New WINDEV SaaS feature!
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  • Overview
  • New WLanguage functions
  • Improved WLanguage functions
  • New WLanguage properties
  • Improved WLanguage properties
  • New advanced types of WLanguage
  • Improved advanced WLanguage types
WindowsLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac CatalystUniversal Windows 10 App
Stored procedures
Version SaaS includes new and improved functions, properties and data types.
New WLanguage functions
WINDEVWindows New WLanguage functions for WINDEV applications on Windows:
AuthLogoutDéconnexion d'un utilisateur.
AuthRevokeTokenDéconnecte un utilisateur.
BTLECharacteristicChangeOfValueEnables or disables the detection regarding the change of value for a Bluetooth Low Energy characteristic.
ControlRectangleReturns a rectangle corresponding to the specified area of a control.
DocClearFormattingReplaces the current formatting of a selection with the default formatting.
DocFormatPainterModeEnables the format painter mode in the Word Processing control or determines if this mode is enabled.
EmailAppGetArchitectureRenvois l'architecture (x32 / x64 ) du mailer par defaut de la machine
FenOptimisechanger le mode de création / dessin des fenêtres
HImportCSVRebond sur HImporteTexte.
PDFExtractCreates a new PDF document from individual pages extracted from an existing PDF file.
RepeatedZoneAddFIDBeginAdds a repeat (or line) consisting of an internal window to the first repeat of a field Infinite Repeat Zone. The repeat is inserted before the first repeat in the Repeated zone field.. The scroll position of the Repeated zone field remains unchanged.
RepeatedZoneAddStartAdds a repeat (or line) at the beginning of a field Infinite repeat zone. The repeat is inserted before the first repeat in the Repeated zone field.. The scroll position of the Repeated zone field remains unchanged.
TableAddAdds a row in:
  • a Table control,
  • a TreeView Table control,
  • a Combo Box control "with table" (Table control displayed in a Combo Box control).
New WLanguage functions for WINDEV applications on Windows (prefix syntax):
<AuthToken>- DisconnectUser disconnection.
<AuthToken>RevokesRevokes a JWT token.
<btleCharacteristic variable>.ChangeOfValueEnables or disables the detection regarding the change of value for a Bluetooth Low Energy characteristic.
<Control>.RectangleReturns the coordinates of the rectangle corresponding to the specified area of a control.
<docFragment variable>.ClearFormattingReplaces the current formatting of a selection with the default formatting.
<Etat>.InitEtatVersoInitializes the parameters of the report to be printed on the reverse side of another report.
<pdfDocument variable>.ExtractCreates a new PDF document from individual pages extracted from an existing PDF file.
<Scheduler>.BackgroundColorDefines a background color for a time period in a Scheduler control (time period corresponding to lunch time, a public holiday, etc.).
<Source>.ImportCSVImports a CSV file into a data file in HFSQL Classic or Client/Server format (data file described in the analysis editor, or declared by the HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDecritFile functions).
<Table>.AddBeginningAdds a row at the top of an Infinite Table control. The row is inserted before the first row of the Table control. The scroll position of the Table control doesn't change.
<Word Processing>.ClearFormattingReplaces the current formatting of a selection in a Word Processing control with the default formatting.
<Word Processing>.FormatPainterModeEnables the format painter mode in the Word Processing control or determines if this mode is enabled.
<Zone répétée>AddFIDbeginAdds a repeat (or line) consisting of an internal window to the first repeat of a field Infinite Repeat Zone. The repeat is inserted before the first repeat in the Repeated zone field.. The scroll position of the Repeated zone field remains unchanged.
<Zone répétée>AddStartAdds a repeat (or line) at the beginning of a field Infinite repeat zone. The repeat is inserted before the first repeat in the Repeated zone field.. The scroll position of the Repeated zone field remains unchanged.
WINDEVLinux New WLanguage functions for WINDEV applications on Linux:
AuthRevokeTokenDéconnecte un utilisateur.
ControlRectangleReturns a rectangle corresponding to the specified area of a control.
DocClearFormattingReplaces the current formatting of a selection with the default formatting.
HImportCSVRebond sur HImporteTexte.
iAddBookmarkAdds a bookmark in the report viewer or when exporting to PDF.
PDFExtractCreates a new PDF document from individual pages extracted from an existing PDF file.
