| |
Address | The Address type is used to manipulate the address of a place or person. |
aiConfigureContourDetection | The iaConfigureContourDetection type is used to define the parameters of the contour detection function. |
aiImageResult | The aiImageResult type is used to retrieve the result of AIDetect. |
aiNeuralNetworkModel | The aiNeuralNetworkModel type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a neural network used by AIDetectModel. |
API description | An API Description variable is used to describe an API, its parameters, its return value and its calling options by programming. |
apiRequest | The apiRequest type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a request executed via a REST web service imported using the OpenAPI documentation. |
AppleID | The AppleID type corresponds to the identifier resulting from a successful Apple ID authentication. |
Appointment | The Appointment type is used to define the advanced characteristics of an appointment: time, location, ... |
appServerScheduledTask | The appServerScheduledTask type is used to manage a scheduled task of WEBDEV Application Server through programming (for a site or a webservice). |
AssistedInput | The AssistedInput type allows you to define all the advanced characteristics of an autocomplete suggestion. |
AuthToken | The AuthToken type contains the characteristics of a token to access a web service. |
AutomaticEvent | The AutomaticEvent type is used to manage an automatic event. |
Background | The Background type defines the advanced characteristics of the element background. |
BarCodes | The BarCodes type is used to handle the information found in a bar code. |
beaconDetectionInfo | The beaconDetectionInfo type is used to describe information relative to a Beacon detected with BeaconDetectPrecise. |
beaconGroup | The beaconGroup type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a set of Beacons. |
Border | The Border type is used to handle a border through programming... |
btleCharacteristic | The btleCharacteristic type is used to handle a characteristic of a Bluetooth Low Energy service. |
btleDescriptor | The btleDescriptor type is used to handle the descriptor of a Bluetooth Low Energy characteristic |
btleDevice | The btleDevice type allows you to handle a device that uses the Bluetooth Low Energy technology. |
btleService | The btleService type is used to handle a Bluetooth Low Energy service ("Bluetooth GATT Service"). |
Buffer | The Buffer type corresponds to a binary memory area. |
Calendar | The Calendar type is used to handle a calendar (or organizer) associated with a user account or found on the device. |
Certificate | The Certificate type is used to handle: - the certificates used to sign the strings or the files.
- the certificates used to sign the emails.
Chrono | The Chrono type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a stopwatch. |
Color | The Color type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a WLanguage color. |
COMObject | The COMObject type is used to represent an interface of a COM object. |
Component | The Component type is used to easily handle an external component. |
Connection | The Connection type is used to describe one or more connections to external databases (HFSQL Client/Server, Native Connector, etc. |
Contact | The Contact type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a contact found in the phone book. |
ContactSource | The ContactSource type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a source (or account) for the contacts (example: Google, Exchange, Facebook). |
Continent | The Continent type is used to find out the characteristics of a continent. |
Control | The Control type is used to define the characteristics of a control. |
Cookie | The Cookie type is used to handle the cookies transmitted in the HTTP requests. |
Country | The Country type is used to find out the characteristics of a country. |
CriticalSection | CriticalSection variables are used to define critical sections to limit the simultaneous execution of a code (procedure, line of code, etc.) to one thread at a given moment in an application. |
Date | The Date type is used to easily manipulate dates... |
DateTime | The DateTime type enables you to easily handle a date and a time... |
Definition | The Definition type is used to find out the characteristics of a type: - simple type,
- advanced type,
- class,
- structure.
