the server when creating a file.
HCreation, HCreationIfNotFound
hNoRefreshThe table or query content will not be refreshedHLast, HReadLast, HReadFirst, HFirst
hNoHourglassWhen reading the query result, this read operation may be locked and an hourglass appears by default. This constant is used not to display the hourglass in this case. HExecuteQuery, HExecuteSQLQuery
hSaveItemsSaves the values of items in memory when using HSavePosition. These values will be restored next time HRestorePosition is called.HSavePosition
hSKSimplifiedConfigures the message returned by HSuggestKey. HSuggestKey
hSDXReindex spatial indexesHIndex
hBoundSeparatorUsed to separate the values of lower and upper bounds for the components of composite keyHFilterIncludedBetween
hSubErrLastType of error returned: Number of the last sub-errorHError
hSubErrPreviousType of error returned: Number of the previous sub-errorHError
hSubErrFirstType of error returned: Number of the first sub-errorHError
hSubErrNextType of error returned: Number of the previous sub-errorHError
hSQLUnicodeUsed to specify that the query text must be sent in Unicode format to the server.
This constant is available in WINDEV Mobile only.
hStructureConfigure the file management: New empty file created from the file descriptionHRegenerateFile
hNoErrorNo error occurredHError
hDeleteLogDeletes the log fileHDeleteFile,
hBackupCanceledStatus of backup: Backup canceledHInfoBackup
hBackupFullType of backup: Full backupHInfoBackup
hBackupDifferentialType of backup: Differential backupHInfoBackup
hBackupInProgressStatus of backup: Backup in progressHInfoBackup
hBackupErrorStatus of backup: Error during backupHInfoBackup
hBackupCompletedStatus of backup: Backup completedHInfoBackup
hBackgroundTaskExecute process in the background, without locking the data file (available for data files in Client/Server mode).HStatCalculate,
hWindowsDiskCacheSizeMode for managing the size of Windows disk cache.HSetServer
hNdxCacheSizeMaximum size in megabytes (MB) of index cacheHSetServer
hFtxSizeFull-text index file (".Ftx") size in bytesHInfoFile
hFicSizeData file (".Fic") size in bytesHInfoFile
hMaxLogSizeMaximum size in megabytes (MB) of log filesHSetServer
hMaxActivityStatisticsSizeMaximum size in megabytes (MB) of files for activity statisticsHSetServer
hMmoSizeMemo file (".Mmo") size in bytesHInfoFile
hNdxSizeIndex file (".Ndx") size in bytesHInfoFile
hPageSizeSize of a block of caches. This block of caches will be used when looping through a file. A large block of caches improves the browse and increases the transfers via network and the memory consumption.HSetCache
hSdxSizeSpatial index file (".Sdx") size in bytesHInfoFile
hTotalSizeTotal file size in bytes (added size of data file, memo file and index file).HInfoFile
hTelemetryEnableConfigure the sending of data via the telemetry for the HFSQL server. HSetServer
hYieldFor the UPDATE and DELETE queries performed on an important number of records, this constant is used to give control back to the other applications that use the files.HExecuteQuery, HExecuteSQLQuery
hSecondaryThreadOption for running the procedure: the procedure is run in a secondary thread.HOnServerCall
hActiveSyncFrameThe size of the frame is optimized to be used with Mobile devices.HCS.FrameSize
hDefaultFrameThe standard size will be used by default.HCS.FrameSize
hGPRSFrameThe frame size is optimized for a use via GPRSHCS.FrameSize
hInternetFrameThe frame size is optimized for a use via InternetHCS.FrameSize
hIntranetFrameThe frame size is optimized for a use via IntranetHCS.FrameSize
hWifiFrameThe frame size is optimized for a use via WifiHCS.FrameSize
hTriggerBeforeIndicates the type of trigger: The procedure is run before the HFSQL functionHActivateTrigger, HDeactivateTrigger, HDeleteTrigger, HDescribeTrigger
hTriggerAfterIndicates the type of trigger: The procedure is run after the HFSQL functionHActivateTrigger, HDeactivateTrigger, HDeleteTrigger, HDescribeTrigger
htsNoneType ot timestamp for the item: the item is not a timestamp item.TimestampType property
htsCreationType ot timestamp for the item: the item will store the creation date of record.TimestampType property
htsLastModificationType ot timestamp for the item: the item will store the date of last modification performed on the record.TimestampType property
hUnicodeUsed to retrieve the record value in Unicode format.HRetrieveRecord, HRecordToString
hDefaultValThe items of destination record that are not affected by the copy are initialized with their default value.
For the non-imported items, the values of current record (HFSQL Classic) are reinitialized with their default value.
New in version SaaS
hMaxValDefines an upper bound for a filterHBuildKeyValue,
hMinValDefines a lower bound for a filterHBuildKeyValue,
hCheckDuplicatesChecks for duplicates for this operation, even if the duplicate check is disabled (HSetDuplicates)HAdd, HExecuteQuery, HExecuteSQLQuery, HModify
hCheckIntegrityChecks the integrity of operation even if the automatic integrity check is disabled (HSetIntegrity)HAdd, HExecuteQuery, HExecuteSQLQuery, HModify, HCross, HDelete
hCheckMemoStandard reindexing with memo check and correction if necessary (used to retrieve the damaged memos)HIndex
hViewAddCreate a view with addition: Stores the content of the view next time HExecuteView is calledHCreateView, HMergeView
hViewLockingLock records read in the file and included in the viewHCreateView, HMergeView
hViewDefaultDefault creation of viewHCreateView, HMergeView
hViewPostponedThe view is created but it will be run later by HExecuteViewHCreateView, HMergeView
hViewDistinctCreate view without duplicates with respect to the sort keyHCreateView, HMergeView
hViewExclusiveLock the entire source file to reduce the view creation timeHCreateView, HMergeView
hViewBreakableInterrupt view creation by pressing the ESC keyHCreateView
hViewIntersectionMerge views with intersection: Common rows between the two specified viewsHMergeView
hViewJoinJoin between the first view and the second view.HMergeView
hViewSubtractionMerge views with subtraction: Row of the first view without the common rows of the second viewHMergeView
hViewUnionMerging views: Merge the rows of the two specified viewsHMergeView
hViewUnionExExclusive merge of views: Merge the non-common rows of the two specified viewsHMergeView
hWDLThe files are sought:
  1. In the main WDL.
  2. In the WDL according to their load order, then on disk or in the specified WDL, then on disk.
  3. In the main WDL of the component.
  4. In the secondary WDLs of the component according to the load order.
opCancelThis constant must be returned by the procedure or window used to customize the process of HFSQL errors.
The function that triggered the error returns an error and the code continues to run.
SP_PBKDF2Key derivation function used to hash an item of type "Password": Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2) is used.spDerivation property
SP_SHA2_256Algorithm used for salting an item of type "Password": Secure Hash Algorithm 256 (SHA-256) is used.spHash property
SP_SHA2_512Algorithm used for salting an item of type "Password": Secure Hash Algorithm 512 (SHA-512) is used.spHash property
SP_SHA3_256Algorithm used for salting an item of type "Password": Secure Hash Algorithm 3-256 (SHA-3 256) is used.spHash property
SP_SHA3_512Algorithm used for salting an item of type "Password": Secure Hash Algorithm 3-512 (SHA-3 512) is used.spHash property
opEndProgramThis constant must be returned by the procedure or window used to customize the process of HFSQL errors.
The function that triggered the error returns an error and the program stops. Equivalent to the following line of code:
IF NOT <HFSQL function> THEN EndProgram()
opEndProcessThis constant must be returned by the procedure or window used to customize the process of HFSQL errors.
The function that triggered the error returns an error and the current process stops. Equivalent to the following line of code:
IF NOT <HFSQL function> THEN SetFocusAndReturnToUserInput()
opRetryThis constant must be returned by the procedure or window used to customize the process of HFSQL errors.
In this case, the function that triggered the error is re-run.
opRelaunchProgramThis constant must be returned by the procedure or window used to customize the process of HFSQL errors.
The program stops and the application is automatically restarted.
