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Help / Automatic Application Features (AAF) / AAF on Tables/TreeView Tables
  • Overview
  • Remember break state
  • Programming
  • Forcing the storage of breaks
  • Preventing from storing breaks
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Stored procedures
When an end user is working on a complex Table or RepeatString field with many breaks, he may want to memorize the current presentation: unfolded break, folded break, ....
Remember break state
To save the state of the current breaks, select "Remember break state" in the context menu of the rows in the Table or Looper control. In this case, when closing the window, the breaks will be saved in their current state (expanded/collapsed). These breaks will be automatically re-applied during the next window opening.
To no longer save the state of the current breaks, select "Remember break state" in the context menu of the rows in the Table or Looper control.

Forcing the storage of breaks

To save the state of the breaks in a Table or Looper control, use AAFExecute with the aafSaveBreakStatus constant.
For example:
// Checks by default the option for storing breaks
AAFExecute(TABLE_Customer, aafSaveBreakStatus)

Preventing from storing breaks

To no longer save the state of the breaks in a Table or Looper control, use AAFDisable with the aafSaveBreakStatus constant.
For example:
// No storage of breaks
AAFDisable(TABLE_Customer, aafSaveBreakStatus)
Minimum version required
  • Version 20
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Last update: 09/30/2024

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