Ayuda / WLanguage / Funciones WLanguage / Comunicación / Funciones LDAP
  • Using the LDAPListAttribute function
LDAPListAttribute (Example)
Using the LDAPListAttribute function
The following example shows how to use LDAPListAttribute recursively.
// Find the attributes
sListAttributes is string
sListAttributes = LDAPListAttribute("MySession", "DC=pcs,DC=local")
// Find the child elements
sListChildren is string
sListChildren = LDAPListChildren("MySession", "DC=pcs,DC=local")
// Recursively find the attributes of the child elements
gFindSubChildrenAttributes(sListChildren, sListAttributes)
// ============== recursive use of LDAPListAttribute ==============
PROCEDURE gFindSubChildrenAttributes(sListC, sListA)
sChildName is string
i is int = 1
sListChildren is string
// Add the attributes into the result
gsListAttributes += sListA + CR
sChildName = ExtractString(sListC, i, CR)
WHILE sChildName <> EOT
// Find the attributes of the child elements
sListAttributes is string
sListAttributes = LDAPListAttribute("MySession", sChildName)
  // Perform the same operation with the children of the child element
  sListChildren = LDAPListChildren("MySession", sChildName)
IF sListChildren <> "" THEN
gFindSubChildrenAttributes(sListChildren, sListAttributes)
// Add the attributes into the result
gsListAttributes += sListAttributes + CR
i += 1
sChildName = ExtractString(sListC, i, CR)
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  • Versión 10
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Última modificación: 27/05/2022

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