The following constants are used to manipulate HFSQL data files, using prefix syntax:
eltSetOfProceduresThe listed element is a set of procedures<Cnt>.ListStoredElement
eltProcedureThe listed element is a stored procedure<Cnt>.ListStoredElement
eltQueryThe listed element is a query.<Cnt>.ListStoredElement
h3GType of network to simulate: 3G<Cnt>.SimulateNetwork
h4GType of network to simulate: 4G<Cnt>.SimulateNetwork
h5GType of network to simulate: 5G<Cnt>.SimulateNetwork
hAcceptOpenedFileAllows you to read the source file that will be added to the memo if this source file is opened in write mode somewhere else.<Source>.LinkMemo
hAccessHF7Pseudo-connection to HFSQL Classic database.HConnect,
Provider property,
CtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hAccessHFClientServerProvider that will be used for the connection: Native Connector to an HFSQL Client/Server databaseHConnect,
Provider property,
CtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hAccessJDBCMySQLAccess to a MySQL database via a JDBC driverHDescribeConnection,
hAccessJDBCSQLServerAccess to an SQL Server database via a JDBC driverHDescribeConnection,
hNativeAccessAS400Provider that will be used for the connection: Native AS/400 Connector (optional module of WINDEV)HConnect,
Provider property,
CtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessDB2OLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: Native DB2 Connector (optional module of WINDEV)HConnect,
Provider property,
CtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessInformixOLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: Native Informix Connector (optional module of WINDEV)HConnect,
Provider property,
CtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessMariaDBOLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: Native MariaDB Connector (optional module of WINDEV/WEBDEV)HConnect,
Provider property,
CtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessMySQLOLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: Native MySQL ConnectorHConnect,
Provider property,
CtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessOracleOLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: Native Oracle Connector (optional module of WINDEV)HConnect,
Provider property,
CtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessOracleLiteProvider that will be used for the connection: Native Oracle Connector (optional module of WINDEV Mobile)HConnect,
Provider property,
CtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessPostgreSQLOLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: Native PostgreSQL ConnectorHConnect,
Provider property,
CtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessProgressOLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: Native Progress Connector (optional module of WINDEV)HConnect,
Provider property,
CtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessSQLAzureOLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: Native SQL Azure ConnectorHConnect,
Provider property,
CtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessSQLiteOLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: Native Connector to an SQLite databaseHConnect,
Provider property,
CtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessSQLServerOLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: Native SQL Server Connector (optional module of WINDEV)HConnect,
Provider property,
CtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessSQLServerMobileProvider that will be used for the connection: Native SQL Server Mobile Connector (optional module of WINDEV Mobile)HConnect,
Provider property,
CtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessSybaseOLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: Native Sybase Connector (optional module of WINDEV)HConnect,
Provider property,
CtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessXBaseOLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: Native xBase ConnectorHConnect,
Provider property,
CtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hNativeAccessXMLProvider that will be used for the connection: Native XML Connector (provided with WINDEV/WEBDEV)HConnect,
Provider property,
CtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property
hActiveDirectoryEnable the authentication via Active Directory. <Cnt>.SetServer
hADSLType of network to simulate: ADSL<Cnt>.SimulateNetwork
hAffectBrowseAddition affecting the current browse<Source>.Add,
hApplicationProperty of a database found on an HFSQL server: Name of the application from which the database was created.HInfoDatabaseProperty,
hStoppedServer stoppedHServerStatus
hNoneUsed to disable the simulation of a specific network.<Cnt>.SimulateNetwork
hAllowedThe relevant rights are granted to the user or group.HModifyDatabaseRights,
hWithFilterIf this parameter is specified:
  • the query result corresponds to a selection of filter records if the HFSQL engine allows it. Otherwise, the query result corresponds to an HFSQL view
  • the following operations are not allowed: search on the query result, query on query, view on query, query on view.
  • the browse items specified when looping through the result are ignored.
  • the magnifier is not available for the tables linked to a query.
  • hNbRec cannot be used on the queries.
If this parameter is not specified (by default):
  • the query result corresponds to an HFSQL view
  • the following operations can be performed on the queries: search on the query result, query on query, view on query, query on view.
  • the browse items specified when looping through the result are taken into account.
  • the magnifier is available on tables linked to a query.
  • hNbRec can be used on the queries.
hWithTransactionThe query is run in a transaction. A transaction is started, the records are locked in read/write during the execution of the query and they are unlocked at the end of its execution, regardless of the result (failure or success).
If the query cannot end properly (locked records, power failure, etc.), the transaction is canceled and the data files are restored to their previous status (before the query execution).
Remark: The query execution may be slowed down.
hLockWriteType of lock: Lock in write mode<Source>.Add,
hLockReadWriteType of lock: Lock in read/write mode<Source>.Add,
hLockNoType of lock: No lock<Source>.Add,
hCacheNbUnusedFilesMaximum number of unused HFSQL tables that are stored in cache (which means opened) on the server. <Cnt>.SetServer
hAutoStatisticalCalcEnable the automatic calculation of statistics for the data files (optimization of indexes).<Cnt>.SetServer
hCardinalityIntegrity constraints: Check the link cardinalities.<Cnt>.SetIntegrity
hInfiniteCardinalityMaximum cardinality ("N")MaxLinkedCardinality property,
MaxSourceCardinality property
hChangeCharsetThe character set defined by ChangeCharset will be taken into account in the new data file. Sorts, searches, ... on string keys (strings, characters, date and time) will be performed according to this character set.<Source>.Creation,
hDatabasePathPath of directory containing all databases<Cnt>.SetServer
hJNLPathPath of the directory containing all the logs of the different HFSQL Client/Server applications<Cnt>.SetServer
hJNLBackupPathPath of the directory containing the backups of the logs<Cnt>.SetServer
hLogPathPath of the directory containing the log files<Cnt>.SetServer
hActivityStatisticsPathPath of the directory containing the activity statistics<Cnt>.SetServer
hDuplicateKeyCharacteristics of an item: Key with duplicatesKeyType property
hUniqueKeyCharacteristics of an item: Unique keyKeyType property
hCloudType of network to simulate: Cloud<Cnt>.SimulateNetwork
hSQLCodeRequested information: SQL code of the materialized view<Cnt>.InfoView
hCompatibleThe structures of the data files (defined in the analysis and found in the physical file) must be compatible.<Source>.CheckStructure
hPackNoCompression mode: No compressionMmoPackMethod property
hPackZLWCompression mode: Compression based on the Ziw-Lempel algorithm, Welch implementation.MmoPackMethod property
hKeepTRSStores the transaction files during the deletion<Cnt>.DeleteDatabase,
hCopyAutoIDCopies the automatic identifier while keeping its value<Source>.CopyRecord,
New in version SaaS
hCopyIndexCopies the index of the data file<Cnt>.CopyFile
hCopyIfNotFoundCopies the data file only if it does not exist at the specified location on the destination computer.<Cnt>.CopyFile
hCorrespondenceGives the correspondence between the numbers of the log functions and the names of the WLanguage functionsHInfoLog
hCreatorProperty of a database found on an HFSQL server: Name of database owner.<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseProperty,
hCreateIndexThe index of the data file is not copied. It is automatically recreated at the destination by reindexing.<Cnt>.CopyFile
hIncreasingSort performed in ascending orderSortType property
hEncryptionAES128The file is encrypted only if it is password-protected. In this case, the file is encrypted using a 128-bit AES algorithm with Output feedback (OFB).FicEncryption property,
MmoEncryption property,
NdxEncryption property
hEncryptionAutoThe file is encrypted only if it is password-protected. In this case, the data file is encrypted according to an optimized encryption algorithm (RC5 16 rounds on 128 bits).FicEncryption property,
MmoEncryption property,
NdxEncryption property
hEncryptionNONo file encryption.FicEncryption property,
MmoEncryption property,
NdxEncryption property
hEncryptionRC5_12The file is encrypted using an optimized 12-round RC5 algorithm with a 128-bit key.FicEncryption property,
MmoEncryption property,
NdxEncryption property
hEncryptionRC5_16The file is encrypted using an optimized 16-round RC5 algorithm (128 bits).FicEncryption property,
MmoEncryption property,
NdxEncryption property
hEncryptionStandardThe file is encrypted using an optimized 128-bit algorithm.FicEncryption property,
MmoEncryption property,
NdxEncryption property
hClientCursorCursor managed by MDAC. Generally, it offers more features than a server-side cursor. A client-side cursor is always staticHDescribeConnection,
hDynamicCursorThis cursor offers many features, but consumes a lot of memory. This cursor supports all types of scrolling. You can access all insert, update and delete operations made by other users.HDescribeConnection,
hForwardOnlyCursorThis cursor is fast and consumes little memory. The cursor can only move forward and be scrolled from the first to the last record. Changes made by other users are not visible.HDescribeConnection,
hReadOnlyCursorThe record set manipulated cannot be modified.HDescribeConnection,
hOpenKeysetCursorThis cursor handles a fixed set of records. Only the key of each record is stored and not the actual record (consumes less memory). Deleted records cannot be accessed. Changes made by other users are visible (but added records are not).HDescribeConnection,
hOptimisticCursorThe record is locked when it is updatedHDescribeConnection,
hPessimisticCursorThe record is locked as soon as it is edited.HDescribeConnection,
hServerCursorCursor managed by the database. This cursor can easily reflect changes made to data by other users.HDescribeConnection,
hStaticCursorMakes a copy of all query records in memory (high memory consumption). All types of scrolling are supported.HDescribeConnection,
hDaemonUserUsername that will be used by the server (Linux only)<Cnt>.SetServer
hDateProperty of a database found on an HFSQL server: Creation date of the database.<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseProperty, <Cnt>.InfoFileProperty
hDateLastRefreshRequested information: Date of the last successful refresh for the materialized view.<Cnt>.InfoView
hDBASCIISort according to ASCII orderHDBSortType
hDisconnectionConfigures the disconnection messageHOnServerCall
hDBLexicographicSort according to the lexicographic orderHDBSortType
hDecreasingSort performed in descending orderSortType property
hDefaultThe rights returned do not take the inherited rights into account (rights granted to the groups to which the user belongs).
