- Modifying the type of lock for a data file
- Effect of lock mode
- Lock failure
HLockFile (Function) In french: HBloqueFichier
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Locks a data file and restricts the access to this data file for all other sites or applications. Then, the data file can be unlocked by HUnlockFile. Several cases may occur after the call to HLockFile: - A data file record is already blocked by another application: blocking cannot be performed.
- The data file is already blocked by another application: blocking cannot be performed.
IF HLockFile(CUSTOMER, hLockReadWrite) = False THEN
IF HErrorLock() = True THEN
Error("Operation not allowed")
<Result> = HLockFile([<Data file> [, <Lock>]])
<Result>: Boolean - True if the lock was performed,
- False if a problem occurred (the file is already locked for example). HError is used to identify the error.
<Data file>: Optional character string Name of the data file used. If this name is not specified, HLockFile will use the last data file used by the last HFSQL function (function starting with "H"). <Lock>: Optional integer constant Used to define the type of lock performed on the data file:
| | hLockNo | No effect | hLockReadWrite | Lock in read/write mode: data file records cannot be read or modified by another application.. No lock on the data file can be defined by another application. | hLockWrite (default value) | Lock in write mode: data file records can be read by another application, but cannot be modified by another application.. No lock on the data file can be defined by another application. |
Remarks Modifying the type of lock for a data file To modify the type of lock applied to a data file, call HLockFile and specify the requested type of lock. There is no need to unlock the data file beforehand. Effect of lock mode If the data file lock mode is set to hModeMono (see HMode), HLockFile has no effect. Lock failure If the data file (or one of its records) is already locked, the lock request is retried H.NbRetry times (50 by default). If the data file cannot be locked after H.NbRetry attempts, HErrorLock returns True.
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