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Procedimientos almacenados
Calculates the perimeter of a given Geometry (Polygon or multiPolygon).
  • The perimeter of an Polygon is equal to the sum of the length of its outline, plus the length of each of its holes.
  • The perimeter of a multipolygon is equal to the sum of the perimeters of its constituent polygons.
// Construction d'un carré de 2 unités de côté
oPolygone2D_1 is Polygon2D
Linestring2DAddPoint(oPolygone2D_1.Outline, -1.00, 1.00)
Linestring2DAddPoint(oPolygone2D_1.Outline, 1.00, 1.00)
Linestring2DAddPoint(oPolygone2D_1.Outline, 1.00, -1.00)
Linestring2DAddPoint(oPolygone2D_1.Outline, -1.00, -1.00)
// Ajout du dernier point (identique au premier)
Linestring2DAddPoint(oPolygone2D_1.Outline, -1.00, 1.00)

Périmètre is real = GeometryPerimeter(oPolygone2D_1)
Trace(Périmètre) // Affiche "8"
<Result> = GeometryPerimeter(<Geometry>)
<Result>: Real
  • Specified Geometry perimeter. This Geometry must be an Polygon or a multiPolygon.
    • For 2-dimensional geometries, perimeter calculation uses the Euclidean norm (Pythagoras). The unit used is the same as that given to the point coordinates.
    • For geographical geometries, the perimeter calculation uses an template approximation of the Earth to take into account its curvature.. The perimeter is returned in meters.
  • 0 in other cases (Geometry different from Polygon or multiPolygon).
<Geometry>: Variable Receiver for spatial data
Name of the variable corresponding to the Geometry whose length is to be calculated. This Geometry can correspond to one of the following variable types:
Clasificación Lógica de negocio / UI: Lógica de negocio
Componente: wd290hf.dll
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 2024
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Última modificación: 15/02/2024

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