If no rights were defined, the value will be set to hInherit.
<Result> contains the values of the requested rights (in the same order).
hStartedServer startedHServerStatus
hDetailsThe rights returned do not take the inherited rights into account (rights granted to the groups to which the user belongs).
If no rights were defined, the value will be set to hInherit.
<Result> contains the rights and there value.
hDestroyLinkDeletes all links related to the deleted data file.<Cnt>.DeleteFile
hDiskSearch mode for the data files or the analyses: The files are sought on the disk only. This is the most common case<Source>.ChangeLocation,
hDistinctManages duplicates during the iteration: Only one record is read if duplicates are found when looping through a key item<Source>.Forward,
hDataConfigure the file management: All the operations stored in the log file are applied to the existing file<Cnt>.RegenerateFile
hRightsInsertRights to add new records into a data file.<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsStopServerRights to stop a server (<Connection>.StopServer)<Cnt>.InfoServerRights,
hRightsLockRights to lock the data files or the records of a data file.<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsChangeRightsRights to change rights.<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsChangeLinkRights to modify the integrity rules on a data file.<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsChangePasswordRights to change the password of a user on the server (the user can change his own password and the administrator can change the password of each user).<Cnt>.InfoServerRights,
hRightsChangeOwnerRights to change the owner of an element<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsConnectionRights to connect to a server (encrypted or unencrypted connection)<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsEncryptedConnectionRights to connect to a server (encrypted connection only)<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsCreateDBRights to create a database<Cnt>.InfoServerRights,
hRightsCreateFileRights to create a data file (with <Source>.Creation)<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsCreateViewRights to create a SQL view or a materialized view.<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsDebugRights to debug the stored procedures.<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsDisconnectClientRights to disconnect the client computers.<Cnt>.InfoServerRights,
hRightsSendMessageToClientRights to send messages to the client computers.<Cnt>.InfoServerRights,
hRightsRunProcedureRights to run the stored procedures.<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsManageDuplicateRights to enable and disable the management of duplicates.<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsManageIntegrityRights to enable and disable the management of integrity.<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsManageTaskRights to manage the scheduled tasks.<Cnt>.InfoServerRights,
hRightsManageProcedureRights to add, modify and delete the stored procedures.<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsManageServerRights to use <Cnt>.SetServer<Cnt>.InfoServerRights,
hRightsManageTriggerRights to manage the server triggers (addition, activation, deletion)<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsManageUserRights to delete and add users or groups<Cnt>.InfoServerRights,
hRightsNoDatabaseAccessRights to prevent access to a database (<Cnt>.NoDatabaseAccess and <Cnt>.EndNoDatabaseAccess)<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsReadRights to read the records of a data file<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsReadLogStatRights to see the activity statistics and the server logs.<Cnt>.InfoServerRights,
hRightsMaintenanceRights to start a re-index operation or to perform statistical calculations on a data file<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsAutoModifRights to run automatic data modification on a file<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsUpdateRights to modify the records of a data file<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsPriorityRights to modify the priority of a client application<Cnt>.InfoServerRights,
hRightsServerReplicationRights to define and perform a replication between two HFSQL servers.<Cnt>.InfoServerRights,
hRightsBackupRights to save the data files<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsDeleteRights to delete the records from a data file<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsDeleteDBRights to delete a database<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsDeleteFileRights to delete a data file (<Cnt>.DeleteFile)<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsDeleteViewRights to delete a SQL view or a materialized view.<Cnt>.InfoViewRights, <Cnt>.ModifyViewRights
hRightsAllList of all the rights<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseRights,
hRightsSeeUserRights to view the characteristics of a group or user.<Cnt>.InfoServerRights,
hlbDiskAccessValue modifying the coefficient applied to the counter for the number of disk accesses.<Cnt>.SetServer
hlbActiveEnable or disable the load balancing<Cnt>.SetServer
hlbClientCallsValue modifying the coefficient applied to the counter for client calls<Cnt>.SetServer
hlbMaxTimeoutValue modifying the maximum timeout for a server request<Cnt>.SetServer
hlbDiskValue modifying the coefficient applied to the counter for the bytes read or written on disk by the server<Cnt>.SetServer
hlbSentValue modifying the coefficient applied to the counter for the bytes sent by the server<Cnt>.SetServer
hlbReceivedValue modifying the coefficient applied to the counter for the bytes received by the server<Cnt>.SetServer
hWriteDefaultAddition not affecting the current browse/Identifier re-used or calculated for the record<Source>.Add,
hEffectiveThe rights returned correspond to the rights that will be actually granted to the user or to the group on the database. Inherited rights are taken into account (for example, rights granted to the groups to which the user belongs).<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseRights,
hOnUpdateIntegrity rule applied during a modification<Cnt>.SetIntegrity
hRecFileRecord to read: Value of the item currently saved in the data file<Source>.ErrorModification,
hRecReadRecord to read: Value of the item for the source record<Source>.ErrorModification,
hRecUserRecord to read: Value of the item for the current record when performing the modification<Source>.ErrorModification,
hOnDeleteIntegrity rule applied during a deletion<Cnt>.SetIntegrity
hErrDatabaseAccessConfigure the access errors to an HFSQL Client/Server database.<Source>.OnError
hErrADOType of information about the error to return: Error code returned by ADO. The corresponding message is returned by the hErrADOMessage constant.HErrorInfo
hErrBaseType of information about the error to return: Error code returned by the database. The corresponding message is returned by the hErrBaseMessage constantHErrorInfo
hErrLockDefines how to handle lock errors<Source>.OnError
hErrSystemCodeType of information about the error to return: Number of the associated system errorHErrorInfo
hErrFullDetailsType of information about the error to return: Full error details (error line, current process, etc.)
Remark: Returns the same information as the one retrieved via the "Copy" button in the WLanguage error window.
hErrDuplicatesDefines how to handle duplicate errors<Source>.OnError
hErrCurrentType of information about the error to return: Number of the current errorHError
hErrorLastRefreshRequested information: Last error while refreshing the materialized view.<Connection>.InfoView
hErrFICType of information about the error to return: Full name of the data file associated with the errorHErrorInfo
hErrFileType of information about the error to return: Logical name of data file associated with the errorHErrorInfo
hErrLockInfoType of information about the error to return: Information about the lockHErrorInfo
hErrClientInfoInformation about the client library used by the Native Connector that returned the error.HErrorInfo
hErrDebugInfoType of information about the error to return: Specific information for debugging the problem that occurred. This information should only be displayed and communicated on express demand from PC SOFT.
