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Remark: These functions are also available in prefix syntax (Functions for managing pages (prefix syntax)).
The following functions are used to manage pages:
CancelAWPContextDeletes from the AWP context a variable that was added by DeclareAWPContext.
CellCloseDialogHides a Cell control previously displayed in the page via CellDisplayDialog.
CellDisplayDialogDisplays a Cell control in a page with a DDW effect (Dim Disabled Windows). This function is used to easily simulate a dialog box in browser code, by using a Cell control in a page.
ChangeActionUsed to specify the action to perform when the HTML page displayed in the browser is no longer synchronized with the page context on server.
ChangeSourcePageDynamically changes the page displayed in an Internal Page control
ChangeTargetChanges the target of a button action.
ConfigureAWPContextConfigures the operating mode of the AWP context.
ContextCloseCloses a page context.
ContextExistAllows you to find out whether a page context exists on the server (which means whether the page was opened).
ContextOpenOpens a new page context without returning the information to the browser.
CurrentPageReturns the name of the page containing the WLanguage code currently run.
DeclareAWPContextUsed to declare a list of variables whose values will be persistent between successive displays of Active WEBDEV Pages.
DynamicSiteDisplayStarts a dynamic WEBDEV website from a static page or from a dynamic WEBDEV page.
FramesetDisplayDisplays a WEBDEV frameset in the user's browser.
FramesetRefreshRefreshes a frameset displayed in the user's browser from the context on the server.
FramesetUseDisplays a WEBDEV frameset in the user's browser and closes all the current page and frameset contexts.
FreeAWPContextFrees the AWP context in advance (on disk) to allow the other call on the same AWP context to be processed in parallel.
IdentifierAWPContextReturns the identifier of AWP context.
PageAddressUsed to find out the Internet address of a page.
PageChangeLayoutApplies a specific layout to a page.
PageCloseDialogCloses the current page. This page was opened by PageDisplayDialog. A return value can be returned to the calling page.
PageCurrentLayoutReturns the index of the current layout:
  • in the current page.
  • in the specified page.
PageDisplayDisplays a web page in the user's browser.
PageDisplayDialogDisplays a page in modal mode. This function is used to establish a dialog with the user. The page is displayed in the foreground while the opening page is displayed in the background, grayed by the DDW mechanism.
PageEnableDDWEnables or disables the DDW (Dim Disabled Window) when displaying a modal page (the pages used to communicate with the user for example).
PageExistChecks whether the specified page is currently displayed in the browser of the Web user. Used to find out whether a page is displayed in a frame other than the current one.
PageInitializationResets to zero (or not) the controls found in the current page and starts the events for initializing the controls and the page.
PageParameterReturns the value of a parameter passed to the current page.
PagePositionScrolls a page up to position a control in the visible section of the page (top) in the browser.
PageRateDDWAllows you to find out and modify the rate of gray for the pages that use DDW (Dim disabled pages).
PageReadHeaderHTTPReads and returns one or more HTTP headers received by the current page (these headers are sent by the client to the server in the current request).
PageRefreshRefreshes a page displayed in the user's browser from the context on the server.
PageSubmitValidates the specified page and starts the execution of a button.
PageToASPSends the data found in a page currently displayed in the browser to an ASP server.
PageToEmailEmails the data found in a page currently displayed in the browser.
PageToJSPSends the data found in a page currently displayed in the browser to a JSP server.
PageToPHPSends the data found in a page currently displayed in the browser to a PHP server.
PageUseDisplays a WEBDEV page in the user's browser and closes all page contexts currently open on the server.
PageVisibleIndicates whether the page is visible to the user.
PageWriteCustomHTTPCodeSpecifies the custom HTTP code that will be returned to the client after the server code of the page is executed.
PageWriteHeaderHTTPAdds an additional HTTP header that will be returned to the browser:
  • during the next function for page display (PageDisplay, PageRefresh, ...),
  • during the automatic return of the current page at the end of the current action.
PageWriteHTTPCodeSpecifies the HTTP code that will be returned to the client after the server code of the page is executed.
PopupAnimateDisplays a popup in a page cell.
PopupCloseHides a popup displayed in the page via PopupDisplay.
PopupClosePageHides a page displayed as a popup via PopupDisplayPage.
PopupDisplayDisplays a popup in a page with a DDW effect (Dim Disabled Windows).
PopupDisplayPageDisplays a WEBDEV page as a popup in the current page with a DDW (Dim Disabled Windows) effect.
PreviousPageReturns the name of the previous page.
SemiDynamicPageDisplayDisplays a semi-dynamic page in the browser of the Web user from a dynamic or static WEBDEV page.
SiteAddressReturns the Internet address for connecting to a dynamic WEBDEV website (in Session mode) found on the same server.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 04/03/2024

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