Ayuda / WLanguage / Funciones WLanguage / Controles, páginas y ventanas / Funciones de arrastrar y soltar
  • "Drag and Drop" from the explorer
ExplorerAccept (Example)
"Drag and Drop" from the explorer
The following example is used to retrieve files by "Drag and Drop" from the Windows explorer. The names of files are displayed in a Trace window.
// Initialize the dialog
ExplorerAccept(True, WIN_Win1)
// Branch the WM_DROPFILES event
Event("Explorer", "*.", 563)
PROCEDURE Explorer()
Nb is int
i is int
// Retrieve the number of files
Nb = ExplorerRetrieve(_EVE.wParam)
// Retrieve all the files
FOR i = 1 TO Nb
Trace(ExplorerRetrieve(_EVE.wParam, i))
// End of dialog
ExplorerAccept(False, WIN_Win1)
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 9
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Última modificación: 27/05/2022

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