- Overview
- Coloring an element
- Programming
- Programming the color of cells, rows, ...
- Disabling colors on the elements of a control
- Modifying the caption of the "Background color" option in the context menu
Coloring a row, a column or a cell found in a control (AAF)
To simplify the reading in the controls used to view large volumes of data, the end user has the ability to color the data found in the control. The data displayed in the following controls can be colored: - Table control: cell, row, column
- TreeView Table control: cell, row, column
- Pivot Table control: cell or multi-selection of cells.
Remark: This option is only available for controls populated programmatically or with in-memory data source. This option is not available for Table controls with direct access to the data source. To color a row, column, cell, ...: - Select the element to color in the control.
- Select "Background color" in the context menu of element and select the requested color in the list.
The "Default color" option is used to restore the initial color. Remark: The selected color is available when displaying the control only. This information will not be stored when closing the window. Programming the color of cells, rows, ... The colors of a Table control (background color of rows, cells) can be modified through programming with the following properties: For more details on the syntaxes to use, see Defining colors in Table controls. Disabling colors on the elements of a control To disable colors on the elements of a control, use AAFDisable with the aafChangeBackgroundColor constant. The menu option will not be proposed. For example:
AAFDisable(TABLE_Customer, aafChangeBackgroundColor)
Modifying the caption of the "Background color" option in the context menu The caption of the menu option allowing the user to modify the background color is "Background color". To modify this caption, use AAFChangeCaption associated with the aafChangeBackgroundColor constant. For example:
AAFChangeCaption(TABLE_Customer, aafChangeBackgroundColor, "Choose a background color")