New WLanguage functions for WINDEV applications on Linux (prefix syntax):
<AuthToken>RevokesRevokes a JWT token.
<Control>.RectangleReturns the coordinates of the rectangle corresponding to the specified area of a control.
<docFragment variable>.ClearFormattingReplaces the current formatting of a selection with the default formatting.
<Etat>.InitEtatVersoInitializes the parameters of the report to be printed on the reverse side of another report.
<pdfDocument variable>.ExtractCreates a new PDF document from individual pages extracted from an existing PDF file.
<Source>.ImportCSVImports a CSV file into a data file in HFSQL Classic or Client/Server format (data file described in the analysis editor, or declared by the HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDecritFile functions).
<Word Processing>.ClearFormattingReplaces the current formatting of a selection in a Word Processing control with the default formatting.
WINDEVJava New WLanguage functions for WINDEV applications for Java:
RepeatedZoneAddStartAdds a repeat (or line) at the beginning of a field Infinite repeat zone. The repeat is inserted before the first repeat in the Repeated zone field.. The scroll position of the Repeated zone field remains unchanged.
TableAddBeginningAdds a row at the top of an Infinite Table control. The row is inserted before the first row of the Table control. The scroll position of the Table control doesn't change.
New WLanguage functions for WINDEV applications for Java (prefix syntax):
<Table>.AddBeginningAdds a row at the top of an Infinite Table control. The row is inserted before the first row of the Table control. The scroll position of the Table control doesn't change.
<Zone répétée>AddStartAdds a repeat (or line) at the beginning of a field Infinite repeat zone. The repeat is inserted before the first repeat in the Repeated zone field.. The scroll position of the Repeated zone field remains unchanged.
Improved WLanguage functions
WINDEVWindowsLinux The following functions have been modified in this version:
DecryptStandardThe cryptAES192 constant allows you to use the AES-192 encryption algorithm.
DocToPDFLinks are preserved when a document is exported to PDF.
DriveListFileThe fdFullInformation constant is used to get detailed information on the files listed.
DriveListFileGglThe fdFullInformation constant is used to get detailed information on the files listed.
EncryptStandardThe cryptAES192 constant allows you to use the AES-192 encryption algorithm.
iAddAttachmentNew constants for specifying the value of the AFRelationship key, required to use Factur-X.
InitRandomThis function now returns the random seed used.
New WLanguage properties
WINDEVWindows New WLanguage properties:
DisplayedValueComboBoxThe DisplayedValueComboBox property gets and sets the value displayed in a Combo Box control, i.e., the value displayed when the row that contains that value is selected.
InvalidInputThe InvalidInput determines if a control prevents the user from leaving when they enter invalid data.
PaneVisibleByDefaultThe PaneVisibleByDefault property determines if the image editor pane is visible by default.
Improved WLanguage properties
WINDEVWindows The following WLanguage properties have been improved:
MandatoryInputThe MandatoryInput property can now be used on a given control with mandatory input to determine whether or not it prevents the user from leaving. New constants available.
New advanced types of WLanguage
WINDEVWindows New advanced types available for WINDEV applications:
pdfControlThe pdfControl type is used to get all the characteristics and values of a control present in a PDF form.
pdfControlOptionThe pdfControlOption type is used to get and set the following characteristics of an option of a control present in a PDF form:
  • option caption.
  • selected or deselected state of the option.
WINDEVLinux New advanced types available for WINDEV applications in Linux:
pdfControlThe pdfControl type is used to get all the characteristics and values of a control present in a PDF form.
pdfControlOptionThe pdfControlOption type is used to get and set the following characteristics of an option of a control present in a PDF form:
  • option caption.
  • selected or deselected state of the option.
Improved advanced WLanguage types
WINDEVWindowsLinux The following advanced types have been improved for WINDEV applications:
  • New DateLastModified property: Date and time a Google file was last modified.
  • New Size property: Google file size.
  • New LogoutURL property: Web service logout URL (if supported).
  • New RevocationURL property: Web service revocation URL (if supported).
pdfPageThe new Control property lists the controls present in the page.
sshSessionThe new KeepAliveInterval property keeps a connection open and sets the interval between requests to check the connection is still active.
xmlNodeThe Exist property is now available in write mode and can be used to force the creation of an empty node.
Minimum version required
  • Version SaaS
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Last update: 07/16/2024

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