Ayuda / WLanguage / Funciones WLanguage / Controles, páginas y ventanas / Funciones de cadenas gráficas
  • Gradient parameters
  • Background color
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Stored procedures
gBackgroundGradient (Function)
In french: gFondDégradé
Describes a display color in gradient mode. This color can be used for the background of the text displayed in an element of a List Box or Combo Box control, for a table cell, etc.
Caution: This function cannot be directly used for the background of a window (see the example below).
// Add the "Yellow" word on a gradient background (from red to green) into "LIST_ColorList"
ListAdd(LIST_ColorList, gBackgroundGradient(LightRed, LightGreen) + "Yellow")
// Caption with text on gradient background
STC_Element.Caption = gBackgroundGradient(RGB(166, 223, 98), RGB(87, 171, 47)) + gPen(LightRed) + ...
"Caption with gradient background"
// Example used to apply a gradient window background.
// Use an off-screen image control whose size is identical to the window size (IMG_Gradient)
MyImage is string
MyImage = CompleteDir(fExeDir()) + "BckgrdImage.JPG"
IF fFileExist(MyImage) = True THEN fDelete(MyImage)
IMG_Gradient = gBackgroundGradient(PastelRed, PastelBlue, 70)
dSaveImageJPEG(IMG_Gradient, MyImage, 65)
WIN_Widow1.BackgroundImage = MyImage
<Result> = gBackgroundGradient(<Start color> , <End color> [, <Angle> [, <Color 3> [, <Distance color 3> [, <Color 4> [, <Distance color 4>]]]]])
<Result>: Character string
Control string to be used:
<Start color>: Integer or constant
Start color of the gradient. This color can correspond to:
<End color>: Integer or constant
End color of the gradient. This color can correspond to:
<Angle>: Optional integer
Angle that will be used for the selection of colors in the gradient. The angle value is included between 0 (horizontal angle, default value) and 360°.
<Color 3>: Optional constant or integer
Color that will be used in the gradient. This color can correspond to:
<Distance color 3>: Optional integer
Percentage separating the start color from color 3.
<Color 4>: Optional constant or integer
Color that will be used in the gradient. This color can correspond to:
<Distance color 4>: Optional integer
Percentage separating the start color from color 4.

Gradient parameters

The color parameters are used as follows:
The angle is used to define the orientation of the gradient.
The gradients performed with 3 or 4 colors are only available for an angle set to 0 or 90 degrees.
Remark: On some systems (e.g., 256-color Remote Desktop Connection), gradients are not available. In this case, a rectangle whose color corresponds to <Start color> is displayed.

Background color

  • gBackgroundGradient can be used to define the background of a clickable area in the title bar and status bar of a window or in a Static control.
  • When gBackgroundGradient is called with the Transparent constant, text can overlay an image.
Component: wd290obj.dll
Versión mínima requerida
  • Versión 12
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Última modificación: 07/06/2022

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