Ayuda / WLanguage / Administrar bases de datos / HFSQL / Funciones HFSQL Client/Server
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Stored procedures
Returns the list of elements stored on an HFSQL server (sets of procedures, stored procedures or queries).
// Retrieve the elements found on the server
ElementList is string
ElementList = HListStoredElement("MyConnection", hLstDétail + hLstAll)
// Adds the list of element into COMBO_COMBO1
ListAdd(COMBO_COMBO1, ElementList)
<Result> = HListStoredElement(<Connection> [, <Options>])
<Result>: Character string
List of requested elements. The result is more or less detailed depending on the constant used.
hLstDetail is not specified<Name of element 1> + TAB + <Type> + CR + <Name of element 2> + CR +...
hLstDetail is specified<Name of element 1> + TAB + <Type> + TAB + <Author name> + TAB + <Date and time of update> + TAB + <Name of update author> + TAB + <Name of update computer> + TAB + <Size> + CR +...
  • <Name of element X>: Logical name of the set of procedures, the procedure or the query. The name of the procedure has the following format: <Name of set of procedures>.<Name of procedure>.
  • <Type>: Type of element: Value used to identify the listed element:
    eltProcedureThe listed element is a procedure.
    eltQueryThe listed element is a query.
    eltSetOfProceduresThe listed element is a set of procedures.
  • <Author name>: Name of the person who created the element.
  • <Date and time of update>: Date and time of the last update performed on the element.
  • <Name of update author>: Name of the person who performed the last update on the element.
  • <Name of update computer>: Name of the computer that performed the last update on the element.
  • <Size>: Size of the set or size of the query (0 for a procedure).
<Connection>: Character string or Connection variable
Connection to the HFSQL server. This connection corresponds to:
<Options>: Optional Integer constant (or combination of constants)
Type of list to perform:
(Default value)
Lists all elements in the following order: sets of procedures, stored procedures and queries.
hLstDetailLists the detailed information.
hLstQueryLists the queries.
hLstSetLists the sets of procedures.
hLstStoredProcedureLists the stored procedures.
Component: wd290hf.dll
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 11
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Última modificación: 26/05/2022

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