Description of ParallelTask | The Description of ParallelTask type is used to define the characteristics of a parallel task. |
diagActionAllowed | The diagActionAuthorized type is used to define the actions available to end users on a diagram shape in the Diagram Editor control. |
diagBorder | The diagBorder type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a border (or borders) of a shape used in a diagram. |
diagConnectionPoint | The diagConnectionPoint type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a connection point (i.e. point around a shape that a connector snaps to) in a Diagram Editor control. |
diagConnector | The diagConnector type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a connector in a diagram. |
diagGroup | The diagGroup type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a group of shapes in a Diagram Editor control. |
diagHead | The diagHead type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of an end of a connector in a diagram. |
diagImage | The diagImage type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a diagram shape created from an image. |
diagLayout | The diagLayout type is used to define all the layout characteristics of a diagram. |
diagLibrary | The diagLibrary type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a library of preset shapes used by a Diagram Editor control. |
diagOval | The diagOval type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a shape of type Oval. |
diagPath | The diagPath type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a Path shape (equivalent to a polygon that can include rounded lines). |
diagPoint | The diagSelection type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a point in a diagram. |
diagPolygon | The diagPolygon type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a shape of type Polygon. |
Diagram | The Diagram type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a diagram that can be edited in the Diagram Editor control. |
diagRectangle | The diagRectangle type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a shape of type Rectangle. |
diagSelection | The diagSelection type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a selection made in a diagram. |
diagShape | The diagShape type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of the original shape used in a diagram. |
diagText | The diagText type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a text associated with a shape in a diagram. |
diagWaypoint | The diagWaypoint type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a connector waypoint. |
DiskFile | The DiskFile type is used to handle text files present on disk. |
docAutoReplace | The docAutoReplace type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a string used to automatically replace another string as the user types in a Word Processing control . |
docCell | The docCell type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a table cell in a Word Processing document. |
docColumn | The docColumn type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a table column found in a Word Processing document. |
docElement | The docElement type is used to handle each element found in a docParagraph variable. |
docElementCheckBox | The docElementCheckBox type allows you to define all the advanced characteristics of a check box used in a form. |
docElementFormula | The docElementFormula type is used to define the characteristics of a Formula element found in a DocElement variable. |
docElementImage | The docElementImage type is used to handle the characteristics of an Image element found in a docElement variable. |
docElementLink | The docElementLink type is used to get the advanced characteristics of a Link element in a docElement variable. |
docElementText | The DocElementText type is used to handle the characteristics of a Text element found in a DocElement variable. |
docElementTextArea | The docElementTextArea type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a text area found in a docElement variable. |
docFormatMulticolumn | The docFormatMulticolumn type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a multicolumn section defined in a docSection variable. |
docFormatting | The docFormatting type is used to define the formatting characteristics of an element in a Word Processing document. |
docFragment | The docFragment type is used to define the characteristics of a fragment found in a "docx" document. |
docHeaderFooter | The docHeaderFooter type is used to define the text of the different paragraphs found in a page header or footer. |
docNumbering | The docNumbering type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a numbering used in a Word Processing document. |
docNumberingLevel | The docNumberingLevel type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a numbering level used in a Word Processing document. |
docParagraph | The docParagraph type is used to handle the characteristics of a paragraph in a DOCX document. |
docProperty | The docProperty type is used to define the properties of a Word Processing document. |
docRow | The docRow type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a table row in a Word Processing document. |
docSection | The docSection type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a section found in a document or paragraph. |
docStyle | The docStyle type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a style belonging to a document, a paragraph or a document fragment. |
docTable | The docTable type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a Table paragraph found in a Word Processing document. |
docTableOfContents | The docTableOfContents type is used to define all the options to generate a table of contents in a Word Processing document. |
docTabulation | The docTabulation type is used to define the characteristics of a custom tabulation. |
Document | The Document type is used to handle a "docx" document. |
DownloadInfo | The DownloadInfo type is used to read the different details about a download in progress retrieved by DownloadGetInfo. |
