Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / Table functions
  • Use conditions
  • The different types of column indexes
  • Using MouseXPos and MouseYPos
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Stored procedures
Returns for a given position in a Table or TreeView Table control (coordinates of a control point):
  • the name of the column displayed for the specified position.
  • the index of the row or column for the specified position.
// Optional click code on the TABLE_TABLE1 control
MyRow is int
MyColumn is string
MyRow = TableInfoXY(TABLE_TABLE1, tiLineNumber, MouseXPos(), MouseYPos())
MyColumn = TableInfoXY(TABLE_TABLE1, tiColName, MouseXPos(), MouseYPos())
Trace("You have selected the cell (" + MyColumn+", " + MyRow + ")")
// Index of the row at point (50, 100) of the "TABLE_ProductTable" control 
ResInfo = TableInfoXY(TABLE_ProductTable, tiLineNumber, 50, 100)
<Result> = TableInfoXY(<Table control> , <Type of information> , <X> , <Y>)
<Result>: String, integer or boolean
  • Requested information.
  • An empty string ("") if there is no column name.
  • -1 if there is no column index or row number, or if the specified position corresponds to an empty row or column.
<Table control>: Control name
Name of the Table or TreeView Table control to be used.
If this parameter corresponds to an empty string (""), the control to which the current event belongs will be used.
<Type of information>: Integer constant
Type of information requested:
tiColNameColumn name.
WEBDEV - Browser codeiPhone/iPadMac Catalyst This constant is not available.
tiColNumberColumn creation index.
iPhone/iPadMac Catalyst This constant is not available.
tiLineNumberRow number.
tiOnButtonCollapseExpand"+/-" buttons to expand/collapse a row. In this case, <Result> is set to True (1).
This constant is only available for TreeView Table controls.
WEBDEV - Browser code This constant is not available.
tiOriginScreenThe coordinates to be analyzed are relative to the screen.
Reminder: By default, the coordinates to be analyzed are relative to the Table control: (0,0) corresponds to row 1, column 1 of the Table control (scrollbars positioned at the origin).
This constant cannot be used on its own.
WEBDEV - Browser code This constant is not available.
<X>: Integer
X-coordinate (in pixels) to be analyzed. This coordinate is given in relation to the control (if the tiOriginScreen constant is not specified).
<Y>: Integer
Y-coordinate (in pixels) to be analyzed. This coordinate is given in relation to the control (if the tiOriginScreen constant is not specified).

Use conditions

TableInfoXY can be used on:
  • Table or TreeView Table controls based on a data file.
  • Table or TreeView Table controls populated programmatically.
  • a single-selection or multiselection control.
  • the function doesn't return any result if the Table control is empty.

The different types of column indexes

There are 2 types of indexes for columns:
  • Index of the visible position: index of the column when the window is executed.
  • Creation index: index of the column when the table is created in the window editor.
These indexes change if the user moves the columns.
Additionally, if the horizontal scrollbar is used, TableInfoXY takes this change into account.

Using MouseXPos and MouseYPos

To use MouseXPos and MouseYPos in the X and Y parameters of the function, make sure that a single mouse click will trigger the execution of the code containing this function.
For example, the "Select a row" event of a Table control can be started by a simple click but also by a keyboard selection. Therefore, MouseXPos and MouseYPos should not be used in this event. Use an optional event instead. In this example, use the optional event "Left button down" on aTable control.
Business / UI classification: UI Code
Component: wd300obj.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Dica de ouro

Para pegar um registro id de um browser table grid tem 2 formas:

Crie uma var global da janela:
GNID is 8-byte int = 0

A) Em Code evento

GNID = TableNameGrid.COL_myID

B) Em Code evento

Nx is int = Tableinfoxy(TableNameGrid, tiLineNumber, MouseXPos(), MouseYPos())

If nx > 0

GNID = TableNameGrid[nx].COL_myID

16 Apr. 2024
24 Jun. 2019
Getting field Value
nColumn is int = TableInfoXY(TABLE_FLUXO,tiColNumber, MouseXPos(), MouseYPos())

nLine is int = TableInfoXY(TABLE_FLUXO,tiLineNumber, MouseXPos(), MouseYPos())

FieldValue is string = TABLE_FLUXO[nLine ,nColumn]
28 Aug. 2018
Exemplo TableInfoXY

s_nome_coluna is string=TableInfoXY(TABLE_condicoes_parcela,tiColName,MouseXPos(),MouseYPos())
nS_posicao_linha is int=TableInfoXY(TABLE_condicoes_parcela,tiLineNumber,MouseXPos(),MouseYPos())
nS_posicao_coluna is int=TableInfoXY(TABLE_condicoes_parcela,tiColNumber,MouseXPos(),MouseYPos())
IF s_nome_coluna="COL_data_vencimento" THEN

//Blog com Video e Exemplo
20 Mar. 2016
Wx - Capturar Click no Browse List
// retrieve the row that was clicked

nRowNum is int=TableInfoXY(TABLE_t012_filiais,tiLineNumber,MouseXPos(),MouseYPos())

// if the row corresponds to a user

IF nRowNum>0 _AND_ nRowNum<=TABLE_t012_filiais..Occurrence THEN

// modify the user

gsAcao = "Alterar"

Registro_ID = TABLE_t012_filiais[nRowNum].COL_T012_filiaisID // <---- nRowNum ATENÇÃO AQUI VC DEVE COLOCAR O NUMERO DA LINHA




// new user

gsAcao = "Incluir"


18 Feb. 2016

Last update: 06/12/2024

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