Help / WLanguage / Managing databases / HFSQL / HFSQL Client/Server functions
  • Overview
  • List of functions
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Stored procedures
Note: These functions are also available in prefix syntax (HFSQL Client/Server functions (prefix syntax)).
Several HFSQL functions are used to manage the HFSQL Client/Server data.
These functions are mainly used to:
  • Manage the users and the groups of users (creation, rights, ...)
  • Manage the data files found on the server
  • Manage the referential integrity (functions for managing the links)
  • Manage the server.
List of functions
The following functions are used to manage the HFSQL Client/Server engine:
HActivateServerTriggerRe-enables a server trigger that was disabled by HDeactivateServerTrigger.
HAddGroupAdds a group of users.
HAddLinkAdds an integrity rule between two data files on the server.
HAddScheduledBackupAdds a scheduling for full backup (with or without differential backup) on the server defined by the connection.
HAddScheduledOptimizationAdds an optimization task of HFSQL Client/Server data files.
HAddSchedulingAdds a new scheduled item to an HFSQL server: scheduled task (stored procedure), backup, optimization or refresh of a materialized view.
HAddTaskAdds a scheduled task on the server defined by the connection.
HAddUserAdds a user to a database.
HBackupBacks up the contents of an HFSQL server: all server databases, one or more databases, one or more data files.
HCancelBackupCancels a current backup.
HChangePasswordChanges the password of an HFSQL Classic or HFSQL Client/Server data file.
HCheckServerUpdateChecks for the latest version of the HFSQL server that can be automatically updated.
HClearWorkingDirClears and destroys the temporary directory previously created when HServerWorkingDir was executed.
HConnectionQualityReturns the quality level of the connection: the higher the level is, the faster the connection is.
HCopyFileCopies an HFSQL data file (.fic, .ndx, .ftx, .sdx and .mmo files, if any):
  • from the HFSQL server to the server (to perform a backup for example).
  • from the HFSQL server to the client (to perform a local backup for example).
  • from the client to the HFSQL server (to update the data files for example).
  • from an HFSQL server to antoher HFSQL server.
HCreateServerTriggerAdds or modifies a server trigger on the HFSQL server.
HCS.FrameSizeThe HCS.FrameSize variable is used to resize the outgoing data frame.
HDeactivateServerTriggerDisables an HFSQL Client/Server server trigger on a server.
HDeleteBackupDeletes a backup previously created with HBackup.
HDeleteDatabaseDeletes a database located on an HFSQL server.
HDeleteDirectoryDeletes a directory from an HFSQL Client/Server database.
HDeleteFileDeletes HFSQL data files (.fic, .ndx, .ftx, .sdx and .mmo files, if any) from the server.
HDeleteGroupDeletes (from the server) a group of users associated with a connection.
HDeleteLinkDeletes an integrity rule between two data files on the server.
HDeleteParameterDeletes a parameter previously saved by HSaveParameter.
HDeleteQueryDeletes a query (used by stored procedures) from an HFSQL server.
HDeleteScheduledBackupDeletes a scheduled backup from an HFSQL Client/Server server.
HDeleteScheduledOptimizationDeletes a scheduled optimization task from HFSQL Client/Server data files.
HDeleteSchedulingDelete a scheduled item on an HFSQL server: scheduled task (stored procedure), backup, optimization, refresh of a materialized view.
HDeleteServerTriggerDeletes a server trigger.
HDeleteSetDeletes a set of stored procedures from an HFSQL server.
HDeleteTaskDeletes a scheduled task from an HFSQL Client/Server server.
HDeleteUserDeletes a user associated with a connection to the HFSQL server.
HDescribeServerTriggerAdds or modifies a server trigger.
HDisconnectClientDisplays a message on the Client computer(s) and disconnects the application.
HDropViewDeletes a materialized view from the HFSQL server.
HDuplicateDatabaseDuplicates the database associated with a connection on an HFSQL server.
HEndNoDatabaseAccessRe-allows the access (which means the connection) to one or more databases accessible via a connection.
