- Print characteristics
- Combining fonts
- Combining positions
- Printing in Java and Android
iPrint (Function) In french: iImprime Sends the character string passed as parameter to the print buffer. A line break is automatically inserted at the end of the string: the cursor is positioned on the following line then. The move to the next line takes into account the height of the current line (in relation to the font used). The print job is not started (only iEndPrinting can be used to start the print job). Remarks: - To print a character string without going to the next line, use iPrintWord.
- iPrint must not be used in the opening code of a report.
iPrint(iFont(2) + "Texte en police 2")
iPrint(iXPos(50) + Cl.NomCli)
<Result> = iPrint(<Text to print> [, <String of next page>])
<Result>: Boolean - True if printed successfully,
- False if the print job was canceled.
<Text to print>: Character string Character string to print as well as its characteristics. This parameter has the following format:
[<Identifiant police> +] [<Position verticale> +] [<Position horizontale> +] <Texte1> ... [<Identifiant police> +] [<Position verticale> +] [<Position horizontale> +] <TexteN> where: - <Identifiant police> optional integer.
Identifier of the font used to print the text. This identifier is returned by iFont. If this parameter is not specified, the last font used will be selected. - <Position verticale> optional integer.
Y-coordinate of the point where the print must be performed. This position is specified in number of rows from the top left border of the sheet (with iYPos). If this parameter is not specified, the text will be printed at the current position. - <Position horizontale> optional integer.
X-coordinate of the point where the print must be performed. This position is specified in number of columns from the top left border of the sheet (with iXPos). If this parameter is not specified, the text will be printed at the current position. - <Texte>: Character string.
Character string to print. Example:
Texte_a_imprimer = "Première partie" + iFont(1) + "Seconde partie"
<String of next page>: Optional boolean Specifies whether the text printed at the end of the page must be truncated or whether it must continue over the next page:- True (default): the string will be printed on the next page if it does not fit on a single page..
- False: the character string is truncated: the rest of the string is not printed on the next page.
Remarks - The origin (0,0) is located in the upper-left corner of the sheet. It takes the physical margins of the printer into account.
- The current vertical position when printing a character string points to the upper part of the string. The bottom position depends on the height of the fonts used in the line to print.
- You can specify multiple fonts and positions as parameters in a single call to iPrint. For example:
iPrint(iXPos(50) + CL.NOM + iXPos(150) + CL.PRENOM)
- The character corresponding to a line break (Char(10)) is interpreted as a line skip.
Unexpected results may occur when combining fonts. For example, the following code: iFont(2)
iPrint("First Part" + iFont(1) + "Second Part")
is not equivalent to: iPrint(iFont(2) + "First Part" + iFont(1) + "Second Part")
In the first case, the entire character string is printed in font 1. In this case, the iPolice(1) function is executed during construction of the string to be printed, before the "First Part" string is printed. To obtain the same result, simply use function iFont with parameter Faux: the iPolice(1, Faux) function will then only be executed during printing. When combining positions, unexpected results may occur. For example, the following code: iXPos(50)
iPrint("Première partie" + iXPos(30) + "Seconde partie")
is not equivalent to: iPrint(iXPos(50) + "Première partie" + iXPos(30) + "Seconde partie")
In the first case, the entire character string is printed at horizontal position 30. In this case, the iPosX(30) function is executed during the construction of the chain to be printed, and therefore before the "First Part" chain is printed. To obtain the same result, simply use the iXPos function with the Faux parameter: the iPosX(30, Faux) function will then only really be executed during printing. The same operation can be performed by iYPos.
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