DownloadParameter | The DownloadParameter type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a file download performed by DownloadAdd. |
Drive | The Drive type is used to handle online storage services. To use this type of variable, you need to connect to the desired service. |
DSVFormat | The DSVFormat is used to define and change characteristics of the Delimiter Separated Values (DSV) format. |
Duration | The Duration type is used to easily manipulate intervals of dates and times... |
edtHTMLSelection | The edtHTMLSelection type is used to identify all the advanced characteristics of a selection in an HTML Editor control |
Email | The Email type is used to handle the email content as well as the associated information. |
EmailAddress | The EmailAddress type is used to handle an email address as well as its type (home, office, etc.). |
emailAttach | The emailAttach type is used to handle an attachment. |
emailHeader | The emailHeader type is used to retrieve or define the additional email headers. |
emailIMAPSession | The emailIMAPSession type is used to access a messaging server by using the IMAP protocol (Internet Access Message Protocol) in order to retrieve the messages found on this server. |
emailNotesSession | The emailNotesSession type is used to access a Lotus Notes messaging server in order to retrieve the messages found on this server and to send messages. |
emailOutlookSession | The emailOutlookSession type is used to handle the Outlook messaging software (emails, contacts, groups of contacts, tasks, appointments and folders). |
emailPOP3Session | The emailPOP3Session type is used to access a messaging server by using the POP3 protocol (Post Office Protocol) in order to retrieve the messages found on this server. |
emailSMTPSession | The emailSMTPSession type is used to access a messaging server by using the SMTP protocol (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) in order to send emails. |
Event | The Event type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of an event: birthday, saint's day, ... |
EventTimeline | The EventTimeline type is used to define the advanced characteristics of an event displayed in a Timeline control. |
fbSession | The fbSession type is used to describe a connection to the Facebook service and to manage the authentication to this service. |
File Description | The File Description variable is used to programmatically describe data files. |
Font | A Font variable creates a font programmatically... |
FullTextIndex description | A FullTextIndex description variable is used to describe one or more full-text indexes programmatically. |
GanttLink | The GanttLink type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a link between two tasks of a Gantt chart. |
GanttTask | The GanttTask type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a task for a Gantt chart. |
Geometry | The Geometry type can be used to store any type of geometry: point, polygon, etc. |
GeometryCollection | The GeometryCollection type is used to store a collection of geometries of different types. In other words, it is a heterogeneous collection: it can store a collection of points, polygons, etc. |
geoPosition | The geoPosition type is used to handle geographic positions via WLanguage geolocation functions. |
gglAccount | The gglAccount type gets the profile information of a Google account via several WLanguage properties. |
gglAttachment | The gglAttachment type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a file attached to a calendar event. The calendar can be described using the gglCalendar type. This calendar is used by the Google Calendar service. |
gglAuthor | The gglAuthor type is used to identify the author of a Google element... |
gglCalendar | The gglCalendar type is used to describe and modify a calendar used by the Google Calendar service... |
gglConnection | The gglConnection type is used to describe a connection to the Google services and to manage the authentication to different services... |
gglContact | The gglContact type is used to describe and modify a contact used by the Google Contacts service... |
gglContactGroup | The gglContactGroup type is used to describe and modify a group of contacts used by the Google Contacts service... |
gglCoordinate | The gglCoordinate type is used to describe and handle a geographical point on a map... |
gglDocument | The gglDocument type is used to handle a Google document... |
gglEmail | The gglEmail type is used to describe and modify the email address of a contact... |
gglEvent | The gglEvent type is used to describe and modify an event of a calendar... |
GglFile | The GglFile type is used to get all the characteristics of a file used in one of the Google Docs Editors (Docs, Sheets, etc.). |
gglInstantMessaging | The gglInstantMessaging type is used to describe and modify the characteristics of the instant messaging used by a contact... |
gglLocation | The gglLocation type is used to describe and modify the location of an event found in a Google calendar... |
gglMapParameter | The gglMapParameter type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a map... |
gglMarker | The gglMarker type is used to define the characteristics of a marker that must be positioned on a map... |
gglNotification | The gglNotification type is used to define information about event notifications in a calendar. |
gglOrganization | The gglOrganization type is used to describe the companies and organizations to which the contact belongs... |
gglOverride | The gglOverride type is used to define information about event notification overrides. |
gglPath | The gglPath type is used to define the characteristics of the route to drawn on a map... |
gglPerson | The gglPerson type is used to describe and modify the participants attending an event of a Google calendar... |
gglPhoneNumber | The gglPhoneNumber type is used to describe and modify the phone number of a contact... |
gglPostalAddress | The gglPostalAddress type is used to describe and modify the postal address of a contact... |
gpwOAuthParameters | The gpwOAuthParameters type allows you to define all the information needed for authentication to the User Groupware via an application that uses the OAuth 2.0 standard. |
