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Stored procedures
Remark: These functions are also available in prefix syntax (HTTP functions (prefix syntax)).
The following functions are used to handle the Internet pages, to send HTTP forms, ...:
HTTPAddFileAdds a file to the HTTP form.
HTTPAddParameterAdds a parameter to an HTTP form.
HTTPCancelFormCancels the declaration of an HTTP form and frees all its resources.
HTTPCertificateModifies the client certificate used by default to identify oneself on a server.
HTTPConfigureConfigures the functions that use the HTTP protocol.
HTTPCookieGetRetrieves the cookies read by a call:
HTTPCookieManageEnables or disables the management of cookies in an HTTP request run:
HTTPCookieReadReturns the value of a cookie received further to an HTTP request.
HTTPCookieReplaceReplaces all the cookies stored for a domain:
HTTPCookieResetDeletes all cookies (globally or for a domain) stored:
HTTPCookieWriteAdds or modifies a cookie in an HTTP request.
HTTPCreateFormCreates an HTTP form.
HTTPDestinationIndicates the backup file for the result of next HTTP request, run in the same thread.
HTTPGetResultRetrieves the result or the header of last HTTP request run.
HTTPListCertificateLists the client certificates found on the computer to authenticate on a server.
HTTPProgressBarDisplays a progress bar when:
  • receiving the response to an HTTP request.
  • sending an HTTP form (HTTPSendForm) or an HTTP query.
HTTPRequestStarts an HTTP request on a server.
HTTPResetFormClears an HTTP form that is currently edited.
HTTPSendSends an HTTP request and waits for the response from the HTTP server.
HTTPSendFormSends an HTTP form.
HTTPSimulateNetworkSimulates a slow network by limiting the download and upload speed.
HTTPTimeOutSets the timeout for WLanguage functions that use the HTTP protocol (HTTPRequest, SOAPExecute, DotNetExecute, J2EEExecute, etc.).
InternetConnectedDefines whether an Internet connection is enabled on the current computer. In mobile, you can also be notified when the status of the Internet connection changes.
OpenAPIToHTTPBuilds the HTTP request to call a function of an API. It can then be sent using HTTPSend.
ProxySpecifies whether the communication functions that use HTTP or HTTPS must go through a proxy to execute their requests. A proxy is used to share the access to Internet between the different network computers.
RESTSendSends a REST request and waits for the server response.
The following advanced types can be used with the HTTP functions:
CookieThe Cookie type is used to handle the cookies transmitted in the HTTP requests.
httpProgressThe httpProgress type is used to manage the progress when sending or receiving an HTTP request.
httpRequestThe httpRequest type is used to retrieve the advanced characteristics of an HTTP/HTTPS request.
httpResponseThe httpResponse type is used to get the advanced characteristics of the response of the HTTP/HTTPS request.
restRequestThe restRequest type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a REST request.
restResponseThe restResponse type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a REST response.
Related Examples:
WD HTTP Proxy Complete examples (WINDEV): WD HTTP Proxy
[ + ] This WINDEV example is a simplified HTTP proxy.
You can save connections and find out which pages were viewed.
WD Trace Socket Sample components (WINDEV): WD Trace Socket
[ + ] The purpose of this example is to trace everything that occurs on a communication via socket, on a specific address, on a specific port. This example allows you to understand the principle of dialog via socket between two applications.
Therefore, in the applications that dialog via socket, even if no trace option as implemented by the developers, you will have he ability to view all the exchanges performed on the socket.
This example also enables you to understand the operating mode of the network protocols based on the sockets: POP3, SMTP, FTP, HTTP, and so on.
Note for the users who are experienced in network communication:
This example does not allow you to trace the UDP packages (only the TCP communications can be traced).
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/22/2023

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