- Equivalences
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ArrayInfo (Function) In french: TableauInfo Returns the characteristics of an array: type of elements, number of dimensions, dimensions, etc.
MonTableau is array of 5 int
nbDim is int
nbDim = ArrayInfo(MonTableau, tiTotalNumber)
MonTableau is array of 5 by 2 int
nbDimLigne is int
nbDimLigne = ArrayInfo(MonTableau, tiNumberRows)
nbDimColonne is int
nbDimColonne = ArrayInfo(MonTableau, tiNumberColumns)
<Result> = ArrayInfo(<WLanguage array> , <Type of information> [, <Additional parameter>])
<Result>: Integer or boolean Requested information.Note: The function returns no result on a dynamic array that has not been allocated. <WLanguage array>: Array Name of the Array variable to use. <Type of information>: Integer constant Type of information to retrieve: | | tiAssociativeWithDuplicate | Boolean.- True if the associative array supports the duplicates
- False otherwise.
| tiDimension | Integer. Number of elements found in a dimension of the array. <Additional parameter> must contain the index of the dimension whose number of elements you want to get. Default value for <Paramètre supplémentaire>: 1 Associative array: number of elements in the array. | tiDynamic | Boolean.- True if the array is a dynamic array.
- False otherwise.
| tiElementDefinition | Definition variable. Definition of the type of elements.
| tiElementSize | Integer. Size (in bytes) of an array element.
| tiElementType | Integer. Type of array elements. <Result> is an integer corresponding to the constants of TypeVar.
| tiKeyType | Integer. Type of keys found in the associative array. <Result> is an integer corresponding to the constants of TypeVar. Non-associative array: <Résultat> is 0. | tiNumberColumns | Integer. Number of columns found in a two-dimensional array. The number of columns corresponds to the 2nd dimension of the array. If the array in not a two-dimensional array, tiNumberColumns = 0. Associative array: 0. | tiNumberDimensions | Integer. Number of array dimensions (between 1 and 10) Associative array: 1. | tiNumberRows | Integer. Number of rows found in a two-dimensional array. The number of rows corresponds to the 1st dimension of the array. If the array is not a two-dimensional array, tiNumberRows = 0. Associative array: 0. | tiTotalNumber | Integer. Total number of elements found in the array. | tiTotalSize | Integer. Total size (in bytes) of array.
<Additional parameter>: Optional Additional parameter that must be specified according to the requested information. Remarks Equivalences - The tiNumberRows constant is equivalent to the tiDimension constant used with <Additional parameter> = 1. The following codes are identical:
ArrayInfo(MonTableau, tiNumberRows)
ArrayInfo(MonTableau, tiDimension, 1)
- The tiNumberColumns constant is equivalent to the tiDimension constant used with <Additional parameter> = 2.
ArrayInfo(MonTableau, tiNumberColumns)
ArrayInfo(MonTableau, tiDimension, 2)
Miscellaneous This function can be used with: - simple arrays.
- fixed arrays.
- dynamic arrays.
- associative arrays.
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