Version: 2024

Category: WiFi functions
13 results
Constants for managing Wi-Fi functions
WINDEV and WINDEV Mobile propose the WiFi functions to easily access the Wi-Fi networks...
Functions for Wi-Fi management
Enables or disables Wi-Fi on the device.
Adds a new network to the list of Wi-Fi networks configured on the device.
Connects the device to the specified Wi-Fi network.
Returns the requested information about the current Wi-Fi connection of the device.
Deletes a network from the list of Wi-Fi networks configured on the device.
Starts detecting the Wi-Fi access points currently accessible from the device.
Returns the list of Wi-Fi networks configured on the device.
Returns the list of Wi-Fi network cards currently available on the current computer.
Selects the Wi-Fi network card that will be used for the next calls to the WiFi functions.
Returns the current activation status of Wi-Fi on the device or asks to be notified when the activation status of Wi-Fi changes.