Help / New features / New features in version 2025
  • Overview
  • New features and improvements in WINDEV Mobile "Update 1" (version 301020)
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AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
Here are the main new features and improvements in this update. Several improvements have been made in this version.
New features and improvements in WINDEV Mobile "Update 1" (version 301020)
New features and improvements in version 2025
(both dongle-based and SaaS versions of WINDEV Mobile)

To upgrade from a dongle-based version to a SaaS version at no cost, visit

  • File explorer: You can now choose the desired file explorer without leaving the environment. You can change these settings in the IDE general options ("Directories" tab).
  • Color palettes:
    • Ability to adjust opacity of colors from the palette.
    • Images in monochrome mode.

Window editor
  • Button control:
    Ability to make long text scroll automatically.
  • Segmented Button control:
    • Value property: Ability to identify and change the buttons selected in a Segmented Button control in "Check Box" or "Radio Button" mode.
    • Grayed property: Now available for Segmented Button control options.
  • Cell control:
    You can adjust the opacity of the background of a cell in the control description window ("UI" tab) or via the Opacity property.
  • Static Text control:
    Ability to make long text scroll automatically.

Help editor
It is now possible to insert a diagram created with the diagram editor into a help page.

  • Project tests: You can now select the type of secret strings to be used in test mode (secret content or test content).
  • Application generation: You can now select the type of secret strings to be used to generate the executable (secret content or test content).

MVP programming:
You can now provide a model class that will be used to generate MVP models. This approach automatically implements the code that must be present in all generated models.

Git / Github / Gitlab
  • New properties in text format are available for both control and windows. It is now possible to see changes in these properties in the comparison tools.
  • The history of a given element includes the changes made by the current user as well as those made by other users.

WLanguage programming for Android:
  • Android 13 requirements:
    Starting with Android 13, specific permissions are required to access shared audio, video and image files. These permissions are now automatically added when the Android application is generated. If these permissions are present in the application, you will need to provide a justification in the Google Play console.
    Depending on the actions performed, the generation wizard allows you to remove these permissions. In this case, the application will only be able to access its own media files. To access shared media files, use URISelect.
  • Nearby sharing:
  • Google account:
    • The new DisplayedName property of gglAccount variables allows you to get the username of a logged in user.
  • Bar code decoding no longer uses the Zxing library, but ML Kit's barcode reading API.
  • JSON Web Tokens (JWT):
    • JWTParameters variables are now available for Android applications.
    • The different syntaxes of the AuthIdentify function that manipulate JSON Web Tokens are now available for Android applications.
  • Attachments in PDF files:
    • The parameter used to define the attachment relationship type ("AFRelationship" value required by Factur-X) is now supported.
  • iInitReportVerso: Initializes the parameters of a report to be printed on the verso side of another report.
  • DayOfYearToDate: Takes the number of a day in the year and returns the corresponding date in "YYYYMMDD" format.
  • SQL Query variables: You can now define an SQL Query variable that uses another SQL Query variable as source.

WLanguage programming for iOS:
  • Support for XML arrays serialized as a sequence of elements:
    The psdXMLArrayRepeatedElements constant is used to manage the serialization and deserialization of XML arrays that have been serialized as a sequence of elements (Serialize and Deserialize).
  • PDFExtract: Creates a new PDF document from individual pages extracted from an existing PDF file.
  • Monochrome property: Enables or disables monochrome mode on Image controls.
  • SQL Query variables: You can now define an SQL Query variable that uses another SQL Query variable as source.
New features and improvements specific to WINDEV Mobile 2025 SaaS version

These features are only available in the SaaS version of WINDEV Mobile.
Note: To use these features, your project must be in "SaaS mode" (not available in dongle-based versions of WINDEV Mobile).
For more details, see Using SaaS-exclusive new features.

Code editor:
  • Empty lines in the code:
    Now you can use a simple refactoring option to remove empty lines of code from a WLanguage process or event.
  • Sorting procedures and methods:
    By default, procedures and methods are sorted according to the order in which they were created. Now, you can sort them alphabetically. This makes it easier to find your functions.
  • Copying WLanguage code to a third-party tool:
    • Now, copied/pasted code always uses light theme colors. This means that code copied in dark theme won't be pasted with a dark background.
    • Copied/pasted code now supports plain text and HTML. If you paste code in an application that supports HTML (e.g. Thunderbird or Outlook), it will be pasted directly using HTML formatting. Syntax highlighting uses the colors from the light theme.
  • A new wizard for the RegexMatch function allows you to generate the desired code just by answering a few questions.
  • New shortcuts for faster scrolling: Alt + mouse wheel / Alt + Shift + Mouse wheel.

Report editor
  • Planning reports: You can now display weeks according to ISO 8601 ("ISO 8601 format" in the "General" tab of the Planning control description in a report).

  • To draw line charts without the segments (leaving only the points), simply pass the LineNone constant to grSeriesLineType.

WLanguage programming for iOS and Android

Digital signature
  • Ability to use a certificate on a smart card (RSA signature only).
    CertificateSelect and CertificateList functions can now be used to select and list a certificate present on a smart card.
    The different signature functions can use a certificate present on a smart card.

Continuous integration - Software factory
  • New action to change the save format of project elements from "Text" to "Binary" (and vice versa).

SOAP webservices
  • You can now import SOAP webservices with descriptions containing multiple services. This functionality is particularly useful for web services associated with the Spanish electronic invoicing system.

SCM (Source Code Manager)
  • Detection of elements that are not in the latest version of the SCM repository:
    • A notification appears in the "SCM" widget in the dashboard.
    • Detection using the static audit.
    Reminder: It is recommended to work with the latest version of the SCM repository to take advantage of all the new features and improvements. Otherwise, you may encounter performance issues.

  • Static audit:
    • Detection of multilingual strings using obsolete technology.
    • Source Code Manager (SCM) repository: Detection of outdated formats.
      Reminder: It is recommended to work with the latest version of the SCM repository to take advantage of all the new features and improvements. Otherwise, you may encounter performance issues.
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Last update: 02/07/2025

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