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Ayuda / Desarrollar una aplicación o un sitio web / Controles, ventanas y páginas / Controles: tipos disponibles / Control Hoja de cálculo
  • Default events
  • Spreadsheet control events in a window
  • Spreadsheet control events in a report
  • Optional events (in a window only)
WindowsLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppJavaReportes y ConsultasCódigo de Usuario (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Código Navegador
AndroidWidget Android iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac CatalystUniversal Windows 10 App
Procedimientos almacenados
Spreadsheet control events
Default events

Spreadsheet control events in a window

The following events appear by default in the WINDEV code editor:
EventRuntime condition
InitializingExecuted when the window is opened. *
Selecting a cellRun when a cell is selected by the end user.
Modifying a cellExecuted when modifying the content of a cell:
  • when validating the content of the cell.
  • when deleting the content of a cell.
  • when copying the cell content via the "+" sign found at the bottom right of cell.
After loading a workbookRun after loading a workbook in the Spreadsheet control.
Before closing the workbookRun before closing the workbook in the Spreadsheet control.
Novedad versión 2024
Click on a link
Executed when a link in an Spreadsheet control cell is clicked .
This event accepts parameters:
PROCEDURE ClicLien(sUrl is string, bDansNouvelleFenetre is boolean, 
sDestination is string)
where is an optional string containing the URL of the link clicked in the Spreadsheet control.
If this event returns False, the action associated with the link will not be performed.
Caution: the code must not contain slow processes or processes that allow the control to regain focus. In this case, the default action will still be performed.

(*) By default, the "Initialization" event of each control is executed according to the order in which the controls were created in the window. To change this order of execution:
  1. On the "Ventana" tab, in the "Orden" group, click "Inicialización".
  2. In the window that appears, use the arrows on the right to change the order in which the controls are initialized.

Spreadsheet control events in a report

The following events appear by default in the code editor of WINDEV and WEBDEV:
EventRuntime condition
InitializationRun when opening the report.
Before printingRun before printing a control.
Before printing the cellsRun before printing each cell of Spreadsheet control. This event is used to modify the cells of the Spreadsheet control.

For more details, see Events associated with the controls of a report.
Optional events (in a window only)
Several optional events can be added. Para añadir un evento opcional:
  1. Seleccione la control deseada.
  2. Mostrar la ventana del código de esta control (tecla F2).
  3. Haga clic en el enlace "Añadir otras Event s a xxx" en la parte inferior del código de la ventana, después de la última Event.
  4. Todos los eventos opcionales disponibles para el control se muestran.
  5. Marque la opción Event para agregar y validar.
    Observación: Puede seleccionar varios eventos opcionales.
  6. El Event opcional seleccionado se agrega automáticamente a los Event s administrados por el control.
Para desactivar un Event opcional, simplemente realice las mismas operaciones para mostrar la lista de Event s opcionales. A continuación, simplemente desmarque los eventos opcionales para eliminar.
Observación: Si el código desactivado contiene código WLanguage, este código se elimina automáticamente.
For example, you can use the following events:
  • the mouse hover over the control,
  • left mouse button down, up, double click,
  • right mouse button down, up, double click,
  • mouse wheel, etc.
For more details, see the Optional events.
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 20
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Última modificación: 28/05/2024

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