When running a query via OLE DB, this option allows you to retrieve the code of the SQL query currently run on the database.
hErrServerInfoInformation about the server used by the Native Connector that returned the error.HErrorInfo
hErrIntegrityDefines how to handle integrity errors<Source>.OnError
hErrLinkType of information about the error to return: Name of the link associated with the errorHErrorInfo
hErrMessageType of information about the error to return: Message associated with the errorHErrorInfo
hErrADOMessageType of information about the error to return: Message corresponding to the error returned by ADO (hErrADO)HErrorInfo
hErrBaseMessageType of information about the error to return: Message corresponding to the error returned by the database (hErrBase)HErrorInfo
hErrNativeMessageType of information about the error to return: Message corresponding to the error returned by the provider of the Native Connector.HErrorInfo
hErrOLEDBMessageType of information about the error to return: Message corresponding to the error returned by the system during an OLE DB connection (hErrOLEDB)HErrorInfo
hErrSystemMessageType of information about the error to return: Message of associated system errorHErrorInfo
hErrMMOType of information about the error to return: Full name of the memo file associated with the errorHErrorInfo
hErrModifyDefines how to handle modification conflicts<Source>.OnError
hErrPasswordDefines how to handle password errors<Source>.OnError
hErrNativeType of information about the error to return: Error code returned by the Native Connector or the OLE DB provider usedHErrorInfo
hErrNDXType of information about the error to return: Full name of the index file associated with the errorHErrorInfo
hErrRecNumType of information about the error to return: Number of the record associated with the errorHErrorInfo
hErrOLEDBType of information about the error to return: Error code returned by the system during an access via an OLE DB connection.HErrorInfo
hErrConnectionLossDefines how to handle errors caused by a loss of connection with the server.<Source>.OnError
hErrPositionSQLErrorType of information about the error to return: Position of the SQL error in the SQL code of the query run by <HFSQL file>.ExecuteSQLQuery.HErrorInfo
hErrMainType of information about the error to return: Number of the main errorHError
hErrIndexDefines how to handle reindexing errors (reindexing in progress when accessing the data file)<Source>.OnError
hErrItemType of information about the error to return: Name of the item associated with the errorHErrorInfo
hErrServerType of information about the error to return: Name of the HFSQL Client/Server server that triggers the errorHErrorInfo
hErrAllDefines how to handle all errors<Source>.OnError
hErrNeedValueDefines how to handle errors caused by a required value that has not been specified (OLE DB only).<Source>.OnError
hErrWDDType of information about the error to return: Full name of the analysis file associated with the errorHErrorInfo
hStateActiveStatus of the record/Type of record taken into account: Active record<Source>.State,
hStateInvalidRecord status not found (error)<Source>.State,
hStateCrossedStatus of the record/Type of record taken into account: Crossed record<Source>.State,
hStateDelStatus of the record/Type of record taken into account: Deleted record<Source>.State,
hStateAllType of record: Total number of records in the data file<Source>.NbRec
hExistingType of search: Only the assignments for which a file actually existsHListREP
hExpCreationMode for creating the export file: The file is overwritten if it already exists.<Source>.ExportXML
hExpBreakableMode for creating the export file: The export can be interrupted by pressing Esc.
If the export is interrupted, the export file is valid and it only contains the records exported before the interruption.
hExpNormalMode for creating the export file: Standard operating mode<Source>.ExportXML
hExpNoLineItemNameMode for creating the CSV/XLSX file: The first line of the generated file will not contain the names of the items.<Source>.ExportCSV
hExpWithoutXSLThe style sheet (".XSL" file) is not created<Source>.ExportXML
hFileAS400Type of file: AS400 fileType property
hFileOtherType of file: Other type of fileType property
hFileClientServerType of file: HFSQL Client/Server fileType property
hFileHF5Type of file: Hyper File 5 fileType property
hFileMySQLType of file: MySQL fileType property
hFileNormalType of file: Standard file (HFSQL Classic)Type property
hFileOLEDBType of file: OLEDB fileType property
hFileOracleType of file: ORACLE fileType property
hFileOracleLiteType of file: ORACLE Lite fileType property
hFilePostgreSQLType of file: PostgreSQL fileType property
hFileProgressType of file: Progress fileType property
hFileQueryType of file: QueryType property
hFileQueryAS400Type of file: Query on an AS/400 databaseType property
hFileQueryClientServerType of file: Query on an HFSQL Client/Server databaseType property
hFileQueryMySQLType of file: Query on a MySQL databaseType property
hFileQueryOLEDBType of file: Query on a database accessed via an OLE DB providerType property
hFileQueryOracleType of file: Query on an Oracle databaseType property
hFileQueryOracleLiteType of file: Query on an Oracle Lite databaseType property
hFileQueryPostgreSQLType of file: Query on a PostgreSQL databaseType property
hFileQueryProgressType of file: Query on a Progress databaseType property
hFileQuerySQLAzureType of file: Query on an SQL Azure databaseType property
hFileQuerySQLServerType of file: Query on an SQL Server databaseType property
hFileQuerySQLServerMobileType of file: Query on an SQL Server Mobile databaseType property
hFileQuerySybaseType of file: Query on a Sybase databaseType property
hFileQueryXMLType of file: Query on an XML databaseType property
hFileSQLType of file: SQL fileType property
hFileSQLAzureType of file: SQL Azure fileType property
hFileSQLiteType of file: SQLite fileType property
hFileSQLServerType of file: SQL Server fileType property
hFileSQLServerMobileType of file: SQL Server Mobile fileType property
hFileSybaseType of file: Sybase fileType property
hFileTemporaryType of file: Temporary fileType property
hFileViewType of file: HFSQL viewType property
hFileXBaseType of file: xBase fileType property
hFileXMLType of file: XML fileType property
hSetIDAutoMode for calculating the automatic identifier: Identifier value equals to the one stored during the addition<Source>.Add,
hSetIDAutoMode for calculating the automatic identifier: Identifier value equals to the one stored during the write operation<Source>.Add,
hANSIFormatData format: Ansi format (used by Windows)Format property
hUNICODEFormatData format: UNICODE formatFormat property
hForwardOnlyNative Connectors only:
Optimizes simple iterations that do not use the following features:
  • Reading the previous record.
  • Modifying a record.
  • Saving position.
If one of these features is used, the result may differ from the expected one.
For example, this constant can be used when looping through records to populate a Table control programmatically.
hftPunctuationSimpleFull-text Index item described programmatically: Taking into account the simple punctuation characters (non Unicode).Option property of variables
of type FullTextIndex Description.
hftPunctuationUnicodeFull-text Index item described programmatically: Taking into account the Unicode punctuation characters.Option property of variables
of type FullTextIndex Description.
hFTXReindex full-text indexes<Source>.Index
HGenericType of search: Generic search<Source>.ReadSeekLast,
hHCreationIfNotFoundType of test to run to check the connection: Checks the connection by opening or creating a file (if the file does not exist). This operation can be performed in hOReadWrite mode only.HConnect
hInheritThe user will inherit the right granted to the group to which they belong<Cnt>.ModifyDatabaseRights,
hHOpenType of test to run to check the connection: Checks the connection by opening a file. This value is used by default when accessing to an hORead database.HConnect
hIdenticalThe structures of files (read in the analysis and in the physical file) must be strictly identical.<Source>.ReadSeek,
hIgnoreDuplicatesDoes not check for duplicates for this action, even if the automatic duplicate check is enabled (<Source>.SetDuplicates)<Source>.Add
hIgnoreIntegrityIgnores the integrity check for this operation, even if the automatic integrity check is enabled (<Cnt>.SetIntegrity)<Source>.Add,
<HFSQL file>.Cross
hImpConversionType of import: The associated items do not have the same type or the same size: the data checked out from the imported file is automatically converted or truncated.<Source>.ImportHF55
hImpCreationType of import: If the (HFSQL Classic) import file exists, it is overwritten.<Source>.ImportHF55,
New in version SaaS
hImpIgnoreInvalidLineType of import: The lines whose structure are invalid are not imported: the import continues on the following lines. The structure is invalid if data is missing for one or more items, or if string separators are missing.
