Help / Editors / Code editor
  • Overview
  • How to?
  • Code editor theme settings window
  • Modifying the current theme
  • Modifying one of the default themes
  • Deleting a theme
  • Importing a theme
  • Special case: Syntax highlighting outside a configuration
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WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile feature a light and a dark theme. These themes are also available in the code editor. You can create and configure your own theme or import an existing theme.
How to?

Code editor theme settings window

To open the code editor theme settings window:
  1. Go to the code editor options: on the "Home" tab, in the "Environment" group, expand "Options" and select "Options of the code editor".
  2. The different themes of the code editor are listed in the "Coloring" tab :
    Choosing the code theme
    • Light (Legacy): code editor theme corresponding to version 21.
    • Light: code editor light theme (on white background).
    • Dark: code editor dark theme (on black background).
    • Gray: code editor gray theme (on gray background).
From this window, you can:
  • use one of the default themes.
  • modify one of the default themes.
    Remark: Default themes cannot be modified directly. They must be duplicated in order to be modified.
  • delete one of the default themes,
  • import a theme.

Modifying the current theme

To use a theme in the code editor:
  1. Open the theme settings window.
  2. Double-click the desired theme in the theme settings window: the caption "(Enabled)" is displayed on the theme line.

Modifying one of the default themes

To modify one of the default themes:
  1. Open the theme settings window.
  2. Select the desired theme and click "Duplicate".
  3. Name the new theme and confirm.
    Name of duplicated theme
  4. The new theme appears in the list of available themes. To modify its characteristics, select the theme and click "Modify".
  5. The theme configuration window is displayed. The list of all configurable elements is displayed.
    Configuring the theme elements
    For each element, yo have the ability to configure (according to the type of element):
    • The background color.
    • The font color.
    • The font.
    • The font size.
    • The characteristics of the font (bold, italic, underlined, strikeout).
  6. To exit from the modification mode, click Exit from modifications. The editor proposes to save or cancel the modifications.
The colors selected for some theme elements (numbers, strings, etc.) can be used to customize variables with the <color> attribute. For more details, see Declaring and using a variable.

Deleting a theme

To delete a theme:
  1. Open the theme settings window.
  2. Select a non-active theme.
  3. Click the "Delete" button and confirm.
Caution: Default themes cannot be deleted.

Importing a theme

To import a theme:
  1. Open the theme settings window.
  2. Click the "Import" button.
  3. Select the ".sco" file corresponding to the theme to import and validate.
Remark: To export a theme:
  1. Open the theme edit window.
  2. Click the Import/Export button and select "Export a theme".
  3. Specify the name of the ".sco" file corresponding to the theme and validate.

Special case: Syntax highlighting outside a configuration

When an element that is not in the configuration is opened in the editor, the code is colored, but a specific background color is used (gray by default, on light theme).
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/17/2024

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