Help / Control Centers / Project Management Hub
  • Overview
  • How to?
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Stored procedures
Maintaining the files of Control Centers
When using a database, you may have to perform maintenance operations on the data files. These operations are used to optimize the access time to data or to free the locked transactions for example.
When should these options be used?
When a technical problem occurs (power outage, etc.), when starting the Control Centers, a message can propose to cancel the locked transactions or to perform a re-index operation.
Remark: If the database of the Control Centers is quite important, a re-index operation should be performed on a regular basis.
Caution: These operations are locking operations: the data from the Control Centers cannot be accessed during the operation.
How to?
To start the maintenance of the files found in the Control Centers:
  1. Select:
    • in the Project Management Hub: expand Project Management Hub menu and select "Maintenance".
    • in WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile: on the "Tools" tab, in the "Control Centers" group, click "Database maintenance".
  2. In the window that is displayed, specify:
    • the relevant database.
    • the operation to perform:
      • Reindex database: recommended option for large databases
      • Cancel blocked transactions: recommended option if a message indicates that transactions are locked when a Control Center is started.
      • Migrate database to the latest format: recommended option to take advantage of all the new features of the current version.
Minimum version required
  • Version 12
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Last update: 09/01/2023

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