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Ayuda / Funcionalidades Automáticas de la Aplicación (FAA)
  • Overview
  • How to?
  • Implementation
  • Retrieving the modifications
WindowsLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac CatalystUniversal Windows 10 App
Stored procedures
In a WINDEV application, users can add a tooltip on the controls.
If the tooltip proposed by default is not ideal, they can change it. Furthermore, they can even add a tooltip if there is none.
Reminder: The button tooltip is defined in the "Help" pane of the control description window ("Tooltip" option).
How to?
To modify the control tooltip, the user can:
  • Use the "Edit tooltip" option in the control.
    Control context menu
    contextual menu..
    Tooltip text
  • Use the interface customization:
    • Switch to modification mode ("Customize the interface .. Switch to modification mode" from the popup menu of the window).
      Edit mode
    • Select the control and select "Edit the tooltip" in the context menu of control.
      Control context menu
    • The tooltip text is displayed in modification.
      Tooltip text
  • If the tooltip is modified by the developer (application update), the customization is deleted.
  • In a multilingual application, the tooltip customization is performed for all languages.
  • The tooltip customization is ignored for some types of controls: Map, HTML, ActiveX, Cube, ...
  • For Check Box and Radio Button controls, the tooltip customization affects the tooltip of control (and not the tooltip of options).
  • To communicate the modifications performed to the developer, all yo have to do is create a ".wdmodif" export file. This file will contain all interface modifications performed in the window. To create this file:
    • Open the context menu and select "Customize interface .. Export the customization of this window" or "Customize interface .. Export all the customizations of the application".
    • Modify (if necessary) the name of created file and validate.
    • Transfer the file to the developer.
Tooltip modification at runtime is a feature linked to interface modification at runtime (for more details, see UI modifiable by the end user). From version 21, this option is automatically proposed in the applications created or compiled with version 21.
To configure this option:
  1. Choose whether the option must be configured for the project or for the window:
    • for the project. This option will be taken into account for all project windows:
      1. Open the project description window: on the "Project" tab, in the "Project" group, click "Description".
      2. In the "Advanced" tab, check "Allow end users to modify the UI" if necessary.
    • for each window. This option will be taken into account for the selected window only:
      1. Open the window description ("Description" from the window context menu).
      2. In the "Details" tab, check "Allow end users to modify the UI" if necessary.
  2. The "Options" button is used to specify the authorized options.
  3. To allow tooltip modification, "Edit tooltip" must be checked in the options defined for the project, or in the specific options of the window or project.
    If this option is unchecked, the end user will not be able to modify the tooltip of controls.
  • If the option to change the tooltip is enabled, you can disable the option directly for some types of controls ("Edit tooltip" option available in the context menu of the control), in the project or the controls in the window. For more details, see Configuring the popup menu from the FAA. The user will have to use the "Interface customization" mode to modify the tooltip of controls.
  • To programmatically enable or disable the option to change tooltips in a window, you can use the WinEditMode property with the weChangeTooltip constant:
    MyWindow.WinEditMode = weChangeTooltip
Retrieving the modifications
To retrieve the modifications of tooltips (as well as the other interface modifications) performed by the end user, all you have to do is open the "wdmodif" extension file in WINDEV:
  • by performing a "Drag and Drop" of file in the editor.
  • by selecting "Open": On the "Home" tab, in the "General" group, expand "Open", click "Open", and select the file.
The window that is displayed lists the different modified windows as well as the modification performed.
Simply select the requested modifications to apply them to the corresponding windows.
  • The corresponding project must be opened in the editor.
  • If the window to modify is not opened in the editor, WINDEV opens the window, applies the modifications, saves and closes the window.
  • If the window to modify is opened in the editor, WINDEV applies the modifications to the window. The modifications are not saved and they can be undone (Ctrl + Z).
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 21
Video Tooltip

23 01 2019

Última modificación: 21/06/2023

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