HExecuteProcedureRuns a stored procedure.
HExecuteScheduledBackupForces the execution of a scheduled backup.
HExecuteSchedulingImmediately executes a scheduled item regardless of its scheduling: scheduled task (stored procedure), backup, optimization, refresh of a materialized view.
HInfoBackupReturns information about one or more backups performed on an HFSQL Client/Server server.
HInfoDatabasePropertyUsed to find out the properties of a database on an HFSQL server.
HInfoDatabaseRightsAllows you to find out the rights granted to a user or to a group on a database.
HInfoFilePropertyAllows you to find out the properties of a data file located in an HFSQL server.
HInfoFileRightsGets the rights granted to a user or group on an HFSQL Client/Server data file.
HInfoGroupReturns information about the specified group of users.
HInfoItemRightsGets the rights granted to a user or group on an item.
HInfoLockReturns information about the lock set on a data file, on one or all the records in a data file.
HInfoLogReturns information about the server logs.
HInfoServerReturns the specified information about the server.
HInfoServerPropertyAllows you to find out the properties of an HFSQL server.
HInfoServerRightsGets the rights granted to a user or group of users on a server.
HInfoTaskReturns the characteristics of a scheduled task in a hScheduledTask variable].
HInfoUserUpdates the variables for user management with the information regarding the specified user.
HInfoViewReturns information about a materialized view.
HInfoViewRightsGets the rights granted to a user or group on an SQL view or on a materialized view.
HListConnectedUserLists users currently connected to one or more data files handled by a Client/Server connection.
HListDatabaseLists the Client/Server databases associated with a connection.
HListGroupReturns the list of groups of users defined for a connection.
New in version 2025
Lists the execution history of a scheduled item on an HFSQL server: scheduled task (stored procedure), backup, optimization, refresh of a materialized view).
HListParameterReturns the list of parameters saved from the stored procedures on the server.
HListScheduledBackupLists the full and differential backups that have been scheduled on HFSQL Client/Server.
HListScheduledOptimizationLists the scheduled optimization tasks of HFSQL Client/Server data files for a connection.
HListSchedulingLists scheduled elements defined on an HFSQL server: scheduled tasks (stored procedure), backup, optimization, refresh of a materialized view.
HListServerLists the HFSQL servers installed on a computer.
HListServerTriggerLists the different triggers available on a connection or on one of the connection files.
HListStoredElementReturns the list of elements stored on an HFSQL server (sets of procedures, stored procedures or queries).
HListTaskLists the scheduled tasks of an HFSQL Client/Server server for a given connection.
HListUserReturns the list of users defined for a connection.
HListWatchedFilesReturns the list of files watched by HWatch.
HLoadParameterReads a parameter that was saved from a stored procedure by HSaveParameter.
HManageServerUpdateAllows you to manage the automatic update of HFSQL Client/Server servers and to define how often to check for updates.
HManageTaskEnables or disables a scheduled task on an HFSQL Client/Server server.
HModifyDatabasePropertyModifies the properties of a database located on an HFSQL server.
HModifyDatabaseRightsSets the rights granted to a user or group for an HFSQL Client/Server database.
HModifyFilePropertyModifies the properties of an HFSQL data file located on a server.
HModifyFileRightsSets the rights granted to a user or group on an HFSQL Client/Server data file.
HModifyGroupModifies the group information according to the elements found in the corresponding variables for group management.
HModifyItemRightsModifies the rights granted to a user or group on an item of an HFSQL Client/Server data file.
HModifyScheduledBackupModifies a backup scheduling.
HModifyScheduledOptimizationModifies a scheduled optimization task on the HFSQL server defined by the connection.
HModifySchedulingModify a scheduled item on an HFSQL server: scheduled task (stored procedure), backup, optimization, refresh of a materialized view.
HModifyServerPropertyModifies the properties of an HFSQL server.
HModifyServerRightsSets the rights granted to a user or group on an HFSQL server.
HModifyTaskModifies a scheduled task on the HFSQL server defined by the connection.
