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Help / Developing an application or website / Controls, windows and pages / Controls: Available types / Table control
  • Overview
  • How to?
  • Allowing the user to resize the height of rows in a Table or TreeView Table control
  • Allowing the user to resize the height of rows in a Looper control
  • Disabling the ability to resize rows
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Stored procedures
In Table controls, the user can resize the height of rows, in read-only or in edit.
This feature is also available:
  • in Looper controls.
  • in TreeView Table controls.
How to?

Allowing the user to resize the height of rows in a Table or TreeView Table control

To allow the user to resize the height of rows in a Table or TreeView Table control:
  1. Open the control description.
  2. In the "Details" tab of the control description, check "Resizable row height".
  3. Validate.

Allowing the user to resize the height of rows in a Looper control

To allow the user to resize the height of the Looper control rows:
  1. Display the description of the RepeatString field.
  2. In the "Details" tab of the Looper control description, check "Resizable" for the row height.
  3. Validate.

Disabling the ability to resize rows

To prevent the user from resizing the height of the rows in a Table, TreeView Table or Looper control, use AAFDisable with the aafResizeRowHeight constant.
Minimum version required
  • Version 12
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Last update: 09/30/2024

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