New in version SaaS
hImpIgnoreFirstLineType of import: The first row of the imported file is ignored.
New in version SaaS
hImpIgnoreItemType of import:
  • The items found in the import file (HFSQL Classic) without associated items in the imported file (Hyper File 5.5) are filled with their default value.
  • The items of imported file (Hyper File 5.5) with no match in the import file are ignored.
hImpIgnoreEmptyItemIf one or more items are not filled in the text file, the corresponding lines are still imported.
The missing items contain:
  • the default value of items if the hDefaultVal constant is specified.
  • the value of items in the current record before the call to <Source>.ImportText.
New in version SaaS
hImpBreakableThe import can be interrupted by pressing ESC.<Source>.ImportHF55,
New in version SaaS
hImpNormalType of import: The import is not performed and an error occurs in the following cases:
  • items found in the Hyper File 5.5 file with no match in the HFSQL Classic file.
  • associated items in the two files but with a different size and/or format.
If the (HFSQL Classic) import file already exists, it is filled with the imported data; otherwise, the file is created.
No management of integrity and no management of duplicates.
The non-imported items take the value of the current record.
The automatic identifiers are recalculated.
New in version SaaS
hImpOEM2ANSIType of import: Convert the imported strings from OEM to ANSI. This constant is available for backward compatibility.
New in version SaaS
hImpNoDelimiterType of import: The string separators (if they exist) are part of the item
New in version SaaS
hImpNoSpaceType of import: The space characters found at the end of string are automatically deleted during the import<Source>.ImportHF55
hImpTestDuplicatesType of import: Checks the duplicates during the import<Source>.ImportHF55,
New in version SaaS
hImpTestIntegrityType of import: Checks the integrity during the import<Source>.ImportHF55,
New in version SaaS
hInaccessibleUndefined server statusHServerStatus
hInfoClusterInformation about the HFSQL cluster.<Cnt>.InfoServer
hInfoDateDate and time of server on 8 bytes in UTC format (universal time)<Cnt>.InfoServer
hInfoFreeDiskSpaceAvailable space on the server disk, expressed in MB.<Cnt>.InfoServer
hInfoTotalDiskSpaceTotal capacity of server disk, expressed in MB.<Cnt>.InfoServer
hInfoHardwareInformation about the hardware used:
  • Type of processor (for example: Intel Pentium)
  • Size of server RAM (for example: 630 MB)
This information is returned in the following format:
<Type of CPU> = TAB + <Size of server RAM>
hInfoNameName of server (DNS)<Cnt>.InfoServer
hInfoLogicalNameName of server given in HFConf.ini or specified during the setup. This name appears in the HFSQL Control Center.<Cnt>.InfoServer
hInfoPlatformInformation about the server platform:
  • Name of operating system: Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, LINUX
  • System version: corresponds to Service Pack in Windows or empty string if no Service Pack is installed. In Linux, corresponds to the version of Linux kernel (2.4.20-8 for example).
This information is returned in the following format:
<System name> + TAB + <Version>
hInfoSizeCacheNdxUsedSize of index cache that is actually used on the server, expressed in MB.<Cnt>.InfoServer
hInfoAllFull information about the server (corresponds to hInfoVi + hInfoVersion + hInfoPlatform + hInfoHardware + hInfoName + hInfoLogicalName + hInfoDate).
The different values are separated by CR characters (Carriage Return).
hInfoVersionInformation about the version of programs required for the server to operate:
  • Version of Manta.exe or Manta in Linux
  • Version of HFSQL engine (WDHFsrv.dll or in Linux)
  • Version of SQL engine (WDSQLsrv.dll or in Linux)
This information is returned in the following format:
<Manta version> + TAB + <HFSQL version> +TAB + <SQL version<
hInfoVersionDetailsDetailed information about the version of the programs required to operate the server:
<Program name> + TAB + <Version number> + TAB + <Internal version number> + TAB + <File date>
The listed elements are as follows:
  • Manta.exe or Manta in Linux
  • HFSQL engine (WDHFsrv.dll or in Linux)
  • SQL engine (WDSQLsrv.dll or in Linux)
  • Management of logs (HFLogger.exe)
  • MantaManager
  • the framework required to operate the server.
This information is returned in the following format:
<Manta version> + TAB + <HFSQL version> +TAB + <SQL version<
hInfoVIVersion number of Manta.exe or Manta in Linux<Cnt>.InfoServer
hIntegrityNoneModification/Deletion rule: No integrity managementModificationRule property,
DeletionRule property
hIntegrityCascadeModification/Deletion rule: Cascading modification/deletionModificationRule property,
DeletionRule property
hIntegrityForbiddenModification/Deletion rule: Modification/Deletion not allowedModificationRule property,
DeletionRule property
hIntegrityDefaultValueModification/Deletion rule: Default modification/deletionModificationRule property,
DeletionRule property
hForbiddenThe relevant rights are not granted to the user or group<Cnt>.ModifyDatabaseRights,
hLogJNLFileConfigures the file to recreate: Only <File name>JNL.FIC is recreated.<Source>.LogRecreate
hLogIdentificationConfigures the file to recreate: Re-creates the "JournalIdentification.fic" file.<Source>.LogRecreate
hLogWritingFormat of log process: Log the write operations performed in the fileLogMethod property
hLogReadingWritingFormat of log process: Log the read and write operations performed in the fileLogMethod property
hLogNoFormat of log process: No logLogMethod property
hLogOperationConfigures the file to recreate: Re-creates the "JournalOperation.fic" file.<Source>.LogRecreate
hLogUserConfigures the file to recreate: Recreates the log of users ("UserLog.fic").
This file exists in HFSQL Client/Server only. This file contains the information (login, computer, ...) about the users who perform the logged actions.
hkaIntervalMaximum time (in seconds) after which, if no communication is established between the server and the client, the server will check the presence of client. <Cnt>.SetServer
hkaTimeoutMaximum timeout (in seconds) for the server when checking the presence of client. If the client is not found at the end of this timeout, the client is automatically disconnected. <Cnt>.SetServer
hLanguageCreationUsed to find out whether the language used to perform the comparisons and the sort corresponds to "Defined at creation".Language property,
LanguageDescribed property
hLanguageBinarySortThe sort will be performed by comparing the binary value of the bytes. This type of sort is very fast. It should be used to perform an exact-match search for example.Language property,
LanguageDescribed property, H.LanguageCreationUnicode
hLanguageFastSortThe sort will be performed by comparing the characters one by one according to a generic sort.Language property,
LanguageDescribed property, H.LanguageCreationUnicode
hLimitParsingLimits the file browse: The iteration will stop when the last searched value is found. The current record will correspond to this last record found.
<Source>.Found will be set to False and <Source>.Out will be set to True.
This constant is used to optimize the search speed in client/server mode.
<Source>.ReadSeek, <Source>.ReadSeekLast, <Source>.ReadSeekFirst, <Source>.Seek, <Source>.SeekLast, <Source>.SeekFirst
hlpCalcStatType of operation performed on the server: statistical calculation.hServerOperation type
hlpKeyDetectionType of operation performed on the server: detection of keys.hServerOperation type
hlpOptimizationType of scheduling to list: Tasks for optimizing files (re-indexing, statistical calculation).
hlpReplicationType of operation performed on the server: server replication.hServerOperation type
hlpBackupType of scheduling to list: Scheduling of backups.
hlpTaskType of scheduling to list: Scheduled tasks that run a stored procedure.
hlpMaterializedViewType of scheduling to list: Tasks for refreshing the materialized views.
hLstKeyLists the key items<Source>.ListKey,
hLstCompositeKeyLists the composite key items only<Source>.ListKey,
hLstSetLists the sets of procedures found on a server<Cnt>.ListStoredElement
hLstDetailLists the detailed information<Source>.ListKey,
hLstDetailPlusFor the numeric items or keys, adds to the detailed information the number of digits found in the integer part and in the decimal part.<Source>.ListKey,
hLstFileLists the databases and their files for the server defined by the connection<Cnt>.ListDatabase
hLstMemoLists the memo items<Source>.ListItem
hLstNormalLists all keys/List not sorted, not detailed, without the files described dynamically/List of links/Lists the items (except for composite key items)/List of connections, not sorted, not detailed, without the connections described dynamically.<Source>.ListKey,
hLstLogicalOrderLists the items or the keys according to the logical order of items<Source>.ListKey,
hLstOpenedStores the opened connections onlyHListConnection
hLstStoredProcedureLists the stored procedures of a connection via Native Connectors or OLE DBHListFile,
  • Lists the queries found on a server
  • Lists the queries that have been run.
hLstItemLists the non-key and non-memo items<Source>.ListItem
hLstOriginalItemUsed on a log file (xxxJNL.fic), lists the items of the source file (that was logged). For example, on CustomerLOG.Fic, lists the items of CUSTOMER file.<Source>.ListKey, <Source>.ListItem
hLstTableList of user tables for a connection via Native Connectors or OLE DBHListFile
hLstSystemTableList of system tables for a connection via Native Connectors or OLE DBHListFile
hLstDatabaseSizeList of connection databases as well as their size. <Cnt>.ListDatabase
hLstAllLists all the keys, all the files, all the items or all the connections<Source>.ListKey,
hLstSortedSorts the list of keys, files, items or connection in ascending order<Source>.ListKey,
  • List the views of a connection via Native Connectors or OLE DB.