HModifyUserModifies the information about a user according to the elements found in the corresponding variables for user management.
HModifyViewRightsSets the rights granted to a user or group on an SQL view or on a materialized view.
HNoDatabaseAccessDenies all new connections to a database or to all databases.
HNotifAddCCRecipientAdds recipients for the notifications sent via the Control Centers (WDBal messaging tool).
HNotifAddEmailRecipientAdds recipients for the notifications sent by email.
HNotifConfigureSpecifies and configures the server used to send notifications by the HFSQL server.
HNotifDeleteCCRecipientDeletes the recipients of a notification sent via the Control Centers (WDBal messaging tool).
HNotifDeleteEmailRecipientDeletes the recipients of an email notification.
HNotifListCCRecipientReturns the list of recipients of a notification sent via the Control Centers (WDBal messaging tool).
HNotifListEmailRecipientReturns the list of recipients for a notification by email.
HOnServerCallCustomizes the management of message display on the client computer and the management of disconnection from a client computer.
HOperationInProgressReturns the list of automatic operations in progress on an HFSQL server.
HPriorityFinds out and modifies the priority of the calling application.
HPriorityClientModifies the priority of a client application.
HReconnectPerforms a reconnection to the server for all the interrupted connections. The uninterrupted connections are not modified.
HResetClientInitializes the structure for managing the Client computers (HClient structure).
HResetGroupInitializes the structure for group management (HGroup) with the default values.
HResetUserInitializes the structure for user management (HUser) with the default values.
HRestoreBackupUsed to restore:
  • an immediate backup (performed by HBackup or via the HFSQL Control Center),
  • a scheduled backup (described by HAddScheduledBackup or via the HFSQL Control Center.
HRetrieveBackupRetrieves locally the content of a compressed backup (in ZIP format) performed on an HFSQL server.
HRetrieveLogCreates a text file containing the server logs between two given dates.
New in version 2025
HS DeleteAllHistoryPlanning
Purge the entire execution history of scheduled elements on an HFSQL server.
HSaveParameterSaves a persistent value on the HFSQL server.
HSendMessageToClientDisplays a message on the client computers.
HServerMaintenanceChecks and optimizes the system tables of an HFSQL server.
HServerStatusAllows you to find out the status of an HFSQL server (this function uses the MantaManager service).
HServerWorkingDirReturns the path of a temporary directory on the HFSQL server.
HSetCacheUsed to configure the management of caches in the HFSQL Client/Server engine.
HSetServerUsed to find out and modify some settings of HFSQL Client/Server server.
HSimulateNetworkSimulates the operating mode of HFSQL Client/Server on an ADSL or 3G network.
HStartServerAllows you to start an HFSQL server (this function uses the MantaManager service).
HStartServerUpdateUsed to immediately start the automatic server update.
HStopServerStops an HFSQL server.
HSuggestKeyReturns a list of keys to add to data files to improve query performance.
HSuggestKeyEndFinishes collecting information on executed queries.
HSuggestKeyStartStarts collecting information on executed queries.
New in version 2025
Deletes the execution history of a scheduled item on an HFSQL server: scheduled task (stored procedure), backup, optimization, refresh of a materialized view.).
HTransactionIsolationConfigures the isolation level of transactions for a connection to an HFSQL server.
HTransactionListReturns the list of current or interrupted transactions on the server for the specified connection.
HTransactionRollbackToSavepointRolls the transaction back to the savepoint.
HTransactionSavepointDeclares a transaction savepoint.
HUpdateLinkUpdates on the server all the links of an HFSQL Client/Server data file.
HUpdateQueryCreates or updates a query on an HFSQL server.
HUpdateSetCreates or updates a set of procedures on an HFSQL server.
HUpdateViewCreates or updates the description of an SQL view or materialized view from the analysis to an HFSQL server.
HWatchStarts watching write actions (add, modify or delete) performed on a file in an HFSQL server.
HWatchStopStops watching a data file on an HFSQL server.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 10/30/2024

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