gpwUser | The gpwUser type is used to describe and modify the characteristics of a user of WEBDEV or WINDEV User Groupware. |
GuidedTour | The GuidedTour type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a Guided Tour and its steps. |
GuidedTourStep | The GuidedTourStep is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a step of a Guided Tour. |
hBackupDescription | The hBackupDescription type is used to programmatically describe an HFSQL Client/Server backup. |
hbCell | The hbCell type is used to define the advanced characteristics of the content of a cell (item value) in an HBase table. |
hbColumn | The hbColumn type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a column (item) in a HBase table. |
hbColumnDescription | The hbColumnDescription type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a group of columns (items). |
hbConnection | The hbConnection type is used to define the characteristics of a connection to a HBase server. |
hbReading | The hbReading type is used to define the characteristics of a read operation. |
hbResultScan | The hbScanResult type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of the result of an iteration performed in an HBase database. |
hbScanParameter | The hbScanParameter type is used to define the parameters for iterating over the records in an HBase database. |
hbTableDescription | The hbTableDescription type is used to define and find out the characteristics of an HBase table. |
hbWriting | The hbWriting type is used to define the characteristics of a write operation that will be performed in a row (record) of an HBase table. |
hdfsConnection | The hdfsConnection type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a connection to the Hadoop file system (HDFS). |
hdfsRights | The hdfsRights type is used to define the advanced characteristics regarding the access rights to an element (file, link, directory) of the Hadoop file system. |
hdfsStatus | The hdfsStatus type is used to define the advanced characteristics regarding the status of an element (file, directory, link) in the Hadoop file system. |
hFileParameter | The hFileParameter type is used to define the data files taken into account by a scheduled optimization task. |
hRSConfig | The hRSConfig type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a replication between 2 HFSQL servers. |
hScheduledOptimization | The hScheduledOptimization type is used to programmatically manage a scheduled optimization task on an HFSQL server. |
hScheduledTask | The hScheduledTask type is used to manage a scheduled HFSQL Client/Server task through programming... |
hScheduleMaterializedView | The hScheduleMaterializedView type is used to programmatically manage a task for recalculating the data of a scheduled materialized view on an HFSQL server. |
hScheduling | The hScheduling type is used to define and find out the characteristics of the scheduling that must be performed: - for a scheduled optimization task of HFSQL Client/Server files.
- for a scheduled backup task of HFSQL Client/Server files.
- for a scheduled replication of HFSQL servers.
hServerOperation | The hServerOperation type is used to get the characteristics of an operation performed on an HFSQL server. |
htmlAttribute | The htmlAttribute type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of an attribute of an element in an HTML document. |
htmlDocument | The htmlDocument type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of an HTML document. |
htmlNode | The htmlNode type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a node of an HTML document. |
httpProgress | The httpProgress type is used to manage the progress when sending or receiving an HTTP request. |
httpRequest | The httpRequest type is used to retrieve the advanced characteristics of an HTTP/HTTPS request. |
httpResponse | The httpResponse type is used to get the advanced characteristics of the response of the HTTP/HTTPS request. |
Icon | The Icon type is used to define the advanced characteristics of an icon. |
Image | The Image type is used to define the advanced characteristics of an image. |
inAppProduct | The inAppProduct type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a product for an In-App purchase. |
InfoVersion | The InfoVersion type is used to find out the characteristics of a specific application version. |
InputMask | The InputMask type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a custom input mask. |
InstantMessaging | The InstantMessaging type is used to define the advanced characteristics of the instant messaging of a contact (Google Talk, Skype, MSN, etc.). |
iOutputInfo | The iOutputInfo type is used to get the details of a report print or export job, or the details of a print job performed programmatically from the report viewer. |
Item Description | An Item Description variable is used to describe one or more items in a data file programmatically. |
JSON | The JSON simplifies actions on data in JSON format. |
JSONXMLConverter | The JSONXMLConverter type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of the conversion of an XML object to JSON (or conversely) via XMLToJSON and JSONToXML). |
kbActionAllowed | The kbActionAllowed type allows you to define which actions are available to the end user when handling cards in a Kanban control. |
kbCard | The kbCard type defines all the advanced characteristics of a card in a Kanban control. |
Linestring2D | The Linestring2D type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a linestring defined with 2D coordinates. |
LinestringGeo | The LinestringGeo type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a geographic linestring. |
Link Description | A Link Description variable is used to describe a link between two data files through programming. |
List | A List variable is a structured type that is used to group a set of elements of the same type. |
ManualEvent | The ManualEvent type is used to manage a manual event. |
MapCircle | The MapCircle type is used to define the characteristics of a circle to be drawn on the map displayed in a Map control. |