  • List the SQL views on an HFSQL server.
hLstMaterializedViewLists the materialized views found on an HFSQL server.HListFile
hComputerProperty of a database found on an HFSQL server: Name of the computer from which the element was created.<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseProperty,
hMemoAutoThe memos are read during the access to the item<Source>.SetMemo
hMemoBinType of file used for the memo: Any binary file<Source>.LinkMemo
hMemoImgType of file used for the memo: Image file<Source>.LinkMemo
hMemoNoNo management of memos<Source>.SetMemo
hMemoOleType of file used for the memo: OLE file<Source>.LinkMemo
hMemoYesThe text memos are read whenever the record is read.
Read the binary memos when accessing the item.
hMemoWavType of file used for the memo: sound file<Source>.LinkMemo
hMessageConfigures the information messageHOnServerCall
hMode2GBIndicates whether system files support more than 2 GB<Cnt>.SetServer
hMmoCompactCompression and defragmentation of "Mmo" files.<Source>.Index
hModeDirectPriority implementation of locks<Source>.Mode
hModeMonoSingle-user lock mode<Source>.Mode
hModeMultiMulti-user lock mode<Source>.Mode
hModeReservationNon-priority implementation of locks<Source>.Mode
hModifyFileWhen modifying the query result, these modifications will be applied to the files belonging to the query.
If this option is not specified, only the query result is modified.
<HFSQL file>.ExecuteQuery,
<HFSQL file>.ExecuteSQLQuery
hmsNormalStandard operating mode of the automatic data modification.<Source>.ModifyStructure
hmsNoCheckThe automatic data modification is performed even if the file description is more recent than the analysis description.<Source>.ModifyStructure
hmsBackgroundTaskA hot automatic modification is performed (available for the HFSQL Client/Server data files only).<Source>.ModifyStructure
hNdxCompactReindexing with compression<Source>.Index
hNdxMinimalReindex and ignore corrupted keys<Source>.Index
hNdxSilentConfigures the reindex operation: No display during the reindex operation<Source>.Index
hNdxNormalStandard reindexing<Source>.Index
hNdxNoStatReindex without calculating statistics<Source>.Index
hNdxDeleteReindex and delete damaged records<Source>.Index
hLogLevelDefines the elements that must be in the log file<Cnt>.SetServer
hMaxNumberConnectionMaximum number of connections allowed per application. <Cnt>.SetServer
hNonBlockingNumber of records retrieved in the view or query without waiting for the view or query to be entirely filled. To knwo if the execution of the view or query is completed, use the ExecutionCompleted property property.
This constant is available for the views and queries in HFSQL Classic or Client/Server.
This constant has no effect for the data files and for the Native Connectors
hNotAKeyCharacteristics of an item: Non-key itemKeyType property
hNotReplicatedReplication mode: The data file is not configured for replication. To implement the replication, check "Replication" in the characteristics of the file in the data model editor.Replication property
hNotSortedSort direction: Item not sortedSortType property
hNotesProperty of a database found on an HFSQL server: Database description or any other information associated with the database by <Cnt>.ModifyDatabaseProperty.<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseProperty, <Cnt>.InfoFileProperty, <Cnt>.InfoServerProperty, <Cnt>.ModifyDatabaseProperty, <Cnt>.ModifyFileProperty, <Cnt>.ModifyServerProperty
hNotifWarningThe notifications will be sent from the warning level (for the warning, critical and error problems).<Cnt>.NotifAddCCRecipient, <Cnt>.NotifAddEmailRecipient
hNotifCCClassicThe notifications are sent by the Control Centers in HFSQL Classic mode.<Cnt>.NotifConfigure
hNotifCCCSThe notifications are sent by the Control Centers in Client/Server mode.<Cnt>.NotifConfigure
hNotifCriticalThe notifications will be sent from the critical level (for the critical and error problems).<Cnt>.NotifAddCCRecipient, <Cnt>.NotifAddEmailRecipient
hNotifEmailThe notifications are sent by email.<Cnt>.NotifConfigure
hNotifErrorThe notifications will be sent for the error problems only.<Cnt>.NotifAddCCRecipient, <Cnt>.NotifAddEmailRecipient
hNotifInformationThe notifications will be sent from the information level (for the information, warning, critical and error problems)<Cnt>.NotifAddCCRecipient, <Cnt>.NotifAddEmailRecipient
hCurrentRecNumNumber of the current record.HFSQL functions
hInvalidRecNumConstant returned if there is no current record or if the specified file corresponds to a multi-file query.<Source>.RecNum
  • Used to track all records found in a data file.
  • Used to check all unaltered records
hODBCOLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: OLE DB provider for ODBC. Allows you to access an ODBC source declared in the ODBC data sources of WindowsCtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property,
hOReadFile accessible in read-onlyCtAccess property,
CtDescribedAccess property,
hOReadWriteFile accessible in read/writeCtAccess property,
CtDescribedAccess property,
HConnect, <Source>.Open
hOledbAccess97OLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: OLE DB provider for Access 97CtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property,
HConnect, <Source>.DeclareExternal, HListFile, <Cnt>.OpenConnection, SQLConnect
hOledbAccess2000OLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: OLE DB provider for Access 2000CtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property,
HConnect, <Source>.DeclareExternal, HListFile, <Cnt>.OpenConnection, SQLConnect
hOledbAccess2007OLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: OLE DB provider for Access 2007CtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property,
HConnect, <Source>.DeclareExternal, HListFile, <Cnt>.OpenConnection, SQLConnect
hOledbAccess2010OLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: OLE DB provider for Access 2010CtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property,
HConnect, <Source>.DeclareExternal, HListFile, <Cnt>.OpenConnection, SQLConnect
hOledbDBase5OLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: OLE DB provider for dBase 5CtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property,
HConnect, <Source>.DeclareExternal, HListFile, <Cnt>.OpenConnection, SQLConnect
hOledbExcel2000OLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: OLE DB provider for Excel 2000CtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property,
HConnect, <Source>.DeclareExternal, HListFile, <Cnt>.OpenConnection, SQLConnect
hOledbExcel2007OLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: OLE DB provider for Excel 2007CtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property,
HConnect, <Source>.DeclareExternal, HListFile, <Cnt>.OpenConnection, SQLConnect
hOledbExcel97OLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: OLE DB provider for Excel 97CtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property,
HConnect, <Source>.DeclareExternal, HListFile, <Cnt>.OpenConnection, SQLConnect
hOledbLotus4OLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: OLE DB provider for Lotus 4CtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property,
HConnect, <Source>.DeclareExternal, HListFile, <Cnt>.OpenConnection, SQLConnect
hOledbOracleOLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: OLE DB provider for OracleCtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property,
HConnect, <Source>.DeclareExternal, HListFile, <Cnt>.OpenConnection, SQLConnect
hOledbSQLServerOLE DB provider that will be used for the connection: OLE DB provider for SQL ServerCtOLEDBProvider property,
CtDescribedOLEDBProvider property,
HConnect, <Source>.DeclareExternal, HListFile, <Cnt>.OpenConnection, SQLConnect
hOptIndexOptimization options: Provokes the re-indexing operation on the data files. A hot re-indexing operation is performed on the indexes and on the full-text indexes.hFileParameter variable
hOptStatOptimization options: Provokes the recalculation of statistics on the data files.hFileParameter variable
hDelayedOpeningOptimize the opening of existing files: If the file already exists, it will be opened during the first access to the file. The file is created if it does not exist.<Source>.CreationIfNotFound
