- Limitations for the controls used
EmulateMouse (Function) In french: PiloteSouris Simulates a mouse event (left click, right click, double click, ...).
// Click on EDT_TypeLogin edit control EmulateMouse(EDT_TypeLogin, emLeftClick, 3, 10) Â // Type "MARK" in this control EmulateInput(EDT_TypeLogin, "Mark", eiShift) Â // Click the Validate Button control EmulateMouse(EDT_ValidateButton, emLeftClick, 5, 5)
EmulateMouse(<Window or control> , <Action to perform> [, <X> , <Y>])
<Window or control>: Window name or control name Name of window or control on which the mouse event will be performed. <Action to perform>: Integer constant (or combination of constants) Indicates the mouse event to simulate: | | eiAlt | Holds the Alt key down during the action. This constant can be combined with other constants.For compatibility with the earlier versions, you can also use the diAlt constant. | eiControl | Holds the Ctrl key down during the action. This constant can be combined with other constants.For compatibility with the earlier versions, you can also use the diControl constant. | eiShift | Holds the Shift key down during the action. This constant can be combined with other constants.For compatibility with the earlier versions, you can also use the diShift constant. | emLeftButtonDown | Presses the left button. For compatibility with the earlier versions, you can also use the dmLeftButtonDown constant. | emLeftButtonUp | Releases the left button. For compatibility with the earlier versions, you can also use the dmLeftButtonUp constant. | emLeftClick | Performs a left click. For compatibility with the earlier versions, you can also use the dmLeftClick constant. | emLeftDoubleClick | Performs a left double-click. For compatibility with the earlier versions, you can also use the dmLeftDoubleClick constant. | emRightButtonDown | Presses the right button. For compatibility with the earlier versions, you can also use the dmRightButtonDown constant. | emRightButtonUp | Releases the right button. For compatibility with the earlier versions, you can also use the dmRightButtonUp constant. | emRightClick | Performs a right click. For compatibility with the earlier versions, you can also use the dmRightClick constant. | emRightDoubleClick | Performs a right double-click. For compatibility with the earlier versions, you can also use the dmRightDoubleClick constant. |
<X>: Optional integer Horizontal position (or X-coordinate) in pixels where the action must be performed. This position is given in relation to the upper-left corner of the window or control used. <Y>: Optional integer Vertical position (or Y-coordinate) in pixels where the action must be performed. This position is given in relation to the upper-left corner of the window or control used.
Remarks Limitations for the controls used EmulateMouse is not compatible with the following types of controls: - Image control.
- Progress Bar control.
- Static control.
- OLE control.
- Shape control,
- HTML control,
- Web Camera control.
- Conference control.
- Bar Code control.
- Internal Window control
- Chart control.
Caution: EmulateMouse does not work on a non-interactive TSE session. Business / UI classification: UI Code