Version: SaaS

Category: Miscellaneous Windows functions
39 results
Loads an external component independent of the current project.
An API Description variable is used to describe an API, its parameters, its return value and its calling options by programming.
Usage example of the API function
Runs a function found in an external DLL.
Modifies the options for calling API and CallDLL32.
Usage example of the CallDLL32 function
Runs a function found in an external DLL.
Runs a method of an interface of an object implemented in a DLL external to the WINDEV framework.
Runs a method of an interface of a COM object instantiated by COMCreateInstance.
Instantiates a COM object (Component Object Model).
The COMObject type is used to represent an interface of a COM object.
Loads an external component. This component can be:
  • an external component present in the current project.
  • an external component independent of the current project.
Recursively loads in memory all the external components used in the project.
Usage example of the COMQueryInterface function
Calls the QueryInterface method of the specified COM object to get a specific interface of this object so that it can be used with COMCallMethod.
Usage example of the CreateShortcut function
Creates a shortcut on the Windows desktop, in the "Start" menu of Windows or in a specific directory.
Deletes a shortcut previously created by CreateShortcut from the Windows desktop, from the "Start" menu of Windows or from a specific directory.
Frees the 32-bit library (DLL) that was loaded in memory by LoadDLL.
Returns the two high bytes of an integer.
Checks the validity of an International Bank Acount Number (IBAN).
Creates an icon (associated with a program) in a group of Windows programs, with the associated command line.
Returns the "system handle" (HINSTANCE) of the current program.
Checks which key is pressed.
Loads the specified library (DLL) in memory.
Returns the two low bytes of an integer.
Builds a 4-byte integer from two 2-byte integers.
List of constants used by the Windows functions.
List of miscellaneous Windows functions
Checks, via a public key, that the signature of data performed with the OpenSSL library is correct.
Checks whether a network address can be reached by using the ICMP protocol (similar to the PING network utility).
Checks a character string before and after transmission between WINDEV applications and WEBDEVsites.
Calculates the Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC) of buffer.
Simulates the keystrokes and the mouse actions.
Copies a block of bytes or a fixed-length string from a memory address into another one.
Used to find out whether the current execution of the application is in "trial version" mode.
List of various constants.
Returns the runtime mode of Windows.
1 document