Ayuda / WLanguage / Funciones WLanguage / Funciones estándar / Funciones de archivos externos
  • Copying a directory and its subdirectories
  • Copying the directory selected by the user
fCopyDir (Example)
Copying a directory and its subdirectories
Reportes y Consultas The following code is used to copy a directory. Subdirectories are also copied (frRecursive constant).
// Declare the variables
DirectoryToCopy is string
CopiedDirectory is string
ResCopy is boolean
// Select the directory to copy
DirectoryToCopy = "C:\DirectoryA"
// Select the copied directory
CopiedDirectory = "C:\DirectoryB"
// Copy the directory
ResCopy = fCopyDir(DirectoryToCopy, CopiedDirectory, frRecursive)
// Display an error message if the copy failed
IF ResCopy = False THEN
Info("The directories have been copied")
Copying the directory selected by the user
Reportes y Consultas The following code is used to copy a directory. The directory to be copied and the copied directory are selected with fSelectDir. A progress window is displayed (frProgress constant).
// Declare the variables
DirectoryToCopy is string
CopiedDirectory is string
ResCopy is boolean
// Select the directory to copy
DirectoryToCopy = fSelectDir("", "Select the directory to copy")
// Select the copied directory
CopiedDirectory = fSelectDir("", "Select the copied directory")
// Copy the directory
ResCopy = fCopyDir(DirectoryToCopy, CopiedDirectory, frProgress)
// Display an error message if the copy failed
IF ResCopy = False THEN
Info("The directory was copied")
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 9
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Última modificación: 22/07/2022

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