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Ayuda / WLanguage / Administrar bases de datos / HFSQL / Funciones HFSQL Client/Server
  • When are rights changed?
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Stored procedures
Modifies the rights granted on an a data file HFSQL Client/Server item for a user or group.
// Copie des droits d'un utilisateur à un autre
sDroits is string
sDroits = HInfoItemRights("MaConnexion", "Dupont", hRightsUnmask, "MaBase", "MonFichier.fic", "MaRubrique")
HModifyItemRights("MaConnexion", "Durand", hRightsUnmask, sDroits, "MaBase", "MonFichier.fic", "MaRubrique")
<Result> = HModifieDroitRubrique(<Connection> , <User> , <Rights to modify> , <New values> , <Database> , <File> , <Item>)
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the rights have been modified,
  • False otherwise. HErrorInfo is used to identify the error.
No modification is performed if the new value is already assigned to the specified rights.
Remark: HErrorInfo will return an "Unknown user" or "Unknown group" error if the current user does not have the rights to see the users (hRightsSeeUser constant) and if he wants to get information about another user or another group.
<Connection>: Character string or Connection variable
Connection for which the rights granted to a user or to a group of users must be modified. This connection corresponds to:
<User>: Character string
Name of the user or group whose rights must be modified.
<Rights to modify>: Integer constant
Right to modify:
hRightsUnmaskRights to unmask an item.
<New values>: Integer constant
List of new values for the modified rights. New values must be assigned to all the rights specified in <Rights to modify> (in the same order).
If a single value is indicated in this parameter, it will be assigned to all the rights specified in <Rights to modify>.
The possible values are as follows:
hAllowedThe relevant rights are granted to the user or group.
hForbiddenThe relevant rights are not granted to the user or group.
hInheritThe user will inherit from the value of the rights granted to the group to which he belongs.
<Database>: Character string
Name of the database containing the data file and the field for which rights are to be modified.
  • If the database corresponds to the one defined in the connection, this parameter can correspond to an empty string ("").
  • A WLanguage error occurs if no database is defined in the connection and if this parameter corresponds to an empty string.
<File>: Character string
Name of the data file for which the rights must be modified.
<Item>: Character string
Name of the item for which rights are to be modified.

When are rights changed?

The change is effective as soon as HModifyRightRubric is run. There is no need to restart the server to take the new rights into account.
Business / UI classification: Business Logic
Component: wd290hf.dll
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 2024
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Última modificación: 06/04/2024

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