hActivityStatisticsPeriodIndicates the period (in second) between each backup of values for the different activity counters.<Cnt>.SetServer
hDebuggingPortPort used to debug the stored procedures and the server triggers.<Cnt>.SetServer
hServerPortNetwork port used<Cnt>.SetServer
hPrecisionHighPosition with high precision<Source>.GetCurrentPosition, <Source>.SetPosition
hPrecisionLowPosition with low precision<Source>.GetCurrentPosition, <Source>.SetPosition
hPrecisionMediumPosition with medium precision<Source>.GetCurrentPosition, <Source>.SetPosition
hOwnerProperty of a database found on an HFSQL server: Owner of database.<Cnt>.InfoDatabaseProperty, <Cnt>.InfoFileProperty, <Cnt>.ModifyDatabaseProperty, <Cnt>.ModifyFileProperty
hRefreshInProgressRequested information: Is the materialized view currently refreshed?<Cnt>.InfoView
hReadCommittedIsolation level of transaction: other users can only view completed transactions.<Cnt>.TransactionIsolation
hReadUncommittedIsolation level of transaction: other users can view incomplete transactions.<Cnt>.TransactionIsolation
hRecalculateIDAutoMode for calculating the automatic identifier: Automatic identifier re-calculated during the write operation<Source>.Write,
hFindKeyEnable the search for keys on the HFSQL server. <Cnt>.SetServer
hRepeatableReadIsolation level of transaction: the application in transaction sees a snapshot of the database when the transaction starts.<Cnt>.TransactionIsolation
hSubscriberReplicaReplication mode: The data file is a subscriber replica (HCreateSubscriberReplica was used to create the subscriber replica)Replication property
hMasterReplicaReplication mode: The data file is a master replica (HCreateMasterReplica was used to create the master replica)Replication property
hReplicatedReplication mode: The data file is configured to be replicated.Replication property
hQueryDefaultThe query is initialized without interruption<HFSQL file>.ExecuteQuery, <HFSQL file>.ExecuteSQLQuery
hQueryBreakableThe query initialization can be interrupted with the ESC key<HFSQL file>.ExecuteQuery, <HFSQL file>.ExecuteSQLQuery
hQueryWithoutCorrectionNative Connector or OLE DB only:
No check is performed by the HFSQL engine. This option must be used if the query contains commands specific to a connection type (Oracle, SQL Server, etc.)
<HFSQL file>.ExecuteQuery, <HFSQL file>.ExecuteSQLQuery
hQueryWithoutHFCorrectionHFSQL only
The file format (filled with space characters or not) is not checked by the HFSQL engine. To be used if the query handles both HFSQL files in a format that fills items with space characters and HFSQL files in a format that does not fill items with space characters.
<HFSQL file>.ExecuteQuery, <HFSQL file>.ExecuteSQLQuery
hTempDirectoryPath of temporary directory. This directory is used to create the temporary files if necessary (temporary files created when re-indexing large data files for example).<Cnt>.SetServer
hKeepFilterThe filter set by HFilter will be taken into account, even if the search key is not optimized for the filter.
Reminder: HFilter returns the search key optimized for the filter.
Caution: in this case, performance problems may occur on large files.
hRPKeepConfigure the restore operation: Position not freed<Source>.RestorePosition
hRPDefaultConfigure the restore operation: Position freed. The stored position is restored<Source>.RestorePosition
hRPFilterConfigure the restore operation: Restore the filter set when <HFSQL file>.SavePosition is called<Source>.RestorePosition
hRPHF5Configure the restore operation: If the stored position was deleted or modified, this position is restored<Source>.RestorePosition
hrsCopyConfigure the replication between servers: Enables the initial copy of replicated elements from the connection server (master server) to the other server (subscriber server, defined in the hRSConfig variable). This copy is locking. <Cnt>.RSAddConfig
hrsCopyBackgroundTaskConfigure the replication between servers: Enables the initial copy of replicated elements from the connection server (master server) to the other server (subscriber server, defined in the hRSConfig variable). This copy is performed in background task and it is not locking. <Cnt>.RSAddConfig
hrsNoCopyConfigure the replication between servers: No copy is performed.<Cnt>.RSAddConfig
hItemBinaryItem type: BinaryType property
hItemBooleanItem type: BooleanType property
hItemCharacterItem type: CharacterType property
hItemCombinationItem type: CombinationType property
hItemDate6Item type: DateType property
hItemDate8Item type: DateType property
hItemDateTimeItem type: Date/TimeType property
hItemTimeLengthItem type: DurationType property
hItemInteger1Item type: 1-byte integerType property
hItemInteger2Item type: 2-byte integerType property
hItemInteger4Item type: 4-byte integerType property
hItemInteger8Item type: 8-byte integerType property
hItemUnsignedInteger1Item type: Unsigned 1-byte integerType property
hItemUnsignedInteger2Item type: Unsigned 2-byte integerType property
hItemUnsignedInteger4Item type: Unsigned 4-byte integerType property
hItemUnsignedInteger8Item type: Unsigned 4-byte integerType property
hItemEnumerationItem type: EnumerationType property
hItemGeometryItem type: Geometry in 2D or geographic coordinatesType property
hItemHourItem type: TimeType property
hItemIDAutoItem type: Automatic identifier (8 bytes)Type property
hItemIDAuto4Item type: Automatic identifier (4 bytes)Type property
hItemPictureItem type: ImageType property
hItemInvalidInvalid type of itemType property
hItemJSONItem type: JSONType property
hItemBinaryMemoItem type: Binary memoType property
hItemBinaryMemo4Item type: Binary memo (4 bytes)Type property
hItemTextMemoItem type: Text memoType property
hItemUnicodeMemoItem type: Unicode text memoType property
hItemCurrencyItem type: CurrencyType property
hItemSecurePasswordItem type: PasswordType property
hItemMultiPoint2DItem type: Multipoint in 2D coordinatesType property
hItemMultiPointGeoItem type: Multipoint in geographic coordinatesType property
hItemMultiPolygon2DItem type: Multipolygon in 2D coordinatesType property
hItemMultiPolygonGeoItem type: Multipolygon in geographic coordinatesType property
hItemMultiLinestring2DItem type: Multilinestring in 2D coordinatesType property
hItemMultiLinestringGeoItem type: Multilinestring in geographic coordinatesType property
hItemNumRecItem type: Record numberType property
hItemNumericItem type: High-precision numericType property
hItemPoint2DItem type: Point in 2D coordinatesType property
hItemPointGeoItem type: Point in geographic coordinatesType property
hItemPolygon2DItem type: Polygon in 2D coordinatesType property
hItemPolygonGeoItem type: Polygon in geographic coordinatesType property
hItemLinestring2DItem type: Linestring in 2D coordinatesType property
hItemLinestringGeoItem type: Linestring in geographic coordinatesType property
hItemReal4Item type: 4-byte realType property
hItemReal8Item type: 8-byte realType property
hItemRealTurboItem type: Turbo realType property
hItemTextItem type: TextType property
hItemUnicodeTextItem type: Unicode textType property
hItemUUID128Item type: UUID 128Type property
hItemUUID128AutoItem type: UUID 128 automatic identifierType property
hItemUUID256Item type: UUID 256Type property
hItemUUID256AutoItem type: UUID 256 automatic identifierType property
hsAddMonitors the operations for adding records. <Source>.Track
hsModificationMonitors the operations for modifying records. <Source>.Track
hsCrossMonitors the operations for crossing records. <Source>.Track
hsDeletionMonitors the operations for deleting records. <Source>.Track
NoWaitThe refresh of materialized view is not a locking operation: it is performed in background task. <Connection>.InfoView returns the information of the materialized view after being refreshed.<Cnt>.RefreshView
hNoBindRun a query without enabling the bind<HFSQL file>.ExecuteQuery, <HFSQL file>.ExecuteSQLQuery,
hNoCheckNo check is performed, the analysis description may differ from the description of physical file.<Source>.CheckStructure
hNoIndexThe file index is not copied<Cnt>.CopyFile
hNoLinkManagement of integrity: The links are not updated on the server (creation, modification or deletion).