MapImage | The MapImage type is used to define the characteristics of an image to be drawn on the map displayed in a Map control. |
MapPolygon | The MapPolygon type is used to define the characteristics of a polygon to be drawn on the map displayed in a Map control. |
MapPolyline | The MapPolyline type is used to define the characteristics of a line composed of several segments to be drawn on the map displayed in a Map control. |
Marker | The Marker type is used to define the characteristics of a marker that must be positioned on a map displayed in a Map control. |
MarkerImage | The MarkerImage type is used to customize the image associated with a marker or a marker cluster displayed in a Map control. |
memcachedConnection | The memcachedConnection type is used to define the characteristics of a connection to a Memcached server. |
memcachedResult | The memcachedResult type is used to define the characteristics of a value read on a Memcached server. |
modbusSession | The modbusSession type is used to identify a connection to a Modbus server. |
mongoCollection | The mongoCollection type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a collection in a database of a MongoDB server. |
mongoCollectionOption | The mongoCollectionOption type is used to define the advanced characteristics of collection options in a MongoDB database. |
mongoConnection | The mongoConnection type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a connection to a MongoDB server. |
mongoDatabase | The mongoDatabase type is used to define the characteristics of a database for a MongoDB server. |
mongoDatabaseInfo | The mongoDatabaseInfo type is used to define the advanced characteristics of information about a MongoDB database. |
mongoFindOption | The mongoFindOption type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a search in a MongoDB database. |
mongoGridFS | The mongoGridFS type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a file system for a MongoDB database. |
mongoGridFSFileInfo | The mongoGridFSFileInfo type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a file in a MongoDB database. |
mongoOperation | The mongoOperation type is used to define the different operations to be performed in bulk. These operations are stored in an array of mongoOperation variables. |
mongoOperationAdd | The mongoOperationAdd type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a document add operation in bulk. |
mongoOperationDeleteAll | The mongoOperationDeleteAll type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a document delete operation that will be added to a bulk operations list. All the documents that match the selection filter will be deleted. |
mongoOperationDeleteOne | The mongoOperationDeleteOne type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a document delete operation that will be added to a bulk operations list. The first document that matches the filter will be deleted. |
mongoOperationReplaceOne | The mongoOperationReplaceOne type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a document replace operation that will be added to a bulk operations list. The first document that matches the filter will be replaced. |
mongoOperationsOption | The mongoOperationsOption type is used to define the options of bulk operations. |
mongoOperationUpdateAll | The mongoOperationUpdateAll type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a document update operation that will be added to a bulk operations list. All the documents that match the selection filter will be updated. |
mongoOperationUpdateOne | The mongoOperationUpdateOne type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a document update operation that will be added to a bulk operations list. The first document that matches the selection filter will be updated. |
mongoResult | The mongoResult type is used to find out the result during a search performed in a MongoDB database. |
mongoWriteConcern | The mongoWriteConcern type is used to define the level of acknowledgment of receipt requested for the write operations in a stand-alone mongod, in a set of replicas or in fragmented clusters. |
mqttSession | The mqttSession type is used to define the parameters for connecting to the MQTT broker. |
MultiLinestring2D | The MultiLinestring2D type can be used to store a collection of linestrings defined with 2D coordinates. |
MultiLinestringGeo | The MultiLinestring type can be used to store a collection of linestrings defined with geographic coordinates. |
MultiPoint2D | The MultiPoint2D type is used to store a set of points defined with 2D coordinates. It is a collection of points: unlike in a linestring, points are not connected. |
MultiPointGeo | The MultiPointGeo type is used to store a set of points defined with geographic coordinates. It is a collection of points: in this case, points are not connected. |
MultiPolygon2D | The MultiPolygon2D type can be used to store a collection of non-overlapping polygons defined with 2D coordinates. |
MultiPolygonGeo | The MultiPolygonGeo type can be used to store a collection of non-overlapping polygons defined with geographic coordinates. |
nfcData | The nfcData type is used to describe and handle the data of a variable of type nfcTag. |
nfcTag | The nfcTag type is used to define the advanced characteristics of an NFC tag (Near Field Communication). |
Notification | The Notification type is used to handle the local notifications or the push notifications. |
notificationAction | The notificationAction type is used to describe an additional action associated with a notification. |
notificationCategory | The type notificationCategory makes it possible to define all the advanced characteristics of a notification category. |
notificationFormat | The notificationFormat type is used to describe the display format of a notification when this one is expanded. |
Numeric | The numeric type is used to contain integer or decimal numbers by specifying if necessary:- the number of digits in the integer part.
- the number of digits in the integer part and in the decimal part.
