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Stored procedures
Retrieves the number and the name of the files "dropped" from the explorer.
Remark: To get information from the explorer, the dialog must have been initialized by ExplorerAccept.
Nb = ExplorerRetrieve(_EVE.wParam)
// Retrieve all the files
FOR i = 1 TO Nb
Trace(ExplorerRetrieve(_EVE.wParam, i))

Retrieving the number of dropped files Hide the details

<Result> = ExplorerRetrieve(<Message>)
<Result>: Integer
Number of selected files.
<Message>: System integer
First parameter of the WM_DROPFILES message (returned by the explorer to the WINDEV window or control), which means _EVE.wParam.

Retrieving the name of the dropped files one by one Hide the details

<Result> = ExplorerRetrieve(<Message> , <Number>)
<Result>: Character string
Name and path of the dropped file.
<Message>: System integer
First parameter of the WM_DROPFILES message (returned by the explorer to the WINDEV window or control), which means _EVE.wParam.
<Number>: Integer
Index of file whose name must be retrieved.
When a "Drag and Drop" is performed between the explorer and a WINDEV window (or control), the explorer sends the WM_DROPFILES message to the relevant target. The first parameter of this message (_EVE.wParam) used in ExplorerRetrieve returns the content of the "Drag and Drop" operation (number and name of the selected files).
  • The number and the name of the files selected in the explorer cannot be retrieved if no "Drag and Drop" operation is performed between the explorer and a WINDEV window.
  • The WM_DROPFILES constant is defined in the Winconst.wl file supplied in the "Personal\External" subdirectory and it is set to 0x233.
Component: wd300std.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/01/2023

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