Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / Looper functions
  • Use conditions
  • Sort
  • Handling a binary memo
  • Modifying a Looper control without attributes
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Stored procedures
Changes the values of the attributes in a row of a Looper control.
Remark: It is recommended to use LooperModifyLine. Indeed, LooperModifyLine allows you to insert:
  • TAB characters into the attributes/controls.
  • all types of values into the attributes/controls.
WINDEVReports and QueriesUniversal Windows 10 AppAndroidiPhone/iPadJavaUser code (UMC) For Looper controls without attributes, it is recommended to directly change the value of the relevant controls. For more details, see "Modifying a Looper control without attributes.
// Modify a row in a Looper control
LooperModify(LOOP_Looper1, ProductName + TAB + ProductCode, Index)
// Modifies a value in the Looper control at position 12
LooperModify(LOOP_Looper1, LastName + TAB + FirstName + TAB + ...
PhoneNum + TAB + FaxNum, 12)
LooperModify(<Looper control> , <Value> [, <Index>])
<Looper control>: Control name
Name of the Looper control to be used.
If this parameter is equal to an empty string (""), the modification will be performed in the current Looper control.
<Value>: Character string
List of modified values. This parameter must have the following format:
<Value 1> + TAB + ... + <Value N>

The different values must be specified in the order of the attributes (Looper control description window).
To specify no value for an attribute, use an empty string ("") or 0 (depending on the type of the attribute).
<Index>: Optional integer
Index of the row to be modified.
  • If this parameter is not specified, the modification will be performed on the current element.
  • If <Index> is greater than the number of rows, LooperModify is equivalent to LooperAdd.

Use conditions

LooperModify can be used on:
  • a Looper control based on a data file,
  • a Looper control populated programmatically.
WEBDEV - Browser code This function is not available for Linear Looper controls. This function is available for Looper controls in browser mode only.
WEBDEV - Server codePHP This function is available for Looper controls in Ajax mode, Looper controls in classic mode and Linear Looper controls.
PHP LooperModify can only be used on a Looper control populated programmatically.


If LooperModify modifies a sort attribute of the current Looper control, the sort order set with this attribute will be removed.

Handling a binary memo

To modify a binary memo in a Looper control, use LooperModifyLine.
WINDEVReports and QueriesUniversal Windows 10 AppAndroidiPhone/iPadJavaUser code (UMC)

Modifying a Looper control without attributes

To modify a Looper control without attributes, it is recommended to directly change the value of the relevant controls.
For example:
// Modify the value of controls
// in "LOOP_Looper1" for row 23
LOOP_Looper1[23].LastNameControl = "Hobbes"
LOOP_Looper1[23].FirstNameControl = "Samantha"
Component: wd300obj.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/22/2023

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