NumericFormat | The NumericFormat type allows you to define all the characteristics of the format to be used with the NumToString function. |
OAuth2Parameters | The OAuth2Parameters type is used to define the information required to authenticate on a web service implementing the OAuth 2.0 standard. |
ocrOption | The ocrOption type is used to define all the general options of the native OCR (Optical Character Recognition) system. |
ocrTextBlock | The ocrTextBlock type is used to define and identify all the advanced characteristics of a text block read by the native OCR system. |
OpenIDIdentity | The OpenIDIdentity type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a user connected to a web service via the OAuth 2.0 protocol. |
OpenIDParameters | The OpenIDParameters type is used to define all the advanced features of an authentication for OpenID. |
Option Description | An Option Description variable is used to handle the characteristics of a combination option through programming. |
OrgElement | The OrgElement type is used to define the advanced characteristics of an element found in an Organization Chart control. |
Palette | The Palette type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a color palette. |
ParallelTask | The ParallelTask type is used to handle a task, which means a procedure run by a thread in the parallel programming. |
pdfAttachment | The pdfAttachment type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of an attachment in a PDF document. |
pdfBookmark | The pdfBookmark type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a bookmark in a PDF document. |
| The pdfControl type is used to get all the characteristics and values of a control present in a PDF form. |
| The pdfControlOption type is used to get and set the following characteristics of an option of a control present in a PDF form: - option caption.
- selected or deselected state of the option.
pdfDocument | The pdfDocument type gets all the characteristics of a PDF file: author, date created, page content, etc. |
pdfPage | The pdfPage type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a page from a PDF document loaded in memory. |
pdfParameter | The pdfParameter type defines all the characteristics of the PDF file to be generated. |
pdfSignature | The pdfSignature type is used to define the advanced characteristics of the signature that will be applied to a PDF file when signing an existing PDF (via PDFSign). |
pdfTextElement | The pdfTextElement type is used to find out all the characteristics of a text element in a PDF page. |
Permission | The Permission type represents a permission requested by the application (and therefore declared in the manifest). |
Phone | The Phone type is used to handle a phone number as well as its type (home, work, ...). |
picLayer | The picLayer type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a layer of an image loaded in a WDPic variable. |
picRTF | The picRTF type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a layer that contains RTF. |
picText | The picText type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a Text layer. |
Point | A Point variable is a structured type that is used to represent a position (X, Y) in 2 dimensions. |
Point2D | The Point2D type is used to define all the characteristics of a location represented on a Cartesian plane. |
PointGeo | The PointGeo type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a location represented on the spheroidal surface of the earth. |
Polygon | The Polygon type is used to define the points of a polygon. |
Polygon2D | The Polygon2D type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a 2D polygon. |
PolygonGeo | The PolygonGeo type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a geographic polygon. |
Procedure | The Procedure type is used to handle: - the procedures or methods found in the project.
- the procedures or methods found in an internal component.
- the procedures or methods found in an external component.
Procedure description | The Procedure Description type is used to get information about a procedure or a method. |
Process | The Process type is used to define the characteristics of the remote application that can be started by ExeRemoteRun. |
Property Description | The Property Description type is used to get information about a property. |
psheetSelection | The psheetSelection type is used to find out the advanced characteristics of a selection in a Spreadsheet control. |
pvtPosition | The pvtPosition type is used to handle a cell of a Pivot Table control. |
Queue | A Queue variable is a structured type that groups a set of elements of the same type. |
QuickAction | The QuickAction type allows you to define all the advanced characteristics of a quick action of an app on Android (app shortcut) or iOS (Quick Action). |
Record | The Record type is used to save the values of a record. |
Rectangle | A Rectangle variable is a structured type that is used to represent a rectangle (X, Y, Width, Height) in 2 dimensions. |
redisConnection | The redisConnection type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a connection to a Redis server (or cluster). |
redisResponse | The redisResponse type makes it possible to define all the advanced characteristics of a response received by RedisExecuteCommand or RedisPipelineGet. |
Reminder | The Reminder type is used to describe and handle a reminder to inform the user of an appointment. |
Repetition | The Repetition type is used to describe and modify the characteristics of a repetition for an appointment via the different WLanguage properties. |
restRequest | The restRequest type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a REST request. |
restResponse | The restResponse type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a REST response. |
rssCategory | The rssCategory type is used to handle the category of a RSS stream or stream entry. |
rssChannel | The rssChannel type is used to handle a RSS channel... |
rssCloud | The rssCloud type is used to describe the method for subscribing to the notifications of modification made to the RSS stream... |