Reminder: by default, the links are updated on the server when creating a file.
<Source>.Creation, <Source>.CreationIfNotFound
hNoRefreshThe table or query content will not be refreshed<Source>.Last,
hNoHourglassWhen reading the query result, this read operation may be locked and an hourglass appears by default. This constant is used not to display the hourglass in this case. <HFSQL file>.ExecuteQuery, <HFSQL file>.ExecuteSQLQuery
hSaveItemsSaves the values of items in memory when using HSavePosition. These values will be restored next time <Source>.RestorePosition is called.<HFSQL file>.SavePosition
hBoundSeparatorUsed to separate the values of lower and upper bounds for the components of composite key<Source>.FilterIncludedBetween
hSubErrLastType of error returned: Number of the last sub-errorHError
hSubErrPreviousType of error returned: Number of the previous sub-errorHError
hSubErrFirstType of error returned: Number of the first sub-errorHError
hSubErrNextType of error returned: Number of the previous sub-errorHError
hSQLUnicodeUsed to specify that the query text must be sent in Unicode format to the server.
This constant is available in WINDEV Mobile only.
<HFSQL file>.ExecuteSQLQuery
hStructureConfigure the file management: New empty file created from the file description<Cnt>.RegenerateFile
hNoErrorNo error occurredHError
hDeleteLogDeletes the log file<Cnt>.DeleteFile,
hBackupCanceledStatus of backup: Backup canceled<Cnt>.InfoBackup
hBackupFullType of backup: Full backup<Cnt>.InfoBackup
hBackupDifferentialType of backup: Differential backup<Cnt>.InfoBackup
hBackupInProgressStatus of backup: Backup in progress<Cnt>.InfoBackup
hBackupErrorStatus of backup: Error during backup<Cnt>.InfoBackup
hBackupCompletedStatus of backup: Backup completed<Cnt>.InfoBackup
hBackgroundTaskExecute process in the background, without locking the data file (available for data files in Client/Server mode).<Source>.StatCalculate,
hWindowsDiskCacheSizeMode for managing the size of Windows disk cache.<Cnt>.SetServer
hNdxCacheSizeMaximum size in megabytes (MB) of index cache<Cnt>.SetServer
hFtxSizeFull-text index file (".Ftx") size in bytes<Source>.InfoFile
hFicSizeData file (".Fic") size in bytes<Source>.InfoFile
hMaxLogSizeMaximum size in megabytes (MB) of log files<Cnt>.SetServer
hMaxActivityStatisticsSizeMaximum size in megabytes (MB) of files for activity statistics<Cnt>.SetServer
hMmoSizeMemo file (".mmo") size in bytes<Source>.InfoFile
hNdxSizeIndex file (".Ndx") size in bytes<Source>.InfoFile
hPageSizeSize of a block of caches. This block of caches will be used when looping through a file. A large block of caches improves the browse and increases the transfers via network and the memory consumption.HSetCache
hTotalSizeTotal file size in bytes (added size of data file, memo file and index file).<Source>.InfoFile
hTelemetryEnableConfigure the sending of data via the telemetry for the HFSQL server. <Cnt>.SetServer
hYieldFor the UPDATE and DELETE queries performed on an important number of records, this constant is used to give control back to the other applications that use the files.<HFSQL file>.ExecuteQuery, <HFSQL file>.ExecuteSQLQuery
hSecondaryThreadOption for running the procedure: the procedure is run in a secondary thread.HOnServerCall, <Source>.Track
hActiveSyncFrameThe size of the frame is optimized to be used with Mobile devices.HCS.FrameSize
hDefaultFrameThe standard size will be used by default.HCS.FrameSize
hGPRSFrameThe frame size is optimized for a use via GPRSHCS.FrameSize
hInternetFrameThe frame size is optimized for a use via InternetHCS.FrameSize
hIntranetFrameThe frame size is optimized for a use via IntranetHCS.FrameSize
hWifiFrameThe frame size is optimized for a use via WifiHCS.FrameSize
hTriggerBeforeIndicates the type of trigger: The procedure is run before the HFSQL functionHActivateTrigger,
hTriggerAfterIndicates the type of trigger: The procedure is run after the HFSQL functionHActivateTrigger,
htsNoneType ot timestamp for the item: the item is not a timestamp item.TimestampType property
htsCreationType ot timestamp for the item: the item will store the creation date of record.TimestampType property
htsLastModificationType ot timestamp for the item: the item will store the date of last modification performed on the record.TimestampType property
hUnicodeUsed to retrieve the record value in Unicode format.<Source>.RetrieveRecord
hDefaultValThe items of destination record that are not affected by the copy are initialized with their default value.
For the non-imported items, the values of current record (HFSQL Classic) are reinitialized with their default value.
New in version SaaS
hMaxValDefines an upper bound for a filter<Source>.BuildKeyValue,
hMinValDefines a lower bound for a filter<Source>.BuildKeyValue,
hCheckDuplicatesChecks for duplicates for this operation, even if the duplicate check is disabled (<Source>.SetDuplicates)<Source>.Add,
<HFSQL file>.ExecuteQuery,
<HFSQL file>.ExecuteSQLQuery,
hCheckIntegrityChecks the integrity of operation even if the automatic integrity check is disabled (<Cnt>.SetIntegrity)<Source>.Add,
<HFSQL file>.ExecuteQuery,
<HFSQL file>.ExecuteSQLQuery,
<HFSQL file>.Cross,
hCheckMemoStandard reindexing with memo check and correction if necessary (used to retrieve the damaged memos)<Source>.Index
hViewAddCreate a view with addition: Stores the content of the view next time <Source>.ExecuteView is called<Source>.CreateView, <Source>.MergeView
hViewLockingLock records read in the file and included in the view<Source>.CreateView, <Source>.MergeView
hViewDefaultDefault creation of view<Source>.CreateView, <Source>.MergeView
hViewPostponedThe view is created but it will be run later by <Source>.ExecuteView<Source>.CreateView, <Source>.MergeView
hViewDistinctCreate view without duplicates with respect to the sort key<Source>.CreateView, <Source>.MergeView
hViewExclusiveLock the entire source file to reduce the view creation time<Source>.CreateView, <Source>.MergeView
hViewBreakableInterrupt view creation by pressing the ESC key<Source>.CreateView
hViewIntersectionMerge views with intersection: Common rows between the two specified views<Source>.MergeView
hViewJoinJoin between the first view and the second view.<Source>.MergeView
hViewSubtractionMerge views with subtraction: Row of the first view without the common rows of the second view<Source>.MergeView
hViewUnionMerging views: Merge the rows of the two specified views<Source>.MergeView
hViewUnionExExclusive merge of views: Merge the non-common rows of the two specified views<Source>.MergeView
hWDLThe files are sought:
  1. In the main WDL.
  2. In the WDL according to their load order, then on disk or in the specified WDL, then on disk.
  3. In the main WDL of the component.
  4. In the secondary WDLs of the component according to the load order.
opCancelThis constant must be returned by the procedure or window used to customize the process of HFSQL errors.
The function that triggered the error returns an error and the code continues to run.
opEndProgramThis constant must be returned by the procedure or window used to customize the process of HFSQL errors.
The function that triggered the error returns an error and the program stops. Equivalent to the following line of code:
IF NOT <HFSQL function> THEN EndProgram()
opEndProcessThis constant must be returned by the procedure or window used to customize the process of HFSQL errors.
The function that triggered the error returns an error and the current process stops. Equivalent to the following line of code:
IF NOT <HFSQL function> THEN SetFocusAndReturnToUserInput()
opRetryThis constant must be returned by the procedure or window used to customize the process of HFSQL errors.
In this case, the function that triggered the error is re-run.
opRelaunchProgramThis constant must be returned by the procedure or window used to customize the process of HFSQL errors.
The program stops and the application is automatically restarted.
See also
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 07/10/2024

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