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Help / WLanguage / Managing databases / HFSQL / HFSQL Client/Server functions
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Stored procedures
Returns information about one or more backups performed on an HFSQL Client/Server server.
The backups have been performed by HBackup (or via the HFSQL Control Center) and they can be restored by HRestoreBackup (or via the HFSQL Control Center).
// Affiche les informations sur les sauvegardes dans un champ Table
sEtat is string = HInfoSauvegarde(gcnxConnexion)
sLig is string
	nInd is int = TableOccurrence(TABLE_Sauvegardes)
	TABLE_Sauvegardes.COL_IDSauvegarde[nInd] = ExtractString(sLig, 1)
	TABLE_Sauvegardes.COL_DateHeure[nInd] = ExtractString(sLig, 2)
	TABLE_Sauvegardes.COL_Filtre[nInd] = ExtractString(sLig, 3)
	TABLE_Sauvegardes.COL_Nom[nInd] = ExtractString(sLig, 4)
	TABLE_Sauvegardes.COL_Description[nInd] = ExtractString(sLig, 5)
	TABLE_Sauvegardes.COL_Etat[nInd] = ...
			SWITCH(Val(ExtractString(sLig, 6)) + 1, "En cours", "Effectuée", "Annulée", "Erreur")
	TABLE_Sauvegardes.COL_PourMille[nInd] = ExtractString(sLig, 7)

Information about the backups performed on the server Hide the details

<Result> = HInfoBackup(<Connection>)
<Result>: Character string
Description of backups performed on the specified server. This description has the following format:
<Identifiant de la sauvegarde 1> + TAB + <Date de la sauvegarde 1> + TAB +
<Fichiers sauvegardés> + TAB + <Chemin de la destination de la sauvegarde 1> + TAB +
<Description> + TAB + <Etat> + TAB + <Pour mille> + TAB + <Message d'erreur> + TAB +
<Type> + TAB + <Nom du serveur> + TAB + <Identifiant de la sauvegarde complète> + TAB +
<Avec index> + TAB + <Compression> + EOT
  • <Files saved> is the list of data saved separated by semicolons (";").
    <Status> corresponds to an integer (or to an Integer constant) used to find out the backup status:
    hBackupCanceled2Backup canceled
    hBackupCompleted1Backup completed
    hBackupError3Error during backup
    hBackupInProgress0Backup in progress
  • <Per thousand> corresponds to the rate of backup completion if the backup is in progress (expressed in per thousand).
  • <Error Message> is the error message if the backup failed.
  • <Type> corresponds to an integer (or to an Integer constant) used to identify the type of backup:
    hBackupDifferential1Differential backup
    hBackupFull0Full backup
  • <Identifier of full backup> corresponds to the identifier of the corresponding full backup in case of differential backup.
  • <Nom du serveur> Backup server name.
  • <Avec index> To find out whether the backup contains:
    • 0 if the backup of indexes was not performed,
    • 1 if the backup of indexes was performed.
  • <Compression>: Constant corresponding to backup compression:
    • zipFormatAucun: the backup is not compressed.
    • zipFormatZip: the backup is compressed.
Note: the separator used between the different descriptions is "EOT" (and not "RC"), as the different description parameters may contain Carriage Returns (RC)..
<Connection>: Character string or Connection variable
Connection to the server whose backups will be listed. This connection corresponds to:

Information about a specific backup Hide the details

<Result> = HInfoBackup(<Connection> , <Backup identifier>)
<Result>: Character string
Description of specified backup on the specified server. This description has the following format:
<Identifiant de la sauvegarde 1> + TAB + <Date de la sauvegarde 1> + TAB +
<Fichiers sauvegardés> + TAB + <Chemin de la destination de la sauvegarde 1> + TAB +
<Description> + TAB + <Etat> + TAB + <Pour mille> + TAB + <Message d'erreur> + TAB +
<Type> + TAB + <Nom du serveur> + TAB + <Identifiant de la sauvegarde complète> + TAB + <Avec index> + TAB +
<Compression> + EOT

  • <Files saved> is the list of data saved separated by semicolons (";").
    <Status> corresponds to an integer (or to an Integer constant) used to find out the backup status:
    hBackupCanceled2Backup canceled
    hBackupCompleted1Backup completed
    hBackupError3Error during backup
    hBackupInProgress0Backup in progress
  • <Per thousand> corresponds to the rate of backup completion if the backup is in progress (expressed in per thousand).
  • <Error Message> is the error message if the backup failed.
    <Type> corresponds to an integer (or to an Integer constant) used to identify the type of backup:
    hBackupDifferential1Differential backup
    hBackupFull0Full backup
  • <Identifier of full backup> corresponds to the identifier of the corresponding full backup in case of differential backup.
  • <Server name> Name of the backup server.
  • <Avec index> To find out whether the backup contains:
    • 0 if the backup of indexes was not performed,
    • 1 if the backup of indexes was performed.
  • <Compression>: Constant corresponding to backup compression:
    • zipFormatAucun: the backup is not compressed.
    • zipFormatZip: the backup is compressed.
Note: the separator used between the different descriptions is "EOT" (and not "RC"), as the different description parameters may contain Carriage Returns (RC)..
<Connection>: Character string or Connection variable
Connection to the server that performed the backup. This connection corresponds to:
<Backup identifier>: Integer
Identifier of the backup for which to get the characteristics. This identifier is returned by HBackup.


  • HInfoBackup is used to list the tasks performed or the current tasks. The scheduled tasks that have not been performed are not listed.
  • The backups performed by the HFSQL Control Center and the ones performed through programming are listed.
  • Dates and times are expressed in universal time (UTC).

Necessary rights

To get in formation about a backup, the user or the group must have:
  • for each database affected by the backup, the rights to perform backups (hRightsBackup constant) or the rights to connect (hRightsConnection or hRightsEncryptedConnection constant).
  • for a full server backup, the rights to perform backups (hRightsBackup constant) on the server.
To find out whether these rights are granted to a user or to a group, use HInfoServerRights or HInfoDatabaseRights.
To modify the rights granted to a user or group of users, use HModifyServerRights or HModifyDatabaseRights.
Related Examples:
WD Duplication Training (WINDEV): WD Duplication
[ + ] This educational example explains how to duplicate a database on a server.
The duplication is performed by programming and it allows you to give a new name to the database.
The example is based on the functions for saving and restoring a HFSQL backup.
Component: wd300hf.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 12
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Last update: 09/20/2024

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