rssEnclosure | The rssEnclosure type is used to describe and handle the attachment of an entry of RSS stream... |
rssEntry | The rssEntry type is used to handle a RSS stream entry... |
rssIdentifier | The rssIdentifier type is used to describe the unique identifier of a RSS stream entry... |
rssImage | The rssImage type is used to describe the image of a RSS stream... |
rssSource | The rssSource type is used to describe the source of an entry for an RSS stream... |
rssStream | The rssStream type is used to handle a RSS stream... |
rssTextInput | The rssTextInput type is used to describe the input area of RSS stream... |
saasClient | The saasClient type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a SaaS client account. |
saasPricing | The saasPricing type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a SaaS pricing. |
saasService | The saasService type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a SaaS service. |
saasSite | The saasSite type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a SaaS WEBDEV site. |
saasSubscription | The saasSubscription type is used to define the advanced characteristics regarding the subscription of a SaaS client account to a pricing. |
saasUser | The saasUser type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a user of SaaS site. |
saasVisit | The saasVisit is used to find out all the characteristics of a SaaS user's visit. |
Scanner | The Scanner type is used to handle the information from a scanner. |
SecurePassword | The SecurePassword type is a structured type used to obtain a secure, hashed and salted password. |
sfConnection | The sfConnection type is used to describe a connection to the Salesforce platform and to manage user authentication... |
sfDeletedRecord | The sfSeekDeletedResult type is used to find out the characteristics of a deleted record that was retrieved by SFSeekDeleted... |
sfDeleteResult | The sfDeleteResult type is used to find out the result of SFDelete... |
sfDisconnectResult | The sfDisconnectResult type is used to get the status report of SFDisconnect when disconnecting from a session... |
sfEmptyRecycleBinResult | The sfEmptyRecycleBinResult type is used to find out the result of SFEmptyRecycleBin... |
sfError | The sfError type is used to find out the characteristics of an error returned by Salesforce... |
sfExecuteProcessResult | The sfExecuteProcessResult type is used to find out the result of SFExecuteProcess... |
sfExecuteQueryResult | The sfExecuteQueryResult type is used to find out the result of SFForwardQuery and SFExecuteQuery... |
sfLeadConvert | The sfLeadConvert type is used to describe the conversion parameters of a lead... |
sfLeadConvertResult | The sfLeadConvertResult type is used to find out the result of SFConvertLead... |
sfMergeRequest | The sfMergeRequest type is used to describe the elements to merge during the call to SFMerge... |
sfMergeResult | The sfMergeResult type is used to find out the result of SFMerge... |
sfObject | The sfObject type is used to describe a record of a SalesForce file... |
sfProcessSubmitRequest | The sfProcessSubmitRequest type is used to describe a Salesforce record (also called a Salesforce object) to submit to SFExecuteProcess... |
sfProcessWorkItemRequest | The sfProcessWorkItemRequest type is used to describe a query for processing a task to submit to SFExecuteProcess... |
sfSaveResult | The sfSaveResult type is used to find out the result of SFAdd and SFModify... |
sfSearchResult | The sfSearchResult type is used to find out the result of SFSearch... |
sfSeekDeletedResult | The sfSeekDeletedResult type is used to find out the result of SFSeekDeleted... |
sfSeekUpdatedResult | The sfSeekUpdatedResult type is used to find out the result of SFSeekModified... |
sfSessionInfo | The sfSessionInfo type is used to get information about the current session... |
sfUndeleteResult | The sfUndeleteResult type is used to find out the result of SFUndelete... |
sfUserInfo | The sfUserInfo type is used to get information about a user... |
SIPAddress | The SIPAddress type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a SIP address. |
SpeechSynthesisVoice | The SpeechSynthesisVoice type is used to get all the advanced characteristics of a speech synthesis voice. |
sshSession | The sshSession type is used to define the characteristics of a connection to an SSH server. |
Stack | A Stack variable is a structured type that is used to group a set of elements of the same type. |
sysNotification | The sysNotification type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of an interactive system notification. |
sysNotificationButton | The sysNotificationButton type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of Button control in an interactive notification. |
sysNotificationInput | The sysNotificationInput type is used to define all the advanced features of an input control, such as a text input or combo box control, in an interactive notification. |
Thread | The Thread type allows you to define all the characteristics of a thread. |
Tiff | The Tiff type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a TIFF image. |
Tile | The Tile type is used to defined all the advanced characteristics of a tile for an application in Universal Windows 10 App mode. |
Time | The Time type allows you to easily manipulate times... |
Toast | The Toast type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a toast notification. |
Token | The Token type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a token displayed in an edit control. |
upnpDevice | The upnpDevice type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a UPnP device. |
upnpImage | The upnpImage type is used to define the advanced characteristics of an image of UPnP device. |
upnpService | The upnpService type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a service provided by the UPnP device. |
URI | The URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) type identifies physical or abstract resources (e.g. files or Web pages). |
UUID | The UUID type is used to easily manage:- UUIDs or GUIDs,
- automatic UUID HFSQL identifiers,
- identifiers for COM/Automation objects and interfaces,
- ...
