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Help / Developing an application or website / Controls, windows and pages / Controls: Available types / Table control
  • Overview
  • AAFs available in the context menu of Table and TreeView Table controls
  • Configuring the automatic context menu of Table and Treeview Table controls
  • Configuring the automatic menu in a Table/Treeview Table control
  • Configuring the "Select columns..." option
  • Set certain options by programming: Management functions Automatic functions
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WINDEV applications automatically include a context menu for Table controls, TreeView Table controls and their columns.
This context menu, available without programming, presents a number of useful functions for the user: these are part of your Applications Automation Features (AAF).
This menu allows the user to easily perform several processes not necessarily planned in the application.
Note: The context menu for Table and TreeView Table control fields adapts to the current element.. A special context menu appears when you right-click on:
  • column headers.
  • a Text cell.
  • a Numerical cell.
  • a break.
The context menu for the entire field is displayed via the "arrow" icon () at the top right of the field (above the scrollbar)..
AAFs available in the context menu of Table and TreeView Table controls
The system context menu (also known as the "AIF menu") associated by default with the Table and Hierarchical Table fields offers a number of options.
Example of a context menu for a Text column
Example of a context menu for a Text column
In this example, the most common options are directly accessible, and the "Others" option gives access to all available options..
The various options available in the different context menus are as follows:
For breakages, the context menu contains the following option:
  • The Table and TreeView Table controls propose several other AAFs.
  • You have the ability to add choices to this menu:
    • from the editor (see below).
    • programmatically. To do so, use the ContextMenu property.
Configuring the automatic context menu of Table and Treeview Table controls

Configuring the automatic menu in a Table/Treeview Table control

The context menu of the control can be disabled. To configure the display of the context menu:
  1. Open the control description window.
  2. Select the "UI" tab.
  3. Choose the desired menu in the "Context menu" combo box:
You can choose to display:
  • the system menu (AAF menu). The options can be configured with the "Parameters" option. This menu can be displayed or not.
  • a custom context menu. This menu can be displayed on its own or in addition to the system menu. In this case, you can specify whether this menu must be displayed before or after the system menu. For more details, see Managing context menus.
  • no menu.
Remark: The same configuration can be performed for the Table field columns.. By default, the context menu of the Table control is associated with all the columns.

Configuring the "Select columns..." option

In some case, you may not want to give the user the ability to hide the columns. To do so, the "Select columns..." option can be enabled or disabled:
  1. Open the control description window.
  2. Select the "Details" tab.
  3. Check or uncheck "'Select columns...' menu".

Set certain options by programming: Management functions Automatic functions

Several WLanguage functions are used to manage the display of some options in the system context menu of the Table or TreeView Table control:
AAFDisableDisables an Automatic Application Feature (AAF) on a control, window or on the current application.
AAFExecuteRuns an Automatic Application Feature (AAF) on a control or window. This function can be used to start the spelling checker on an edit control for example.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/21/2024

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