Version: 2024

Category: Managing the OAuth 2.0 protocol
14 results
Retrieves the identity of a user contained in an AuthToken variable.
Refreshes a user's OAuth2 token when it expires.
Performs an authentication using the OAuth 2.0 protocol on any web service.
Creates a web service access token from a token description in JSON format.
Refreshes a user's OAuth2 token when it expires.
The AuthToken type contains the characteristics of a token to access a web service.
The JWTParameter type is used to define all the data required for JWT-based authentication.
OAuth and OpenID protocol functions
OAuth and OpenID protocol functions
The OAuth2Parameters type is used to define the information required to authenticate on a web service implementing the OAuth 2.0 standard.
The OpenIDIdentity type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a user connected to a web service via the OAuth 2.0 protocol.
The OpenIDParameters type is used to define all the advanced features of an authentication for OpenID.
Retrieves the identity of a user contained in an AuthToken variable.
WLanguage procedure ("Callback") called by AuthIdentify during the authentication.