Value Description | A Value Description variable is used to handle the description of an enumeration value through programming. |
Variable Description | The Variable Description type is used to get information about a variable or a member. |
Variant | The Variant type is used to:- store any simple value: boolean, numeric (Currency, Real, Integer, etc.), characters and character string, date (Date, Time, DateTime and Duration), ...
- store named or indexed subelements.
- store any complex value: structures, classes, advanced types, arrays, associative arrays, queues, stacks and lists.
- handle the NULL value in WLanguage.
- store interactions with ActiveX objects and Automation programming.
VariantMember | The VariantMember type is an advanced type corresponding to an array of members, each member being a variant variable. |
Watermark | The Watermark type is used to handle the text printed in watermark in the reports created with the report editor or through programming. |
WBAdminAccount | The WBAdminAccount type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a WEBDEV account in a WEBDEV Application Server. |
WBAdminApplication | The WBAdminApplication type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of an application deployed on a WEBDEV Application Server. |
WBAdminAuth | The WBAdminAuth type allows you to define all the advanced characteristics of the API used to remotely manage a WEBDEV Application Server. |
WBAdminConnection | The WBAdminConnection type is used to get all the advanced characteristics of a connection on the server. This connection can correspond to a session, an AWP request, a schedule task, etc. |
WDPic | The WDPic type is used to define the advanced characteristics of an image in ".wdpic" format. |
WebAddress | The WebAddress type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a site address as well as its type (custom page, blog, ftp, etc.). |
websocketClient | The websocketClient type is used to identify and define all the advanced characteristics of a client connected to a WebSocket server. |
WLanguageCodeCompiling | The WLanguageCodeCompiling type is used to define all the compiler options used by the Compile, ExecuteCode and EvaluateExpression functions, as well as by the Code Editor control (via the Compiler property). |
WLanguageCodeFormatting | The WLanguageCodeFormatting type is used to define all the WLanguage code formatting options. |
wsRequest | The wsRequest type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a Webservice. |
wsResponse | The wsResponse type is used to get:- the XML source code of the Webservice response.
- the value of the different parts of the Webservice response (for the Webservices returning several responses).
xlsCell | An xlsCell variable is used to describe and modify a cell in an Excel document... |
xlsColumn | The xlsColumn type is used to describe and modify a column in an Excel document... |
xlsComment | The xlsComment type is used to defined all the advanced characteristics of a comment in a cell of an XLS file or Spreadsheet control. |
xlsDocument | An xlsDocument variable is used to describe and modify an Excel document... |
xlsLayout | The xlsLayout type is used to define all the layout characteristics of a sheet of an XLSX document in a Spreadsheet control. |
xlsRow | The xlsRow type is used to describe and modify a row in an Excel document... |
xmlAttribute | The xmlAttribute type is used to handle the attributes of a node in an XML document. |
xmlDocument | The xmlDocument type is used to handle an XML file. |
xmlNamespace | The xmlNamespace type is used to handle the XML namespace of a node attribute in an XML document. |
xmlNode | The xmlNode type is used to handle a node of an XML document. |
xmlReader | The xmlReader type is used to read an XML document without loading it in memory. |
xmlSignature | The xmlSignature type is used to define the advanced characteristics of an XML signature. |
xmlSignatureInformationKeyX509 | The xmlSignatureInformationKeyX509 type is used to define the information that must be included in the KeyInfo section of the XML signature. |
xmlSignatureReference | The xmlSignatureReference type is used to add a reference section into the XML signature. |
xpathResult | The xpathResult type is used it find out the result of the execution of an XPATH query. |
YAML | The YAML type simplifies the handling of data in YAML format. |
zipArchive | The zipArchive type is used to handle an archive file in one of the following formats: ZIP, CAB, RAR or WDZ. |
zipArchivedFile | The zipArchivedFile type is used to handle a file found in an archive in one of the following formats: ZIP, CAB, RAR or WDZ or a file to add into an archive. |