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Stored procedures
Returns the position of a widget found in a Dashboard control.
// Gets the position of current widget in number of cells
(x,y) = DashGetWidgetPosition()

Retrieving the position of current widget in the current Dashboard control Hide the details

(<X>, <Y>) = DashGetWidgetPosition([<Options>])
<X>: Integer
Horizontal position of current widget expressed in number of cells or in pixels.
The widget used corresponds to the control to which the current event belongs (Widget or control belonging to the Widget).
<Y>: Integer
Vertical position of current widget expressed in number of cells or in pixels.
The widget used corresponds to the control to which the current event belongs (Widget or control belonging to the Widget).
<Options>: Optional Integer constant
Unit used:
(Default value)
The unit used for the widget position is a number of cells. The first cell is cell [1, 1].
dashUnitPixelThe unit used for the widget position is the pixel.

Retrieving the position of a widget in a Dashboard control Hide the details

(<X>, <Y>) = DashGetWidgetPosition(<Dashboard control> , <Widget index> [, <Options>])
<X>: Integer
Horizontal position of widget in number of cells or in pixels.
<Y>: Integer
Vertical position of widget in number of cells or in pixels.
<Dashboard control>: Control name
Name of the Dashboard control to be used.
<Widget index>: Integer
Index of the widget to use. This index corresponds to:
  • the addition number of the widget defined in the window editor or in the page editor.
  • the addition number of widget returned by DashAddWidget.
<Options>: Optional Integer constant
Unit used:
(Default value)
The unit used for the widget position is a number of cells. The first cell is cell [1, 1].
dashUnitPixelThe unit used for the widget position is the pixel.
Component: wd290obj.dll
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 22
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Última modificación: 03/07/2023

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